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The gift so many of us truly crave this busy holiday season isn't more presents - it’s more PRESENCE. ✨Without the distr...

The gift so many of us truly crave this busy holiday season isn't more presents - it’s more PRESENCE. ✨

Without the distraction and numbing effects of our favorite holiday cocktails, we might find that extra dose of magic was inside us all along! 💖

Rather than relying on “liquid cheer,” imagine showing up fully present with your family and friends. Soaking in their laughter, listening without multi-tasking, diving into real conversations. 🥰

What festive memories might you make if totally immersed in each joyful moment? Baking cookies from Grandma's recipe. Having a dance party to favorite childhood Christmas jams. Taking a nighttime walk to look at neighborhood light displays then coming home for hot chocolate.

When alcohol isn't stealing our attention and altering our perceptions, interactions with loved ones can sparkle even brighter!

So this year, let’s challenge ourselves! 🤔 How can we creatively foster more intimate, inclusive or fun family moments without alcohol playing a part?

Comment below on traditions you have that are heavy on presence over presents! ⬇️ We all could use some festive ideas!!

Here’s to dazzling memories created through the magic inside each one of us. Happy Holidays! ☕️✨

Wow, today marks 5 years of being alcohol-free! Or as I like to say, 5 years naked! While I'm incredibly proud of this m...

Wow, today marks 5 years of being alcohol-free! Or as I like to say, 5 years naked! While I'm incredibly proud of this milestone, I also know I'm still a work in progress with much more room to grow.

These past 5 years have taught me so much about caring for myself and living intentionally. But this lifestyle isn't something to "achieve" - it's an ongoing journey of insight and self-discovery.

Removing alcohol allowed me to press pause and evaluate all areas of my life. I gave more time to going deeper in some relationships as well as releasing or repairing others.

I won't pretend it's been easy. It has required reshaping my habits and mindset. If you're considering living alcohol-free, be patient with yourself above all else. Change takes time.

And if your path has twists and turns, get back up and keep going. Progress isn't perfect. Focus on each day, not the missteps. And ask for help when needed.

While I'm proud of this 5-year mark, I know there are always new lessons ahead. Living alcohol-free requires mindfulness and grace. I embrace each opportunity to keep growing.

If you're considering removing alcohol from your life, I'm happy to share more of my journey and offer support. Listen to your heart.

🎉 Cheers to 5 years! With a mocktail of course! 🎉

☔️ After 5 years of getting “naked” (going alcohol-free), one activity I’ve come to love is going for walks in the rain ...

☔️ After 5 years of getting “naked” (going alcohol-free), one activity I’ve come to love is going for walks in the rain to relax and take the edge off instead of drinking.

I just love the sound and the feeling of raindrops falling all around me. It’s so soothing. With each step, I can feel the anxiousness and stresses of the day washing away. Listening to the rain pattering down and storm drains gushing with water is like a meditation.

After a rain walk, I feel refreshed and renewed, ready to go into the evening with a calm spirit. It’s become one of my favorite coping mechanisms when I’m feeling on edge.

I hope in sharing healthy tools like this, it might give someone else an idea to try as an alcohol-free alternative. There are so many ways we can care for ourselves and find our peace within. A rainy-day walk really helps me. Give it a try sometime!

Living an alcohol-free lifestyle has been a journey of discovering new activities and routines that ground me. What matters is that we each find our version of peace. I enjoy sharing the small steps and practices that have brought me here. ☔️

It's time we acknowledge an important truth: neglecting our own wants and needs as mothers doesn't actually help our fam...

It's time we acknowledge an important truth: neglecting our own wants and needs as mothers doesn't actually help our families. It leaves us depleted. Resentful. Stressed. The opposite of our intent.

Of course, our children are the priority. But they depend on us being our best selves - something we can't be if we run ourselves ragged meeting everyone's needs but our own. Can we stop praising the busyness, self-sacrifice and utter exhaustion as badges of good motherhood? Martyrdom benefits no one.

Imagine if we modeled self-care for our kids. Taught them by example that sleeping, relaxing, pursuing passions aren't luxuries but necessary nourishment. Imagine if they saw us honoring our needs unapologetically so they grow up knowing their worth too. That's the legacy I want to leave.

Our cups can't overflow for others if they're not first filled for us. In taking care of yourself, you take care of your family. You deserve to be fulfilled, vibrant, and present. Let's release the glorification of motherly sacrifice - our children will thank us someday. This is a fabulous article for more on this topic:

“It’s possible to be a great mom, daughter, sister, spouse, employee, manager, friend, but only if you make your physical, mental and spiritual well-being a priority.” ~HuffPost article

“Mothers have martyred themselves in their children’s names since the beginning of time. We have lived as if she who disappears the most, loves the most. We have been conditioned to prove our love by slowly ceasing to exist. What a terrible burden for children to bear—to know that they are the reason their mother stopped living. What a terrible burden for our daughters to bear—to know that if they choose to become mothers, this will be their fate, too. Because if we show them that being a martyr is the highest form of love, that is what they will become. They will feel obligated to love as well as their mothers loved, after all. They will believe they have permission to live only as fully as their mothers allowed themselves to live.” ~Glennon Doyle

Let's stop praising moms for putting everyone else's needs before their own.

