Pauline Kang Feng Shui

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Pauline Kang Feng Shui Transform Your Life - Live Better
Feng Shui | Bazi | Qi Men Dun
Jia | Date Selection I have lived in Hong Kong, Singapore, Austria and currently in the US.

Hi, I am Pauline Kang, a 4th generation Chinese born and raised in Malaysia. I speak 3 languages and 3 Chinese dialects. Metaphysics is a passion that runs in my family. One of my uncle is a Feng Shui Master for two decades now, one of my cousin is a practitioner of Tarot, Reiki and Angel Healing. My sister is into Mayan Calendar and prediction. And as for myself I am into Chinese Metaphysics. I h

ave learned the subjects of Chinese Metaphysics from Dato Joey Yap Mastery Academy in the subject of Feng Shui, BaZi , Qi Men Dun Jia, Face Reading and Date Selection. Chinese Metaphysics is a life long learning, every year, I continue to take courses under Dato Joey Yap Mastery Academy to up-skill myself. I offer on site and off site consultation, My approach is based on practical and holistic approach to help my clients to live better and transform their life.

Client approval to share this case: A client from Europe contacted me  for consultation before she rent this apartment. ...

Client approval to share this case:
A client from Europe contacted me for consultation before she rent this apartment.

In this one hour consultation via Zoom, we "virtually walk through" together start from the outside and entrance of the building , till the internal of the apartment. The major issue here are the slanting ceiling and the stairs...So the questions from her immediately was "How can I fix it?"

This kind of structural design is not only taking up space but also and bad for Feng Shui, and there is nothing we can do about ...There is no remedy.

Fortunately, she has yet pay the 3 months "Kaution" yet. (Kaution means security deposit)

So the best solution here is.. check out other units

The dates marked in "X" are those dates that are very inauspicious with much more negative stars/energies compared to th...

The dates marked in "X" are those dates that are very inauspicious with much more negative stars/energies compared to the positive ones... or no positive stars at all...
Therefore, avoid making important activities during these dates as there may bring troublesome or situation which not bringing you a good outcome or during the process.
Example of the activities that you should not do for those dates:

- Buying high risk investment
- Making major financial decision/deal/Important business negotiation
- Business/retail commencement
- Long journey/ adventurous trip/activities
- Marriage/Celebration
- Start a renovation
- Feng Shui activation

And ...Not all the none marked dates are auspicious, there are dates fit for marriage but not for renovation .. therefore every date selection required consideration respective activities, personal BaZi and the date itself.

For one who has strong/intense  Direct Resource (正印)or Indirect Resource(偏印)in your BaZi chart and/or   Great Moon (太阴)a...

For one who has strong/intense Direct Resource (正印)or Indirect Resource(偏印)in your BaZi chart and/or Great Moon (太阴)as guardian of destiny in your QiMen Destiny....
You are likely have more than one of the followings:
➡️ Overthinking, analyse too much
➡️ Too much information, still need more information
➡️ Research or enjoy googling
➡️ Imaginative
➡️ Procastination
➡️ Lack of action

More of the above may weigh you down...
It is time to gain clarity, start to take action!

Overthinking Is What Kills You, By Thomas Lerooy 💥

'The Weight Of Thought' is a sculpture by [IG], a Belgium-based artist whose works stir emotions.

More Info:


An interview by Team Joey Yap for sharing my fast recovery of my injured foot by using Feng Shui techniques

Feng Shui Tips  #20I visited a friend's house in a new condominium and was quite shock to see that all her 3 neighbors h...

Feng Shui Tips #20

I visited a friend's house in a new condominium and was quite shock to see that all her 3 neighbors have many shoes "left attended" outside the door. It is quite a frustration to her as she tried to keep her entrance door is clear and tidy, with a small shoe shelf for slippers.
My advice to her as that since you can't ask your neighbors to keep the shoes away, but she can keeping it up with good practice of keeping her door way clear. The energy would love to flow to door free from clutters and obstruction.

Note: for privacy reason, the picture is not the actual picture of the place I visited but.. very similar :)

农历六月十九 ( 阳历七月- 二十四日, 2024) 是观世音菩萨成道日,观音是四大菩萨之一,是阿弥陀佛座下的上首菩萨,在佛教中和道教民间, 观世音被被奉为大慈大悲、救苦救难、有求必应的菩萨,遇难众生只须诵念其名号,即能得到观音前往拯救解难...

