The Truly Other Podcast

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The Truly Other Podcast ♥️ a safe space for all the big questions
💭society • culture • womanhood • humanity
? The Truly Other Podcast is created for the curious with big questions.

Hosted by an equally curious young woman, Truly Other is dedicated to being a safe space for in-depth explorations into the human condition. From inspiring people stories to society's biggest issues, join Victoria as she chats with and learns from experts, advocates, and more amazing guests biweekly. Be a part of our community! To get involved, reach out to us on Instagram with any

questions, comments, or ideas.

​Tune in to our show now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. Note: In the interest of the wellbeing of every member of our community, we will be actively removing comments of a discriminatory or malicious nature. Thank you for respecting our safe space.


We agree with many of the interviewees in this article: Questions about a sexual assault victim-survivor’s sexual history and clothing are not relevant to the establishment of whether or not a sexual activity was carried out with consent.

Such questions typically serve to humiliate and discredit women who come forward about assault, with wide-ranging consequences such as under-reporting and cultural acceptance of r**e myths. Information about a survivor’s sexual history has traditionally been used by defendants to paint the survivor as sexually “promiscuous” and therefore having “invited” sexual violence upon herself (despite the fact that one’s sexual history has no bearing on one’s likelihood of being assaulted in the future). Similarly, information about a survivor’s clothes or appearance has traditionally been used to argue that they “brought the assault upon themselves” by looking “too sexy”. Again, this displaces the responsibility for the assault from the perpetrator to the survivor.

Nevertheless, the article calls to mind several areas for improvement regarding the survivor-centricity of the process of investigating sexual violence.

First, one helpful principle is that wherever possible, survivors should be allowed to choose how to share their experiences with investigation officers. Sexual assault is a traumatising experience that deprives victims of their agency; thus, a survivor-centric process should enable them to feel as safe and in control as possible. After all, the article rightly acknowledges that there are different ways to communicate the details of an incident besides speaking - such as drawing or writing.

Further: Seeing that the police, according to this article, “calibrate how we ask questions [based on a survivor’s sexual history] because some people may not understand the words we use", perhaps a standardised vocabulary could be established for IOs, with terms that can be used regardless of the person's sexual history and experience levels.

A "Trauma-Informed Victim Interviewing" brief by the International Association of Chiefs of Police suggests that such questions on dress could be phrased like this: “Sometimes we can get valuable evidence from the clothes you were wearing, even if you’ve put them through the laundry. We would like to collect the clothes you were wearing at the time of the assault as evidence. Can we pick up those items at a time and place that is convenient for you?” This foregrounds important context - i.e. that there are legitimate fact-finding reasons for examining the survivor’s clothes - and affords the survivor necessary agency and control.

Certainly, nobody is arguing that asking about a survivor’s previous sexual encounters or clothing is unilaterally harmful or ill-intentioned. That said, considering the history of investigation officers, defence lawyers and even judges misusing this information to fault survivors for their own assaults, it’s understandable why both survivors and advocates would receive those questions with dismay. So even if there are a limited number of instances where these questions are useful for investigative purposes, we need to categorically reject them in all other instances.

Read the article:**e

This is a period of indescribable trauma. No words can encapsulate how deeply saddened we are. Our hearts and love are w...

This is a period of indescribable trauma. No words can encapsulate how deeply saddened we are. Our hearts and love are with the family, friends, teachers and community in grieving this unimaginable loss.

To anyone directly or indirectly affected by recent events, please know that you are not alone. We are here for you, as is the community around us. We hold this space for you to be and heal.

Our podcast platform is open to anyone who would like a safe space to talk through any and all thoughts. Also included here are other avenues for healing and help. Please feel free to peruse these resources and reach out to us.

HIATUS ANNOUNCEMENT We’re going on an extended hiatus period to focus on our mental health. We’ll be back better and str...


We’re going on an extended hiatus period to focus on our mental health. We’ll be back better and stronger. In the meantime, keep well and take care, everyone. ❤️

It’s about to get hot in here! 👀🔥Ma********on is a healthy, safe and normal form of self-care, but social stigma drives ...

It’s about to get hot in here! 👀🔥

Ma********on is a healthy, safe and normal form of self-care, but social stigma drives lots of women away from actually doing it. That leaves in Singapore at a towering 79%! 😱 Ladies, we definitely deserve better than that.

Join our founder, Victoria Chwa, and Meryl, co-founder of Good vibes only, as we reclaim power over our bodies, explore what feels good, what will feel better, and all things steamy. 😉

When: Friday, 9 Jul, 8pm SGT
Where: Instagram Live (

Get your favourite toys ready, and hit the countdown reminder in our stories! 👅 See you there!

How can we better guide children in issues of race and discrimination? Why is it important to talk to children about the...

How can we better guide children in issues of race and discrimination? Why is it important to talk to children about these issues? How should we navigate these conversations?