Today is National Sober Day - a chance to celebrate sober living and recognize the journey it takes to get there. As I r...

Today is National Sober Day - a chance to celebrate sober living and recognize the journey it takes to get there.

As I reflect on my decision almost 5 years ago to get "naked (remove alcohol from my life), I'm so grateful for the many books that illuminated and inspired my path. These fabulous books gave me knowledge, hope, and a community bigger than myself. I'd love to share a few of my favorites in case they may help you too. These are in no particular order.

Having these incredible authors as companions have continued to keep me motivated. Their bold stories lit my own path. I'm grateful these books found me when I needed them most. And I hope they can empower you too!

No matter where you are on your sober journey, whether just contemplating a break or years into alcohol-free living, knowledge is power. Let's embrace this National Sober Day to educate and empower each other. We're all walking our own path, but the destination is fuller living.

I saw this post a few days ago on Instagram and it has had me thinking about it since then. I thought I'd share it here ...

I saw this post a few days ago on Instagram and it has had me thinking about it since then. I thought I'd share it here with you as well because it really made me realize how much I do this and have these thoughts and now I see how silly this is. I don't want to miss out on anything because of how I feel about my body. You will not want to look back and wish you had done more. I don't want that type of regret. And who says how we should look anyway? I don't look at any other woman and think anything about her body. In fact, I'm often envious of women, no matter what size they are, that are so fashionable, wear those short shorts, cute dresses and bathing suits. Their confidence shines through and their body type or size has absolutely nothing to do with it.

No more opting out of our own lives! Yes, we are allowed to want to change and get stronger, feel healthier, etc but don't wait until you reach whatever that goal may be to live your amazing life! Make those memories, take those pictures, attend that event. Your presence and time is much more important than what your body looks like. You are not being invited to do things because of how you look, it's because of WHO you are!

Let me know how this hits you. It has really stopped me in my tracks when I catch myself having some of these thoughts.

I've been missing something and while talking to a friend the other day it came to me...I am missing being part of a pos...

I've been missing something and while talking to a friend the other day it came to me...

I am missing being part of a positive, encouraging and supportive online group. I ran online fitness and nutrition challenge groups for years and have stepped away from that over the last year to focus on other things.

Now that I know it's something I'm missing, I came up with a new idea and I'm inviting you to join me. This is so different than what I've ever done and it truly excites me!!

I'm so excited to invite you to join The Naked Truth. A little corner of the internet where we're all about ditching the masks we wear every day and embracing our awesome, unfiltered selves. 🙌

Life is busy with all those roles we play – the mom, the wife, the colleague, Uber driver, chef, cheerleader, you name it. But beneath it all, there's a whole lot more to you, and we're here to celebrate that.

Whether you're looking to:

Share your authentic self 😎
Work through life's messy moments 🧘‍♀️
Follow your inner wisdom 💡
Return to old hobbies & passions 🔥
Or simply connect with fantastic women...

This group is for you!

We'll empower each other with real talk, laughter, wisdom from our experiences, and so much love. 💕

Let's release the roles and expectations, get naked (figuratively of course 😉), and feel lighter together.

Nothing to buy, no expectations, just a carefree space for us to connect and share. I hope you join!!

Link in stories:

I’m in a season of uncertainty and some twists and turns right now and it has me so grateful for all the insights and st...

I’m in a season of uncertainty and some twists and turns right now and it has me so grateful for all the insights and strength this naked life has given me. When I decided to try out an alcohol-free life 1,700 days ago I would never have known how much that would mean to me 4 ½ years later. The Universe did of course! You never know why you are being gently nudged into something, but when those thoughts keep coming up for you, no matter what it is, pay attention. You may need to do something now to be strong for a future version of you!! 🩵

Success at the Vegas dinner party at a nightclub and gathering afterwards. Fun mocktail called The Lady in Red. Kept my ...

Success at the Vegas dinner party at a nightclub and gathering afterwards. Fun mocktail called The Lady in Red. Kept my focus on how I wanted to feel today and how well I wanted to sleep. Another first done naked!!

Wow! I had chills when I read this. I love this so much. I have felt much this way over the last few months and it's bee...

Wow! I had chills when I read this. I love this so much. I have felt much this way over the last few months and it's been hard to get myself up and going again. I'm making my way and coming out of the slumber more intentionally this year. This makes me feel good. I'm in alignment with myself and the Universe. "I'm wintering and I'm right on time." Anyone else wintering like me? LOVE THIS!! 💙🌙☀️🌎

Wow! Such a crazy vibe this morning.  Must be the amazing energy of the latest full moon . I've shared this before this ...

