TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 169
Ari Ben-Menashe
Intelligence Agencies Create Narratives (Will There Be Peace in the Middle East?)
Show-link is in the comments.
Publisher Kris Millegan recently spoke with Ari Ben-Menashe, author of PROFITS OF WAR: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network. Ari spent more than a decade in the innermost circles of Israeli intelligence. He not only was privy to the secret negotiations with the Iranians to delay the release of the American hostages until after the election of Ronald Reagan. He is the man who paid the Iranians for the hostages.
Summary and paraphrasing:
Kris wanted to talk about intelligence work and geopolitics. His father had been in intelligence (the CIA) and he told Kris some things. Kris had to read a lot of books about intelligence to understand what he had been told.
Kris: We’re doing a book right now called TWO WORLD WARS AND HITLER: Who was Responsible? Its main idea is that Britain was very concerned about Germany and Russia getting together, because then they could control the heartland [of central Asia] and then they could quote-unquote control the world. So, in the late 1800s, Britain started laying a path toward World War I. Then once in the war, they prolonged it. Americans and British and other people shipped foodstuffs to keep the German army going so the war could continue to last.
After the war, they got Germany into such a state that they signed a piece of paper saying that they were responsible for the war. And when you really look at it, [you find that is not true]. Then we manipulated the economy and sent in agents to raise up Hitler so that they could have a second war. Is that true, Ari, to your understanding?
Ari: Yeah. The British probably did that. Yes. After the first World War, they helped a lady named Rosa Luxemburg take over Germany, and she singlehandedly destroyed the economy. When an extreme lefty takes over, the next thing is that a real rightwing fascist Nazi
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 168
Richard Grove and John O’Dowd
The British State Has Poisoned the World through its Empire
Link is in the comments.
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richard Grove, a conceptual artist and forensic historian who provides entrepreneur, executive and employee training through his University of Reason and its flagship course, AUTONOMY. His podcast can be found at
And Kris speaks with John O’Dowd, co-author with Jim Macgregor of TWO WORLD WARS AND HITLER: Who Was Responsible?, available in early 2025. John is a retired scientist who worked for the UK government and several universities as a research manager. He discovered how “the Money Power” controls academic research, paradigms and teaching content, particularly in economics, political science and history, and, increasingly, natural sciences and medicine.
Kris, Richard and John discuss alternative history, a la TRAGEDY AND HOPE, the 1966 textbook by Carrol Quigley, who was trained by a Rhodes scholar, and who, as a professor of foreign service at Georgetown University, trained Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton. There has been a lot of Rhodes scholar influence in America for a long time. So, who was Cecil Rhodes?
Rhodes, a Brit and a Freemason, was funded by Lord Rothschild to work in South Africa, where he took over the diamond field of a farmer named DeBeers. Rhodes made John Ruskin’s dream of the British Empire taking over the world his life’s work. A necessary step toward that goal was bringing America back into the Empire.
In his will Rhodes set up a scholarship at Oxford University to teach students from around the world this idea of British domination. This leads to the creation of World War I and how America was brought into the war and transformed into a military state.
Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty wrote HIDDEN HISTORY: The Secret Origins of the First World War. When th
The Journey Podcast 166
Brook Urick
WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, Inside a Sugar Daddy Website
Video on YouTube channel: TrineDay (and in the comments).
Audio at and the usual podcast platforms.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Brook Urick, author of WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE: Sexual Exploits and Secrets from Inside a Sugar Daddy Website, where she reveals the horrors of sex trafficking, fraud, and predatory behavior at the notorious sugar daddy website SeekingArrangement.
Brook worked on staff for years while trying her own luck as a sugar baby. Now she says, “We can’t allow young women to get involved, sometimes unknowingly, in a life of sex work and abuse as a result of this website.” Her journey continues as a writer and content creator. Learn more at
When the New York Times and ABC News interviewed her, she wrote a book proposal, thinking her story was going to be broadcast and a book would help. But those stories didn’t run, and no one would publish her book.
Then she learned about Kris and TrineDay through Whitney Webb (ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein), and Kris published her book, which examines many things, including the psychology of young girls seduced into making bad decisions.
A similar website, Backpage, wasn’t hiding what it was. It was a Craigs List for sex workers. It was shut down. The 2018 FOSTA-SESTA law holds websites liable for sex trafficking on the internet.
So why isn’t the DOJ pursuing her former company, now called Seeking? Brook wants to know.
