Sneaky peak of what's coming tomorrow while I'm caught up getting some teeth ripped from my jaws.
Shiva I hate you so much lol this God needs removed or seriously dampened DOWN!
Caught an L on this one but never used Janus until this. Still only like 4 months into Smite I still have a ton to learn!
Clickity clack look at the hooved fella put down that damage!
Anubis assault run. Clip done by yours truly lol
Assault rip with Pele. Clip brought to you by clipping done easy and best of all FREE!
Out assaulting these Gods with Horus. coming in clutch with these clips! Now only if I could stream more during the day instead of nights...
Thoth Assault
Thothin it up on an Assault. Thanks to I got this qwik easy clip to share with my people!
This was a fun experience! NuWa is definitely fun to play as! Only went 3-1 but wanted to share.
Best game of Assault to date! Discordia 16-4-13! Kalaban the others smacked em down and I played clean up!
Danzaburou my new buddy?
Started off ugly but we made do lol Danzaburou we never crossed paths until this night. At first, I despised you, but your little furry ass grew on me. 10-3-17 is how we ended the match!
Chacc Conquest 6-0 held that solo lane down! Slowly becoming better at this damn game after 3 months or so.
Smite montage
Smite montage brought to you by Clipping made easy!!!
Rocket League
A lil rocket league clip thanks to
That last shot tho!
Learning HouYi
Arena HouYi run started off strong ended 10-4
clip it
I originally put this up to get a free clipping from but it didn't clip as well as I would of liked it. So imma just let this here for you to see. Assault rip with a god I never used and didn't turn out too bad.
Goal montage from a recent session.
Brought to you by clipping done quick and simple!
Just Jousting About
Cerberus 6 kills no deaths LETS GO!
nice little 3-piece with Rat. Last night was my first run with Rat. Still on edge on whether I like him or not... TBD lol