Hallo guys jadi disini aku mau share detik detik aku menuju legendary di CODM Indonesia, Semoga menghibur semuanya
p.s sorry kalo bahasanya kasar ( tolong jangan di tiru yakk hehe.. )
terimakasih guys semoga videonya bisa menghibur di waktu luang kalian. Kalo dirasa video ini bisa menghibur boleh di share dan di like supaya temen kalian juga ikut terhibur dan jangan lupa untuk subscribe juga channelku ya guys supaya ga ketinggalan upload video di masa yang akan datang, Once again Thank Youuu..
Hello guys this is my gameplay match before i got promotion to Legendary, Hopefully this video can entertaining you
p.s sorry i haven't input subtitle yet, soon my video will using subtitle ( if i recorded on my native language )
thank you guys hope you guys enjoy my gameplay, please kindly like and share if you guys feel this video is entertaining and don't forget to subscribe to get notification of my new video in the future Thank you..