Noman Dhoni

Noman Dhoni I am fulltime student and play games a little amount.

গত কিছু দিন ধরেই Eye Strain এর সমস্যায় ভুগতেছিলাম। পরে অনলাইনে খুজে 20 20 20 নামে একটা Scientific Rules পাই, যেটা Follow...

গত কিছু দিন ধরেই Eye Strain এর সমস্যায় ভুগতেছিলাম। পরে অনলাইনে খুজে 20 20 20 নামে একটা Scientific Rules পাই, যেটা Follow করলে এই সমস্যা কমানো যায়।

Rule টা হলোঃ একটানা Screen এর দিকে তাকিয়ে না থেকে 20 মিনিট পর পর মিনিমাম 20 feet দূরে কোথাও 20 সেকেন্ডের জন্য তাকিয়ে থাকা।

তাই 20 minute পর পর Full Screen Alert দেওয়ার জন্য Python দিয়ে ছোট্ট একটি App বানিয়ে ফেলি।

আপনারা ট্রাই করে দেখতে পারেন। একদম Lightweight একটি App
[ Contribution and Feedback is always welcomed ]

GitHub Link:

🎉🎉 Incredible news! 🎉🎉We're thrilled to announce that Blink Eye has crossed the 100 Downloads threshold! 🚀👀A huge thank ...

🎉🎉 Incredible news! 🎉🎉

We're thrilled to announce that Blink Eye has crossed the 100 Downloads threshold! 🚀👀

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Your downloads, feedback, and enthusiasm keep us motivated to continue improving Blink Eye and promoting eye health for all.

Here's to the next milestone! 🥳

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In today's digital age, we're constantly glued to screens, often leading to eye strain issues. But fear not! Introducing Blink Eye - your solution to combatting prolonged screen time.

Ever heard of the 20-20-20 rule? Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break, and look 20 feet away. It's a simple yet effective way to alleviate eye strain.
With Blink Eye, now following this rule is easier than ever. Our app reminds you to take those much-needed breaks, helping you maintain better eye health amidst your digital lifestyle.

Can't wait to hear your feedback and see how Blink Eye contributes to saving your adorable eyes!

Blink Eye is completely Open Source, So [Download The Blink Eye APP Today]
Feel free to give us a star ⭐

We are live on Product Hunt. If you like our Blink Eye App give your precious upvote and your feedback, how we can impro...

We are live on Product Hunt. If you like our Blink Eye
App give your precious upvote and your feedback, how we can improve and what feature do you need most.


আজ ২৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪,
এই দিনটা আবার ৪ বছর পরে আসবে। তাই নিজের উদ্দেশে কিছু কথা লিখে রাখি আবার ৪ বছর পর স্মৃতি হয়ে সামনে আসলে হিসেব মিলেয়ে দেখবো কি অবস্থা।

১। পড়ালেখা নিয়ে একটু পেরা খাচ্ছি গ্রুপ চেইঞ্জ করে, পরীক্ষা খারাপ হচ্ছে।

২। প্রোগ্রামিং এর দিক দিয়ে হিসেব করলে বর্তমানে আছি Front-End ডেভেলপার এর স্কিল নিয়ে [ JS, TS, React.JS, Next.js]

৩। এখন চেষ্টা করতেসি GSoC 2024 এ সিলেক্টেড হবার জন্য, গত বছর লাক ফেভার করে নাই, ফার্স্ট টাইমে সিলেক্ট হতে পারি নাই, দেখি এইবার কি হয়।

৪। আর বর্তমানে জব খুজতেসি, জুনিয়র সফটওয়্যার ডেভেলপার রোলে জইন করার জন্য। এইদিকে, Massive Layoff, Ai এই দুইটা জিনিস দিনদিন বাধা হয়ে দাড়াইতেসে।

৫। Family এর responsibility নিতে হবে, এই চিন্তা ধীরে ধীরে মাথায় যেঁকে বসতেছে, তাও মাঝে মাঝে এই চিন্তা ভুলে গিয়ে অনর্থক কাজ করে বেড়াই।

৬। Inconsistent হয়ে যাই কোনো কিছু নিয়ে একাধারে মাসের পর মাস একটা জিনিস নিয়ে পড়ে থাকা একটু কঠিন হয়ে যাচ্ছে। কিন্তু Family থেকে আলহামদুলিল্লাহ যথেষ্টো support আছে।