It’s okay to not know. We are all learning together. We’ve researched the facts and compiled them in this handy guide. Read through to learn more! Remember, avoidance is not the answer. Be sure to save this post for future reference.

For more anti-racism resources, hit the first button at:

An important reminder before we start a new week: “This is everyone vs racism.” 👏🏻Let’s continue to challenge our implic...

An important reminder before we start a new week: “This is everyone vs racism.” 👏🏻

Let’s continue to challenge our implicit biases, stand up for each other, and actively make society a safe space for everyone - regardless of race, skin colour, or identity. After all, that is what our pledge says.

Access anti-racism resources at now.


Say it with us! 🏳️‍⚧️✨

Our 🌈 rainbow 🌈 activity pack is here!Even though we are apart, we can still celebrate   stories together. In honour of ...

Our 🌈 rainbow 🌈 activity pack is here!

Even though we are apart, we can still celebrate stories together. In honour of , we’ve put together 3 quick reflection activity pages for you to share your or story. 💖🌈

Scroll and screenshot now! Check our highlights for instagram story versions. Don’t forget to tag us in your posts to be featured. 😉 Happy Pride!

What’s your  🌈 commitment? Amidst our anti-racism efforts, we did not forget that it is  .  , and love will always win! ...

What’s your 🌈 commitment?

Amidst our anti-racism efforts, we did not forget that it is . , and love will always win! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Watch this space for our special post.



What happened after Nurul’s post went viral?

We stand in full support and solidarity with Nurul, and everyone else who has experienced, spoken out or been impacted by . All forms of discrimination are not okay. Let’s keep calling them out.

Listen to Nurul’s insight and strength in our latest episode now on , , and more:


The PA announced yesterday that they will not meet the couple in-person.



It starts from you. It starts from all of us. In the fight against racism, it is crucial that we   and stand together. W...

It starts from you. It starts from all of us. In the fight against racism, it is crucial that we and stand together.

We’ve put together a list of resources and organisations to help us take an active role against racism. This initiative was started to not only support those affected by racism, but also make important information accessible for everyone to learn and be active allies.

Visit and share these resources. Follow us for more important conversations.



After it was released that the man behind the racist verbal harassment of an in*******al couple is a lecturer at Ngee Ann Poly, Nurul Fatimah bravely and rightly called out the Islamophobia she faced while in the lecturer's class.

In this special tell-all episode, we had the honour of chatting with Nurul about her experience and thoughts after her post went viral. Together, we stand against racism.

Listen to the full conversation now on spotify, apple podcasts and google podcasts:

The racist verbal harassment of an in*******al couple transpired in Singapore last Saturday. We felt it necessary to res...

The racist verbal harassment of an in*******al couple transpired in Singapore last Saturday. We felt it necessary to research and share the reality of racism and colourism in our society.

We call on everyone - individuals, companies and groups - to check in with your community. Let’s keep the conversation on racism going. By ensuring that inclusiveness is always a priority, we are leaving no room for the destructive attitudes that were on display last Saturday to perpetuate.

Swipe to the end for tips to navigate these conversations! For more helpful resources, check out Women Unbounded, and .sg.


A joint statement by Beyond The Hijab, Crit Talk, End FGC Singapore, Lepak Conversations and Penawar in response to the online poll promoting sexual violence

Content Warnings: Mentions of r**e, Online sexual assault, online sexual harassment, and misogyny

We strongly condemn the misogyny and sexism of a group of men who initiated a poll on a social media platform, to vote who among their women peers deserved to be successively r**ed (“gangbang”). We are deeply alarmed by the poll’s vulgar sexualisation of women.

We live in a patriarchal society that consistently objectifies and sexualises women in direct and indirect ways. In the poll, 1,005 participated in this online sexual harassment, of which the majority are men. It is alleged that students of Islamic studies were among the voters. Their predatory behaviour is worrying for the safety of their female asatizah colleagues, the moral and social development of their male asatizah colleagues, and also the larger Muslim community who will rely on their future religious knowledge and guidance.

Since the poll was exposed, female asatizah have shared personal anecdotes about the sexual harassment and assault they suffered at the hands of their men peers and how their attempts at seeking redress were in vain. This shows the persistence of sexism in the workplace, where victims are constantly met with a lack of institutional support when seeking justice.

This poll shows how sexual harassment and violence is never caused by the victim’s lack of ‘modesty’. Sexual harassment and violence is never the victim’s fault. Rather, it is a manifestation of a patriarchal culture that encourages female objectification with little consequence for the perpetrators and little care for victims. All victims deserve justice and support, not only the ‘modest’ or ‘innocent’ ones.

We remind ourselves that sexual objectification begins with intentions and words. These ‘jokes’, images and conversations eventually manifest into (sexual) violence. This poll is not an isolated case. In June 2020, similar calls by women to address the misogynist ‘locker-room talk’ in OKLETSGO’s podcasts were belittled, dismissed and met with r**e threats.