The Journey Podcast 165
James Day
THE FRAUD OF TURIN and The Passion of Jesus Christ
Show and book links are in the comments.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with James Day, whose new book, THE FRAUD OF TURIN, reviews the evidence for a medieval creation of the world's most famous religious artifact, the Shroud of Turin, and it shows how all-consuming the Passion of Jesus Christ was to the medieval mind. James’ other books include THE MAD BISHOPS: The Hunt for Earl Anglin James and His Assassin Brethren, about the peddler of phony degrees who built a network of contacts that led to the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK.
Topics discussed:
THE MAD BISHOPS shows through the JFK assassination story that there’s not one big evil out there. Many different people are running around with different agendas. Sometimes they come together to work together on different things [and sometimes they compete and fight, and they can be used by intelligence agents and others to accomplish things unknown to the participants].
James was asked to prove that the Shroud of Turin was created by Jesus’ resurrection. He found evidence to the contrary. “The hate mail has already started, even before the book came out officially.”
The JFK assassination and the Shroud both have people saying, “This is how it was done, or this is who did it.” In both cases you’re dealing with religious institutions and chivalric orders. James has continued to put out research and commentary on the Kennedy assassination. (See his work here,
There’s a tradition of putting Christ’s face on cloth and imagery and icons. In the 1980s three different labs with the approval of the Church carbon dated a piece of the Shroud. All three studies produced a range between 1260 and 1390 AD as the date of the cloth, which corresponds with the historical record of when the Shroud appeared in late Fourteenth Century France. That closed the case in some ways fo
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast
164. John Barbour, Part Two
Harris, Trump, and The Debate
Link to the show is in the comments. Listen to all episodes at and the usual podcast platforms.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with John Barbour, actor, comic, veteran of THE TONIGHT SHOW and Las Vegas,
“The Godfather of Reality TV,” creator, co-host and writer of the hit show, REAL PEOPLE, five-time Emmy-winner, celebrated movie critic for years in L.A.,
Writer and director of the award-winning THE GARRISON TAPES, which Oliver Stone called, “The perfect companion piece to my movie JFK,”
Writer and director of THE AMERICAN MEDIA AND THE 2ND ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, which leading researchers applaud as “The definitive film on JFK and the rise of Fake News,”
Co-creator with Len Osanic of the film, GREATEST PIECE OF INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM IN 75 YEARS: Barbour & Osanic's Tribute to Wm. F. Pepper,
And the author of YOUR MOTHER’S NOT A VIRGIN! The bumpy life and times of the Canadian dropout who changed the face of American TV!, his delightful autobiography available at and the usual sellers.
John’s films, books, and more can be found at
Topics discussed:
John lost a national TV show because he tried to tell the story of Jim Garrison’s late 1960s investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. “I was getting $30,000 an hour from 1979 to 1982. I lost it all.” He doesn’t care. He made the two definitive films on the murder of JFK. They can’t be topped because “I have the real Jim Garrison.”
Recently he made, with Len Osanic, the film, GREATEST PIECE OF INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM IN 75 YEARS: Barbour & Osanic's Tribute to Wm. F. Pepper, who not only solved the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. – he had lunch with the Memphis cop who shot him.
John’s recent broken rib, he told his doctors, was from laughing at Trump during the debat
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 163
John Barbour, Part One: Tribute to William F. Pepper
Show link is in the comments.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with John Barbour, actor, comic, veteran of THE TONIGHT SHOW and Las Vegas,
“The Godfather of Reality TV,” creator, co-host and writer of the hit show, REAL PEOPLE, five-time Emmy-winner, celebrated movie critic for years in L.A.,
Writer and director of the award-winning THE GARRISON TAPES, which Oliver Stone called, “The perfect companion piece to my movie JFK,”
Writer and director of THE AMERICAN MEDIA AND THE 2ND ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, which leading researchers applaud as “The definitive film on JFK and the rise of Fake News,”
Co-creator with Len Osanic of the film, GREATEST PIECE OF INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM IN 75 YEARS: Barbour & Osanic's Tribute to Wm. F. Pepper,
And the author of YOUR MOTHER’S NOT A VIRGIN! The bumpy life and times of the Canadian dropout who changed the face of American TV!, his delightful autobiography available at and the usual sellers.
John’s films, books, and more can be found at
Topics discussed:
How Oliver Stone wanted to make a documentary about Jim Garrison’s prosecution of Clay Shaw for the murder of John F. Kennedy, but Garrison said, “No. John Barbour is going to be my Boswell,” because John lost two of the greatest shows on television trying to tell Garrison’s story.
Len Osanic, editor and musician, took John’s interviews of attorney William F. Pepper and made the film, GREATEST PIECE OF INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM IN 75 YEARS: Barbour & Osanic's Tribute to Wm. F. Pepper.