৭। Relationship status এর কথা বলতে গেলে একদম পিওর Single, দেখি আবার যখন এই লিখা ৪ বছর পর ঘুরে আসবে তখন কি থাকে।

৮। ফান বলতে গেলে এখন ডিজিটাল কন্টেন্ট এর মাধ্যমেই মনোরঞ্জন হচ্ছে। মিমস এবং অন্যান্য জিনিস দেখে।

এইতো এই মিলিয়েই জীবন চলতেছে, Jobless, Penniless, Educationless, Loverless, Colorless.

দেখি কি হয়, আল্লাহ কি রাখছেন কপালে, দেখা হবে ৪ বছর ট্রান্সফরমেশন Challenge এর পর।

যদি আপনি পড়তে পড়তে এতো নিচে চলে আসেন, তাহলে আপনার জন্য ও শুভ কামনা রইলো। আমার জন্য ও দোয়া করবেন।

Lesson from the Self-Worth Lecture:📍 We are special creations of Allah - Allah made us with a unique balance that lets u...

Lesson from the Self-Worth Lecture:

📍 We are special creations of Allah - Allah made us with a unique balance that lets us manage our personal and family needs. We also have a unique spiritual bond with Allah.

📍 Self-worth is a gift and a test - Allah has honored us in ways that even amaze the angels. But Iblis tries to make us feel worthless. He wants us to see ourselves as he does, which can destroy our self-worth.

📍 Balance confidence and humility - We should value ourselves and aim to improve. But if we focus too much on what we've been given, not what we've worked for, we can become arrogant. Also, being too humble can lead to inaction or harm. We should find worth in what we give to Allah, not seek validation from others.

📍 Learn and contribute to enhance self-worth - Allah gave us the ability to balance our impulses, emotions, and thoughts. We should use this to learn, share wisdom, and enrich ourselves and the world. No one is worthless, and we shouldn't let self-hatred turn into arrogance.


Self-Worth Lessons I have to follow:

=> Iblis tries to lower your self-esteem - One of Iblis’s main tactics is to make you doubt your self-worth.

=> Balance confidence and humility - You need to strike a balance between confidence and humility. Too much self-worth can make you arrogant, while too much humility can make you feel insignificant.

=> Balance between dirt and Ruh - Allah mentioned both dirt and Ruh (spirit), showing a balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of our existence.

=> Life is a struggle for balance - Our whole life should be a journey to find and maintain this balance.

=> Don’t seek validation from others, but accept feedback - Don’t rely on social media for self-worth. Find happiness within. This doesn’t mean ignoring others. If balanced, you can take constructive criticism. Your value is more than others’ perceptions or reactions.


Small dive in the Python documentation.

Code Report📜Day 181. Revisited JavaScript event loop and how callback functions does work.2. Did an News App assignment ...

Code Report📜
Day 18
1. Revisited JavaScript event loop and how callback functions does work.
2. Did an News App assignment as Figma to HTML and Used API to call news from server.
3. You can see the repo in my github, & I've created an issue, feel free to fork the project and solve that.

Code Report📜Day 171. Practiced with some React and made some concepts strong.2. Did some C++ programming also and learne...

Code Report📜
Day 17
1. Practiced with some React and made some concepts strong.
2. Did some C++ programming also and learned buffer and non arithmetic operators
3. Revised Some CSS , I thought I forgot some CSS

Code Report📜Day 161. Practiced with some free API in React.2. Got stuck why 'useEffect()' is fetching the API twice and ...

Code Report📜
Day 16
1. Practiced with some free API in React.
2. Got stuck why 'useEffect()' is fetching the API twice and Rendering twice
3. And that was feature of React v18 Development feature. I have to practice more.

Code Report📜Day 151. Deep dived into some Concepts of React and went through a lot article.2. Dived into props and saw h...

Code Report📜
Day 15
1. Deep dived into some Concepts of React and went through a lot article.
2. Dived into props and saw how it is working, how is it return an Object in functional and class component
3. Dived into useState() and did some practice on nested component

Code Report📜Day 141. A dip of React core concepts introduction2. Learned about components, hook, state, fetching data by...