This poll exists in a culture where women are persistently sexualised, dehumanised and denigrated, and where male and institutional reputations are more important than women’s dignity and rights to justice. It is this culture that sows the seeds for incidents of sexual violence to keep occurring.

While we are reassured that figures from the Malay-Muslim community have spoken up, we believe that they have the responsibility to act on this matter decisively, and to address the root of the problem: deep-seated misogyny and sexism in our communities.

We call on Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) and Muslim leaders to:

1. Require all (1) asatizah, (2) madrasah students, and (3) students attending overseas Islamic universities to attend Sexual Assault First Responder training by Sexual Assault Care Centre (AWARE Singapore) , and Gender Sensitivity training by The T Project;

2. Provide comprehensive sexuality education in local madrasah. This includes in-depth discussions of consent, gender-based violence, power dynamics and gender inequality;

3. Reconsider granting Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS) Certification if detailed background checks (introduced in January 2020) reveal previous misogynist and sexist behaviours;

4. Include compulsory Gender Sensitivity training and Sexual Assault First Responder training under the Asatizah Reintegration Programme (ARP) for asatizah involved in sexual misconduct (misogynist behaviour or sexual harassment). The public must be informed of the previous misconduct and what training was undertaken before the individual is reintegrated;

5. Provide trauma-informed care and support for survivors of sexual harassment; and

6. Implement a national campaign to address myths on sexual violence and eradicate the culture of victim-blaming.

Our groups, and so many other individuals, have addressed this issue far too many times. We want our Muslim leaders in power to take concrete action in addressing the systemic rot.

We demand accountability. We demand change.

TRIGGER WARNING: SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCEWe are disgusted and distressed by the poll that came to light on Wednesd...


We are disgusted and distressed by the poll that came to light on Wednesday and echo the sentiments of AWARE Singapore, Beyond the Hijab, among others.

We’ve put together this short info pack on to shed light on the attitudes that lie at the base of sexual violence in all its forms. This is not a stand-alone incident. Sexual harassment and assault has happened, still happens, and will continue to happen virtually and physically. To end them, it is essential that we dismantle and understand the systems of oppression that uphold them.

What are some of your favourite affirmations?

What are some of your favourite affirmations?

  Visit or the first link in for a collection of resources...

Visit or the first link in for a collection of resources to donate, support and understand the Israel-Palestine Conflict.

Please note that we do not claim to have created the carrd link. We found it a helpful resource and want to signal-boost it on our platform.


TW: Transphobia | June Chua of The T Project shared with us her thoughts on the incorrect perspective that being requires ‘treatment’. Listen to the full episode now wherever you get your podcasts.



As a proud ally of LGBTQ+ persons, we are flying the Pride Flag 🌈 proudly today, to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - IDAHOTB. Canada stands with all of our LGBTQ2+friends around the world.

Trigger Warning: Violence While we do not claim to fully understand the deep-seated conflict between Israel and Palestin...

Trigger Warning: Violence

While we do not claim to fully understand the deep-seated conflict between Israel and Palestine, we put together a brief explainer following recent events.

As some parts of the world mark Eid Al-Fitr, we are reminded to honour and stand with humanity. We mourn the loss of innocent lives amid the rising violence, and encourage everyone to research for ways to support the people in need should you have the capacity.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! ❤️ Wishing all who celebrate a very  !

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! ❤️ Wishing all who celebrate a very !

 🌈 Unpack experiences of being   in Singapore with June Chua, founder of The T Project, and our host Victoria Chwa! 🎧 Li...


Unpack experiences of being in Singapore with June Chua, founder of The T Project, and our host Victoria Chwa!

🎧 Listen now on , , and more:

It’s  ! This year’s theme is  , which has been proven to hold an abundance of healing powers. 🌿💖Swipe to the end for som...

It’s ! This year’s theme is , which has been proven to hold an abundance of healing powers. 🌿💖

Swipe to the end for some ideas on how to spend more time outdoors! BUT remember to stay safe and wear a mask. 😉

Wishing all mummies and mum-figures a very  ! 🥰 Thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Send this post to a ...

Wishing all mummies and mum-figures a very ! 🥰 Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.

Send this post to a mama in your life! 💕

Whether you’re a new or experienced mum, this is for you. ❤️May is a special month. Among its many celebrations are   an...

Whether you’re a new or experienced mum, this is for you. ❤️

May is a special month. Among its many celebrations are and , which makes it a perfect time to put out this PSA. Mummies, you are doing amazing and we love you. 💖 We hope these affirmations are strengthening, encouraging, and uplifting.


Complete the sentence: Today, I am going to be kind to myself by... 💖

Is that inner critic really helping us? Being too hard on ourselves isn’t good on our mental health, life journey or goals. In fact, extensive research show that self-compassion is the best motivation. ☺️ Give yourself a hug and really allow that supportive inner coach to shine. ✨



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