Attorney Pepper petitioned for Sirhan Sirhan’s release, “claiming that a second gunman fired the shots that killed Robert F. Kennedy … Pepper believes that Sirhan, who claims to have no memory of the shooting, was programmed under hypnosis to shoot and provide a distraction from the actual gunma
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 162
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould
The Mystical Power of Love
Links to this episode, and to Roundtable 33, Reclaim the Mystic, are in the comments.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould about the mystical power of love, how it’s been used against us, and how to reclaim it for the benefit of mankind.
They also discussed:
Renaissance rulers, who used eros love and hate as a magical way to affect people and history. Those practices are still used today, spectacularly so in the ritual killing of President John F. Kennedy.
Giordano Bruno, the 16th Century Italian philosopher and Dominican priest who got into a lot of trouble with the Vatican, used an Aristotelian technique, the art of memory – assigning images to concepts and events that one wanted to remember – and developed a way of using it to gain power over other people, of assigning erotic, covetous love to an image so people would help manifest it because they could not resist it.
He went to England and connected with many who were using these ideas for the same goals, including John Dee (“English mathematician, astronomer, teacher, astrologer, occultist, and alchemist. He was the court astronomer for, and advisor to, Elizabeth I, and spent much of his time on alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.” -Wikipedia) Bruno’s work with memory is similar today to things that would be considered quantum physics.
An important part of what Bruno got sophisticated at was giving someone a memory that he wanted them to have, an idea that he wanted them to embrace.
Eros is immature love. The love of the object of your attention. If you don’t get your eros love returned, it turns to hate. As opposed to agape, which is unconditional love for everything. It is stable. It allows for a range of influences to come and yet remains open and conscious of what’s going on around a person.
Bruno’s work to manipul
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 161
Dr. Jeffrey Caufield
General Walker and The Murder of President Kennedy
Whole show in the comments.
Book at Amazon and the usual sellers.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Dr. Jeffrey Caufield, author of GENERAL WALKER AND THE MURDER OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy, meticulously researched over 25 years using documents from the National Archives, the FBI, other archival sources, and many personal interviews.
Topics discussed:
His book is chock-full of information, especially about Lee Harvey Oswald. Each chapter has a summary at the end, making for easy reading.
Oswald was often in Guy Banister’s office in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. Banister was former head of the FBI in Chicago and was a close friend of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
Banister and those around him were far-right anti-communists and rabid racists who tarred the civil rights movement as communist to demonize it and shut it down. The Louisiana Un-American Committee, comprised of vicious Klansmen, was Banister’s organization.
The US was on the verge of a second civil war over civil rights, especially in the South. Joseph Milteer, caught on tape predicting that JFK would be killed by a shooter with a high-powered rifle from an office building, was friends not only with Guy Bannister but also with the right-wing General Walker.
The Warren Commission concluded Oswald shot at General Walker in his home. More likely Oswald was accused to smear him as a leftist capable of violence.
The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy
Available at the usual sellers.
It is a story we’re all pretty sure we know. On a fateful day in Dallas, Lee Harvey Oswald—working alone—shot President John F. Kennedy. End of story.
Or is it?
In General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-R
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 160
Vince Palamara, Secret Service Expert, on the Trump Shooting
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Vince Palamara, the leading civilian authority on the United States Secret Service, about the shooting of Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, PA.
Audio at and the usual podcast platforms.
Video on YouTube, channel: TrineDay.
Topics include:
The videos of attendees yelling about a man with a rifle on the roof. The bizarreness of not having that roof secure. The bizarre way agents let Trump show himself to the crowd to pump his fist after he was shot and then stop to pose for photos before leaving the stage – rather than speeding him away surrounded and unseen.
Also discussed: the JFK assassination in 1963, the Secret Service response when Reagan was shot in 1981, the many incidents that go under-reported in order not to encourage copy-cat crimes, the overall competence of SS agents despite the obvious deficiencies at the Trump shooting, and the Biden Administration finally saying it will provide Secret Service protection to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Vince’s books are available at and the usual sellers.
