I will keep fighting brain tumors and cancer.
How brain tumors and cancer affect my life.
Day 367: Nonscale Victory. I walked a 5K on my treadmill (a purchase I made 2 months ago). Yes, I’m breathing hard and holding onto the rails for half the walk, but I did it! A year ago I was holding onto my couch to walk around it. It was painful. It was hard. I just kept showing up every day. I chose to live. I chose to love myself.
How did I get from my couch to a 5K?
✨ I set small goals: walk around the couch, the living room, the driveway, the block, and kept extending the distance.
✨ Showed up every day regardless of how I felt.
✨ Worked on my mental health by improving my self talk patterns.
✨ Tracked my steps, nutrition, and water using @myfitnesspal .
✨ Evaluated my progress daily, weekly, and monthly.
✨ Used a biometric scale @fittrackscale @fittrack .
✨ Worked on improving my sleep quantity and quality.
What nonscale or scale victory are you working towards?
#NonscaleVictory #SelfLove #SelfAcceptance #SelfImprovement #Walk #Exercise #BodyMovement #Gym #Inspo #BodyTransformation #CouchTo5K #CouchToGym #Over50 #Over40 #Over30 #FatToFitJourney
We know we burn calories while completing gym or home workouts, but we sometimes forget that body movement increases our overall caloric burn. Activities, such as cooking, cleaning, or yard work as well as fidgeting contributes to caloric burn. What other ways do you move your body? Let me know in the comments.
#BodyMovement #Exercise #Gym #HomeWorkout #CaloricBurn #TotalDailyExpenditure #FitnessTips #Gymspo #Inspo #Motivation #FatToFit #CouchToGym #Over50Blogger #WomenSupportingWomen
Motivation is based on feelings. Discipline creates habits. Let’s get to work! A healthy lifestyle is disciplined, fun, invigorating work. #WomenSupportingWomen #WomenWhoLiftWeights #Gym #Exercise #MotivationMonday #GetToWork #Over50Blogger
Fitness discussions teem with motivation:
💫 Motivation will get you to the gym.
💫 Just have motivation to eat healthy.
Yes, motivation helps us to lead healthy lifestyles. There will be days that you don’t feel motivated. What then? How will we build healthy lifestyles?Simple: Discipline! It is the act of discipline that builds habits.
#Motivation #Discipline #Habits #Lifestyle #EmpoweringWomen #GymGirl #GymLife #Lifestyle #Over50Blogger #EDSers #Dwarf #BrainTumor #CancerWarrior #Walking #Cardio #WeightTraining
Honestly, I’m struggling mentally. I wanted to use social media as a way to help others who want to become fit, but they don’t know where to start. Or, they’re struggling with health and losing weight just seems impossible. It seems that there are so many voices out there, so many “fit” influencers that my small voice doesn’t matter.
You know, it’s tough to believe in yourself, especially when you’re outside the norms. I didn’t document my journey the way others did. I have very before pictures to show because I wouldn’t let myself be photographed. I was too ashamed of myself. But, it seems social media requires that fat people show those pictures in order to gain followers. I have posted side-by-side pictures of my transformation. It has not really helped me reach others. Social media seems to also require that the person loses hundred”S” of pounds to reach others. I am a dwarf. My 79 pounds is like 179 pounds for the average person. But, my loss of 22% body fat doesn’t seem to impact others.
Yes, I know. I’m having a pity party. Like I said, it is a rough day. Not every day is positive for me.
#MentalHealth #StrugglingMentally #Disabled #Over50Blogger #CancerWarrior #BrainTumor #Dwarfism #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #LeriWeillDyschondrosteosis
Losing weight, or fat, or inches is just part of a body transformation. It is one step. The next step is maintaining your physique.
Here are 3 tips;
🔥 1) A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have an end date; rather a healthy lifestyle has goals that you work daily to achieve.
🔥 2) You will not always feel motivated to eat healthy or exercise. You will need to develop discipline.
🔥 3) Be kind to yourself. You will not break a new Personal Record at every workout nor will every workout be hard core. There will be rough gym days. Accept this as part of the natural process.
What tips would you add?
#FitnessTips #GymTips #Exercise #Gym #Exercise #BeKind #BeRealistic #ShowUp #Over50Blogger #GymGirl #GymTok #Encouragement #Motivation #DisabledTok #FitnessGram #DisabledGram
You are loved. You matter. Remember these words as you go through your day.
#YouAreLoved #YouMatter #FatToFit #MotivationMonday #Inspo #Exercise
Let’s get to know each other. I’m Virginia. I used to work in academia; I taught Freshman Composition, Literature, Technical Writing, and Writing Fundamentals. Now, I’m learning to navigate my disabled life and trying to live my best physical and mental lifestyle. I want to encourage others to live their best possible lifestyles.
Please show some love for post; drop a comment or a 💪🏼 below. And, tell me about yourself.
#NASM #EDSers #DisabledLifestyle #GymGirl #FatToFit #Over50Blogger #BodyTransformation #CouchToGym
What motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle? What motivates you to exercise? Let me know in the comments.
Are you looking for a fitness account that provides a safe place for you? I’m glad you’re here! I enjoy sharing exercises, my menus and recipes, my experience with wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor, and my self love and acceptance journey.
I would be honored if you would share your story with me in the comments.
Thank you @theodysseymusic for the great workout tunes!
#SafePlace #FatToFit #BodyTransformation #Signos #TheOdysseyMusic #Over50 #Over40 #Over30 #DisabledLifestyle #LifestyleCoach #OldLadyGains #LiftingWeights #GymTok #Workouts
Workout With Me:
Warm up
1) Smith Machine Elevated Reverse Lunge
2) Lat Pulldown
3) Seated Low Row
4) Dumbbell Lateral Raises
5) Cable Curls
6) Incline Chest Press at 45 degrees
7) Bicep Curls
8) Hammer Curls
Cool Down
What is your favorite exercise? Drop the number or name in the comments.
Tag friends and workout together.
What country or town are you from?
#JustStrongAmbassador #EDSers #GymTok #WorkoutWithMe #ArmWorkout #SmithMachineWorkout #LegDay #Dwarfism #BrainTumor #Disabled #ChronicallyIllAndFit #Over50Blogger #OldLadyGains #Over60 #Over40 #Over30