农历六月十九 ( 阳历七月- 二十四日, 2024) 是观世音菩萨成道日,观音是四大菩萨之一,是阿弥陀佛座下的上首菩萨,在佛教中和道教民间, 观世音被被奉为大慈大悲、救苦救难、有求必应的菩萨,遇难众生只须诵念其名号,即能得到观音前往拯救解难。


The 19th day of the sixth lunar month (24th July, 2024) is the day when Guanyin Bodhisattva became enlightened. This day is widely celebrated among Buddhism and Taoism. Guanyin is one of the four great Bodhisattvas and the top Bodhisattva under the seat of Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism and Taoism, Guanyin, is regarded as a bodhisattva with great mercy and compassion.
As myself, a Buddhist and also following some Taoist practices, I wish you good health and filled with love and happiness.

It is common we ask question to stranger in the airport when there are some confusions with airline/airport. But how oft...

It is common we ask question to stranger in the airport when there are some confusions with airline/airport.

But how often , you found out later that you are sitting next each other and then chat for the entire flight of 3 hours.

I travel a lot and 99.99% of time, I do not talk and have no interest to get to know the person who sit next to me.

During the QiMen Mastery Event in Bali, I used QiMen ( 6Harmony) to manifest to meet and connect to someone who can share his/her experience in Chinese Mataphysics not only in Technical part but also in consultating business. My manifestation came true after one day! I got to know Melbie Boo, a coach and instructor based in Malaysia who also attended QiMen event . It was a 400+ people event and I think the universe create this opportunity to let us meet in the airport instead of in the event itself , so that we could have more times to talk and exchange. We talked for 3 hours during the entire flight in QiMen and BaZi topic and her generosity to provide guidance in marketing in consultancy. Thank yoy Melbie !

A beautiful quote I learned today, and I thought to share with you..Our life C is between B & D.B is birth and D is deat...

A beautiful quote I learned today, and I thought to share with you..

Our life C is between B & D.
B is birth and D is death.
Our life between the birth and death is C - "Choices"
We make choices every day which result in different outcomes, from a simple activity such as what time to go to bed to the big life events such as marriage, business and investment.
Our choices result in favorable or non favorable outcome. How do we make better choices every time, so that the outcome is favorable to you?

Most of people who come to practice or get consultation in Chinese Metaphysics (Feng Shui, BaZi, QiMen, Yi Jing, etc) has one ultimate purpose --> To Live Better, To Be Better Than Yesterday. To achieve this, it is to MAKE BETTER CHOICES.

How do we make better choices?
Stay tune...

Meantime, feel free to share your comment below : How do you make better choices?

The study of destiny analysis under ancient Chinese metaphysics is well known for its fortune telling since the old old ...

The study of destiny analysis under ancient Chinese metaphysics is well known for its fortune telling since the old old times. But because the background, environment, cultural accomplishment, outlook on life, and values ​​of ancient and modern people are very different, the focus of studying and analyzing on one's destiny is also very different. In ancient times, it focus a lot on judgement of wealth and poverty in life. The wealth was considered as one with intellectuals completed in Imperial Examination in ancient China and thus become the "Officials" in the Imperial office.
In classical text and analysis, it also classified one's life and destiny like "upper rank, middle rank and lower rank" .

But now , we are in different era, a modern world, a fast moving world. So we have to adapt accordingly.

The purpose of BaZi nowadays is no longer used as fortune telling. It is best to use to help one to learn how you can transform your life by knowing and working on yourself better, strength, weakness, opportunities in your luck cycle, and learn to transform yourself to be a better you!

I received many questions on what is QiMen Dun Jia and what do you mean QiMen Forecast? I will share some info on QiMen ...

I received many questions on what is QiMen Dun Jia and what do you mean QiMen Forecast?
I will share some info on QiMen introduction in near future but let me share with you first some example of what kind of questions that QiMen Forecast can help.

QiMen Forecast generally helps to provide a forecast on potential process and outcome on any topics on personal relationship, family matters, business, career, investment, health, property condition (Feng Shui). Though the QiMen chart, there are various factor we can look into to give the "asker" information on the process of a matter - if applicable and potential outcome whether the "asker" concern. This helps the asker to make decision and take appropriate action accordingly.

Here are typical and common questions when ones come to QiMen forecast : -
Example 1: I recently got a job offer from company A. I am not sure if I should accept the offer and sign the contract of 5 years. My current company give me a counter offer after knowing I am planning to quite the job. What is the career prospect and work working culture in Company A? Should I take the offer or stay in the same company? What is best for me in terms of career advancement in near future? If accepting the offer from company A, are there any obstacles or difficulties I should be aware of ?

Example2 : My current shoes retail business is not making money for the last 3 years. I do not know if I should close it down or look into other sales channel to help to business to pick up again. What should I do? What is best for my current situation

Example 3: I am in a relationship with Mr B for 5 years and it seems he is no interested to take the next step seriously. I also suspect he is seeing someone else lately. Is my suspicion correct and if this relationship worth my effort and time.

There are many more you can ask in different topics, QiMen can help you to make better decision, and work on the appropriate approach.

Stay tune for future posts on some intro on QiMen!