Code Report📜
Day 14
1. A dip of React core concepts introduction
2. Learned about components, hook, state, fetching data by useEffect()
3. Practiced with some components, useState(), useEffect()

Code Report📜Day 131. Learned the core concepts of every Framework2. Introduction to React JS3. Explored a new FullStack ...

Code Report📜
Day 13
1. Learned the core concepts of every Framework
2. Introduction to React JS
3. Explored a new FullStack resource in University of Helsinki

Code Report📜Day 121. This was my API day, practiced with lots of free API.2. Used,, api....

Code Report📜
Day 12
1. This was my API day, practiced with lots of free API.
2. Used,,
3. Used,, jsonplaceholder and many more

Code Report📜Day 111. Did some Practice on API and Made 2 Projects2. Made Weather App and Dashboard by using Open Weather...

Code Report📜

Day 11

1. Did some Practice on API and Made 2 Projects

2. Made Weather App and Dashboard by using Open Weather API

3. Weather App will show temperature, sky condition

Code Report📜Day 101. JavaScript  recap day, Revisited all concepts.2. if-else, All methods of array, for & while loop, s...

Code Report📜
Day 10
1. JavaScript recap day, Revisited all concepts.
2. if-else, All methods of array, for & while loop, spread operator, ES6
3.Functions => default parameter, declare, return and many more.
4. Arrow, Template, this, map, filter, find, API, local & Session storage

Code Report📜Day 91. Just explored browser based Debugging tools and many tips Nothing very much Excuse of the day is Cou...

Code Report📜
Day 9
1. Just explored browser based Debugging tools and many tips Nothing very much

Excuse of the day is Country went blackout for national power grid system failure.

World's Animal Day

World's Animal Day

Code Report📜Day 81. Browser API, History API, Local Storage, Session Storage.2. Url query,   link, and Learned some term...

Code Report📜
Day 8
1. Browser API, History API, Local Storage, Session Storage.
2. Url query, link, and Learned some terminal tools.
3. Touched a lot of topics Dom Tree, Alert, Prompt, Cookies

Code Report📜Day 71. Dived into Object and learned .bind(), .apply(), .call()2. Class to generate same patterned object, ...

Code Report📜
Day 7
1. Dived into Object and learned .bind(), .apply(), .call()
2. Class to generate same patterned object, new, constuctor.
3. Revisited Event loop, setTimeOut, setInterval,Time calculation, async, await

Code Report📜Day 61. Introduction to API2. Practiced some coding with GET, POST, DELETE, PUT3. Little bit of JSON, fetch,...

Code Report📜
Day 6
1. Introduction to API
2. Practiced some coding with GET, POST, DELETE, PUT
3. Little bit of JSON, fetch, then, async, await and many more

Code Report 📜Day 51. Deep dived  into ES6, Revisited last topics2. Dived into hoisting, scope, global vs local3. Dived i...

Code Report 📜
Day 5
1. Deep dived into ES6, Revisited last topics
2. Dived into hoisting, scope, global vs local
3. Dived into class, extends, foreach, reduce

Code Report 📜Day 41. Learned argument, callback, hoisting, closure2. Learned undefined, passby, tripple equal ===3. Lear...

Code Report 📜
Day 4
1. Learned argument, callback, hoisting, closure
2. Learned undefined, passby, tripple equal ===
3. Learned foreach, true-false, .find, .filter, .map

Code Report 📜Day 3Explored some Modern JavaScript ES6 2015and dived into some of my old code from GitHub

Code Report 📜
Day 3
Explored some Modern JavaScript ES6 2015
and dived into some of my old code from GitHub

Code Report📜Day 21. Done a simple JavaScript Project 'OTP Matcher'2. Implemented Math.random() in that project. Project ...

Code Report📜
Day 2
1. Done a simple JavaScript Project 'OTP Matcher'
2. Implemented Math.random() in that project. Project is published on my GitHub.

Code Report 📜Day 1I have experience in Front-End Development, and little bit knowledge in C++.Today I Revised Basic Conc...

Code Report 📜
Day 1
I have experience in Front-End Development, and little bit knowledge in C++.
Today I Revised Basic Concepts after a long break.
I am following the 100days of Code Notion Template to track this Journey


Test Drive in the mountains of MEXICO
from Bangladesh
Part - 04



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