Hello Everyone,
I'm a casual gamer that plays Xbox One, mobile and PC games. The latter depends on what my frequently overheating laptop from 2015 can handle.
I play Township daily, so if you're looking for a new friend, my code is 7XLZ5S. I love the game so much I created a YouTube channel and can be found here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy-veYM1Wpr6AewCFf48lVg?view_as=public.
So the channel isn't only about Township, I'm also part of the Microsoft xCloud Preview. Which is Microsoft's version of playing games from the cloud.
If any of this peaks your interest, head over to my YouTube channel and check out some of the videos I've posted so far. If you like what I do, then please subscribe and I look forward to chatting with you.
The O.b.E. Gamer
My name is Ed. I'm a casual gamer that plays Xbox One, mobile and PC games. The latter depends on what my frequently overheating laptop from 2015 can handle :)