road to 500 followers let get it
goinng to olay some fortnite and then call of duty zombies high roounds. anyone is welcome to join
playing fortnite then some call of duty
playing some fortnite if anyone wants to join, then going to be playing some call of duty bo3
100 follower giveaway
doing the 100 follower giveaway must be present to win also doing follower games...lets get it boys and girls 😀😀😀
time for the 100 follower giveaway along with follower games. be in chat to be entered in to the giveaway remember put a emojie to be entered
Sorry had problems but got them fixed almost to our goal for the giveaway. let's go
Sorry about the live had issues with my phone but I'm back live peps let's get it
Had to switch but back on stream come say hi
Playing some call of duty and fortnite while my laptop up dates. So no face cam right now
sunday funday
playing fortnite then maybe some cod zombies😃
52 away from 100
road to 100