Nearly four years since we first got together to have our session zero and giggle about Dungeons and Dragons Only With Day Jobs, this week we hit 5000 downloads of JBPC
Thanks so much to everyone who has given our story a go... we're excited to deliver an absolutely banger ending!
An average Tuesday night at the office - JBPC Lo-fi theme song to chill/study to
We hit 1000 downloads! Thank to to everyone for all of your support and for following along with our little show!
As a little celebration, we have a little hip-hop-lo-fi animatic to chill/study to!
Thanks to The Liv-stream squad!! for helping us to get over the line tonight, and to Livartisan Design for designing this cute little Tuesday evening at the office <3 <3 <3
Love and thanks, Liz, Steph, Nate, Poppy and Penny
#ThrowbackTuesday ! (Is that a thing? I'm making it a thing.)
Remember Penny's beautiful description of Yamir City, way back in episode one of My Chemical Errand? Now it's a lovely little primer that anyone can listen to and prepare for adventure!
Made with the help of Headliner App! Logo by Livartisan.