Wow! Such a crazy vibe this morning. Must be the amazing energy of the latest full moon . I've shared this before this time of year and it's amazing how it resonates so strongly with me again this year but even more so!! I truly feel that really big, great, positive things are in store this year. I just feel this massive energy in my bones, this excitement and empowerment!! Maybe it's just because it's a new year. But maybe not. I remember feeling this same way the year I got “naked” (alcohol-free) in 2018 and that changed my entire life!!

There's something bubbling up, there's an energy even from others that I talk to. It's the year for all of us to show up and be our full authentic selves and become the very best version of ourselves that we can possibly be. Why not? This life we are living right now isn't a dress rehearsal right? Stop putting things off until this happens or that happens. If you want to do something, if you want to change something, if you want to be more of something get out there and do it. Time is passing by anyway right....don't wait!! You will be forever grateful that you are doing this now and you won't look back and wish you had done it earlier!! By changing ourselves and our own lives and our own corner of this world, we all get better, those around us get better and before you know it the world is more full of love again. Together we can do all things!!

I wonder what's in store this year! Can't wait to find out!! Are you feeling this energy too?

Well here we are!  Hello 2023! We have no idea what this brand new year is going to bring us, but whatever happens, we c...

Well here we are! Hello 2023! We have no idea what this brand new year is going to bring us, but whatever happens, we can write our own story and be purposeful and intentional about how we are going to show up for ourselves this year. Waking up fresh each day, being the best version of ourselves that we can be.

If you’re reading this and you're waking up feeling a little groggy and still have a bit of last night hanging over into today I want to let you know and encourage you that it doesn't have to always be this way!

Today is a new day and a fresh start. You can change, grow and become whoever you want to be! If you want to change your relationship with alcohol this year, it’s definitely NOT too late to join our 75 Days Soft & Sober group.

The most important thing to do is to stay connected, take each day one at a time and be fully present in your own life. It's time to get a little uncomfortable to make a big change like this but you aren't alone!! 💙

You matter to yourself and to your loved ones to show up as your best self each and every day! Just join us in our private FB group:

Happy New Year's Eve friends!!"As you head into the last few hours of 2022, may your reflection on this year lead to wis...

Happy New Year's Eve friends!!

"As you head into the last few hours of 2022, may your reflection on this year lead to wisdom that empowers you to make 2023 a year of purpose and intention. May you forgive yourself for what you didn't get done and give yourself credit for every step you took in the right direction. May you make peace with where you are and get your mind ready for where you are going. And may your heart be filled with gratitude for another year of life, love, opportunities and lessons learned." ~Valerie Burton (adapted from her 2016 post)

Oh my gosh, we are winding down the year. It has gone by so fast!  Dirks and I are so excited to start our brand new cha...

Oh my gosh, we are winding down the year. It has gone by so fast! Dirks and I are so excited to start our brand new challenge group together. Are you ready to become more you? Do you want to shed some old habits that are no longer serving you so you can become more and more authentically you? Then please join us! We are not about a "New Year, New You". You don't need to be anything new and different than you already are. We are about embracing and loving who you already are and making some moves to be more you!! If you want in, please join our private group here!! 75 Days Soft & Sober

Merry day after everyone! We've had a fabulous last few days filled with the love of family. We are so grateful to have ...

Merry day after everyone! We've had a fabulous last few days filled with the love of family. We are so grateful to have been able to share the magic of this season together.

We're looking forward to the rest of our holiday break, wrapping up another life changing year and looking towards 2023 wondering where life will take us. I hope you all have enjoyed some magic with your loved ones and have some time to rest.

Cheers! Merry Christmas Eve. Ready with my festive mocktail for a big family dinner. Apple cider, ginger beer, splash of...

Cheers! Merry Christmas Eve. Ready with my festive mocktail for a big family dinner. Apple cider, ginger beer, splash of oj, squeeze of lime and garnish with a sprig of rosemary and cranberries.

Merry, merry Christmas Eve! These are the 2 days we have been working towards all year, especially in this last month an...

Merry, merry Christmas Eve! These are the 2 days we have been working towards all year, especially in this last month and couple of weeks. Take in all of these moments because they will go by so fast and before you know it, it's December 26th and it's over.

I know we all have a lot to do today, all the little details that happen today and tomorrow to keep our family traditions going, to create the joy and magic in our, cleaning, wrapping, last minute surprises, getting ready for Santa...there's a lot to do, but let us remember to not get too caught up in the details, worrying about what we're eating, if the house is clean enough, etc. (This is me talking to me here too!)

This is the time to get wrapped up in the love of our family and friends. To enjoy the peace and extra time we have together. Time together and spreading our love to one another is what this season is all about.

I'm breathing in all of this advice this morning too. I'm focusing to keep this calm and peace and enjoy these next two days to its absolute fullest.

Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄🎅🤶




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