If you have not had a chance to listen to the Easter Sunday Special, listen to this small Clip of the Homily of Bishop Edward C. Malesic teaching us something very important about the resurrection!
Share the good news with those you love! And may the resurrection of our Lord inspire in us a new way of loving like he loves us!
Happy Easter Sunday! May God Bless you all! And Rejoice for Christ has Risen! Rejoice because this is the day the Lord has made! ❤️✨
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✨Good Friday✨
The day where we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary.
In this Holy week we celebrate Good Friday in remembering the sacrifice Jesus did for us. Full of love and compassion even on the cross I challenge you all to make sometime tonight to meditate on his passion. The Passion of Christ. In the Holy week special episode of the podcast we dive into Jesus's Passion. We read what was going on in the world surrounding him, how he was turned in and how he endured his great suffering for love of us.
This Friday is called Good Friday because it even though it is about the death of Jesus, as terrible as it was. Good Friday marks the dramatic culmination of God’s plan to save us all from the wages of Sin.
Tune in if you so desire to listen✨
#FallingForJesus #JesusChrist #HolyWeek #HolyThursday #Resurrection #ThePassionOfChrist #Faith #Hope #Love #podcast #tunein #listen
It is a new week! With a new message!
Join me today in reading Genesis 15 of The Old Testament!
Have your ever been unsure of something? I know I have!
In Genesis 15, the Lord promises a covenant to Abram.
Yet Abram responds with:
Genesis 15:8
But Abram replied, “O Sovereign Lord, how can I be sure that I will actually possess it?”
In life there are many things to be unsure of! Simply because we don't know the surprises tomorrow has for us!
So I invite you to discover the things God has made us sure of!
God has made sure to redeem us through our Lord Jesus Christ!
God has made sure to teach us the way to him through Jesus Christ!
God has made sure to love each and everyone of us daily!
God has made sure to take care of his people till the end of time!
And in that sureness today! Be bold, be fierce, and feel free! For the peace of our Heavenly Father is with you!
#Amen #FallingForJesus #Faith #Love # Hope #Genesis15 #God #JesusChrist #Covenant #Promise #Abram
Genesis 14 is now up!!!!!
Join me on this Faithful Friday as we talk about our Allies and the Invaders!!!!!
In Genesis 14 Lot gets captured as a prisoner of war precisely because of his wealth and posessions!
If you're ready to dive in this weekend in some quiet time with the Lord check out the podcast!
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It is Faithful Friday!!!!!!!!
And there is a new Episode on Falling for Jesus!
Today we will be reading Genesis 13! We talk about how Abram and Lot Separate! Abram and Lot are able to separate amicably and they teach us so much in what it means to be reconciled instead of wanting to be right when we have falling outs with our friends and family!
To tune in click on the link in bio!✨
#faithfulfriday #FallingforJesus #Genesis13 #Faith #Hope #Love #Reconciliation #God
Sorry for the delay! but there is a new Falling for Jesus Episode 12!
In Genesis 12 we talk about the call of Abram, what to do when answering the call of the Lord, Little white lies, and seeing what Abra, goes through when he goes to Egypt with his Wife Sarai!
click link in bio to tune in!!!!!✨
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The Tower of Babel! Genesis 11🛕
Happy Friyay! Celebrate this Friday with me in diving into the word of God! This week we learn about the Tower of Babel! An why did man kind create such a huge tower to try and reach the Heavens!
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#FallingforJesus #Podcast #Faith #Love #Hope #Christisking #FaithfulFriday #Christian #Catholic #Blessed #God
Bible Study is now in session! 💕
Join me in reading Genesis 10 this week! Where we learn about the clans that grew after the great flood! In learning this we also learn what are the things we learn from our own family nucleus!
Link in bio!
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Happy Faithful Friday!!!!!!! ✨
On this BEAUTIFUL Friday Morning a new episode has been released!!!
This week we are reading Genesis 9! In Genesis 9 we see God promise something valuable to Noah and all of Humanity!
Join me as we learn more about God's Promises, the true reason the world was destroyed and what happens when we see the nakedness in others!
Ps. This week I challenge you to find a Promise in the Bible that calms you and anchors your faith!
Mine is:
Philippians 4:6-9
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Which one is yours 👀?
Here is a snippet of the episode! Click the link in bio to hear the whole thing!!!!
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