SURVIVOR'S GUILT: The Secret Service and The Failure to Protect President Kennedy)
JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda – The Ultimate Kennedy Assassination Compendium
THE NOT-SO-SECRET SERVICE: Agency Tales from FDR To the Kennedy Assassination to The Reagan Era
WHO’S WHO IN THE SECRET SERVICE: History’s Most Renowned Agents
And coming Oct. 22, 2024, THE PLOT TO KILL PRESIDENT KENNEDY IN CHICAGO and the Other Traces of Conspiracy Leading to the Assassination of JFK
Vince has appeared on C-SPAN (including DVD), The History Channel for THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY (VHS/DVD), Newsmax TV, National Geographic Channel (DVD), and on the documentaries A COUP IN CAMELOT (DVD/ BLU RAY), THE
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 159
Daniel Estulin
Evil Can Never Win
Audio is at and the usual podcast platforms.
Video is on YouTube, channel: TrineDay.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Daniel Estulin, award-winning investigative journalist, radio host, and author of THE TRUE STORY OF THE BILDERBERG GROUP, the international bestseller about the annual meeting of leaders from Western Europe, Canada, and the United States.
His seven other TrineDay books (all at and the usual sellers) are:
SHADOW MASTERS: How Governments and Their Intelligence Agencies Are Working with Drug Dealers and Terrorists for Mutual Benefit and Profit.
IN THE SHADOWS OF A PRESIDENCY, a behind-the-scenes chronicle of how Donald Trump became president.
TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses.
TRANSEVOLUTION: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction.
…and GLOBAL PROJECTS AT WAR: Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation
Brief Summary
Yuval Harari of The World Economic Forum referenced Daniel’s book, TRANSEVOLUTION. The Great Reset is the plan of the international “elite,” a new round of globalization competing with the emergence of regional civilizations vying for a place in the sun.
The victory of liberalism is individualism to the extreme, with the eradication of the nation-state replaced with world government.
There have always been fluid genders. They’ve been weaponized. The Great Reset is a war against humanity. One strategy is “anything goes,” freedom from all definitions. If male and female can merge, we’ll merge with machines more easily.
Daniel: “They want to create a new kind of human race. … [But] Evil can never win.”
#TrineDay #TheJourneyPodcast #DanielEstulin #BilderbergGroup #Transevolution #Globalization #TheGreatReset
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 158
Cheri Seymour, Christian Hansen and Zachary Treitz
Show link is in the comments, at, and the usual podcast platforms.
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Cheri Seymour, author of THE LAST CIRCLE: Danny Casolaro's Investigation into The Octopus and the PROMIS Software Scandal, and filmmakers Christian Hansen and Zachary Treitz, about their documentary, AMERICAN CONSPIRACY: The Octopus Murders, which launched on NETFLIX on February 28th.
People are still talking about the film. We had great fun at the Los Angeles screening on March 29.
Since it debuted on NETFLIX, it has re-opened Pandora’s Box; new leads about Danny’s death and “the Octopus” have emerged that need to be confirmed. Christian and Zachary have been on C-SPAN, DailyMail, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, and many others.
Cheri discusses Operation Angry Eagle, the effort to find FBI tapes of wiretaps which might be missing from the National Archives. If so, many cases will have to be reopened and it could even lead to a congressional investigation.
#TrineDay #TheJourneyPodcast #TheLastCircle #AmericanConspiracy #CheriSeymour #ChristianHansen #ZacharyTreitz
The Journey Podcast 157
Russ Baker
JFK, Donald Trump, Skull and Bones, and the Hard Work of Journalism
Show is in the comments and at and the usual podcast platforms.
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Russ Baker about his agnostic approach to journalism, the responsibility and care with which he avoids errors, and how, after hundreds and hundreds of pieces, he has never been sued.
Also discussed are Allan Dulles, the CIA, Skull and Bones, the money moved by intelligence agencies (through drugs, weapons and more), the drug money that funds an amazing amount of corruption around the world, the JFK assassination (and the “basic crew” behind it, as Kris sees it), Donald Trump (“a master huckster”), and the weaponization of conspiracy theories.
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter and historian; founder, Editor-in-Chief and CEO of, a nonprofit, reader-supported news organization presenting stories and angles ignored by the mainstream media; and best-selling author of FAMILY OF SECRETS: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years, available at the usual sellers. Follow him on, @realrussbaker, and at
People like to simplify things.
FAMILY OF SECRETS has sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
Top officials of intelligence agencies would not necessarily know about the dirty deeds.
Russ is writing a book on the JFK assassination which he hopes to complete in three years.
Kris describes a phone call recorded by the Pegasus Group of Naval Intelligence, per Trent Parker, in which JFK’s assassination was discussed by “the basic crew” – J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, Allan Dulles, George H.W. Bush, and Nelson Rockefeller.
Nixon blackmailed the Dulles brothers about the thousands of Nazis they brought here against President Truman’s orders. Nixon was helped to become congressman, senator, then vice pre