How to order your pet portrait🐶🐱
Pet Portrait ordering has been made simpler!
If you would like to purchase a pet portrait, you no longer have to email me with the info - I have made it so you can simply submit your photo and your pets details while adding to cart!
Just scroll down, upload your image and details, click submit and then proceed to add to cart! 🐶🐱 can’t wait to draw your loved furry friends 🤍
But First, Coffee Clear Sticker Reveal☕️
Help your keep cup stand out from the crowd with a cute sticker ☕️ this keep cup is from Kmart, and the But First, Coffee Clear sticker looks sooo cute on it! Also: I now have FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE! 🤍 all the more reason to treat yourself!
My thoughts when filming peeling videos🥴
My thoughts while filming this video😩
I haven’t shared my tiktok videos on my Facebook but I think I want to change that!
If you want to support me, follow me on tiktok (illustrationsbyjaimee) so you don’t miss out on any vids📱💗