The mission of Navigating Diversity is to explore how human beings differ yet can find ways to relate to one another in an increasingly xenophobic sociopolitical climate. The intention of Navigating Diversity is to have open, honest, and informed conversations that can help people navigate some of the most important issues of diversity we are facing globally today, but in a way that isn’t afraid t
o ask some of the big questions, the big sometimes heavy questions, that can bring some of the light and hope into the conversation and help give all our lives meaning. First, recognizing the duality in all things--holding space for both the light and the dark, our differences and our similarities, the things that scare us and the things that make us feel whole, for neither can exist without the other. Second, vulnerability--finding more conscious ways to stand in our truth and help others to stand in theirs, and to share our stories and the most authentic parts of ourselves with the rest of humanity as the only way to heal ourselves and heal the world. And third, perhaps our most important value, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable--it’s the only way for us to grow and to do better. Navigating Diversity features a wide variety of guests including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and researchers, politicians, and business and civil society leaders. Navigating Diversity has covered a broad spectrum of social, economic, and political issues including intersectionality, racial equality, social justice, immigration, environmental sustainability, religion, and spirituality. Navigating Diversity has fostered a national and international listenership, with fans in U.S. cities such as Denver and Portland, and fans in countries such as Trinidad & Tobago and the Cayman Islands. KISU
General Office Email: [email protected]
General Office Phone: (208) 282-3691
Jamon Anderson, Interim General Manager/Program Director KISU
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (208) 282-2688