In Chinese astrology (BaZi or Four Pillars Destiny), Your destiny is determined when you were born. It is common, the da...

In Chinese astrology (BaZi or Four Pillars Destiny), Your destiny is determined when you were born. It is common, the date of your birth and time is not one and only. There are other people somewhere in our world born on the same time on the same date and year like you.

If one happened to have same birth data like Elon Musk, is this person also have same achievement like him? Maybe yes in a different scale or maybe not at all. It depends.

Our destiny largely depends on our thought and mindset, our choices and actions based on the opportunities and luck cycles. These are the basic. And don't forget, our environment plays an important part too!
Your Feng Shui, the city you live , your group of friends, your network, these are the X factors that contribute to what you have in terms of choice and opportunities.

There are days that are great and can give extra boost for success or smooth process for special or important events suc...

There are days that are great and can give extra boost for success or smooth process for special or important events such as marriage, business opening, launching of project, etc.
There are also some days where the negative energies are strong and thus does not may bring troublesome or not getting a good outcome. These days, we usually do not recommend to commence any important activities such as business, finance, long journey traveling, marriage, parties, etc.

Here are those days to avoid for commence any major, important activity.

Feng Shui Tips  # 19 Let's continue with Green Dragon, White Tiger - Part 3 House building on a slop, such as picture he...

Feng Shui Tips # 19
Let's continue with Green Dragon, White Tiger - Part 3

House building on a slop, such as picture here is not desirable.
In this example, the land sloping on the left side of the house - Green dragon.
Therefore, generally, the health, wealth and general luck of male occupants in this house is affected. If it is on the right side , then the female occupant will be affected.

However, Feng Shui assessment should be applied in multiple layer, depends on the house facing, we can look into what sector on the affected area and further determine what kind of impact maybe arise to the occupants regardless of male and female and..maybe both.

It is always nice to hear the feedback from the clients. Congratulations to Mr. M and Ms T from Philippines. It was my p...

It is always nice to hear the feedback from the clients.
Congratulations to Mr. M and Ms T from Philippines.
It was my pleasure to work with you on your property Feng Shui design and construction and date selection for marriage. Wishing both of you happy and blessed marriage.

Feng Shui Tips  #18Green Dragon, White Tiger , what are they ? Part 2. Green dragon and white tiger also refer to the le...

Feng Shui Tips #18
Green Dragon, White Tiger , what are they ? Part 2.

Green dragon and white tiger also refer to the left side of the external of the house and right side of the external of the house respectively regardless of your property facing, and the condition of the Green dragon will affect the male occupants while white tiger affects the female occupants.

It can be a form of landform or an external form such as another block of building.
1. 虎高龙低(Tiger is higher than Dragon )
2.龙高虎低 (Dragon is higher than Tiger)
Both are undesirable as it affects the health and general luck of the male or female occupants.

The illustration shows building on the right of the house is higher, so this formation. This formation favors to the female occupants - for power, leadership and health. Not favorable to the male occupants in the terms of his wealth luck and health.
This formation is highly unfavorable in the old days because male is usually the main breadwinner and consider one who lead the household and power. However, in the modern days, this may not be true anymore because there maybe woman is taking lead and the main breadwinner.

Feng Shui tips  # 17In a recent visit to a friend's house, my friend asked me is that ok if  she put stuff  on the green...

Feng Shui tips # 17
In a recent visit to a friend's house, my friend asked me is that ok if she put stuff on the green dragon side and door is on the white tiger?
My answer is " Why not"
Because Green dragon white tiger refer mainly on the external landform. And, traditionally, old Feng Shui masters also like to refer everything on the left as green dragon and everything of the right as white tiger .. Perhaps it sound more mysterious :)

Green dragon, White Tiger? What are they ? (Part I)

Since ancient , an ideal and great Feng Shui condition around the property is winding, slow moving water on the east side (Green Dragon) of the house , road on the west side( White Tiger); the clear pond on the south side (Red Phoenix) and the hills on the north side are Black Tortoise. The terrain with these four conditions is a Feng Shui treasure land.

Green dragon and white tiger also refer to the left side of the external of the house and right side of the external of the house respectively regardless of your property facing, and the condition of the Green dragon will affect the male occupants while white tiger affects the female occupants.

These formations are quite common which I've seen in the area where I currently live. - Which is either :
1. 虎高龙低(Tiger is higher than Dragon )
2.龙高虎低 (Dragon is higher than Tiger)

Both are undesirable external landform as it affects the health and general luck of the male or female occupants. Stay tune for elaboration in coming post.









Little bit about the history of Dragon Boat Festival . ..The Dragon Boat Featival ( 端午节) is a festival commemorates the ...

Little bit about the history of Dragon Boat Festival . ..
The Dragon Boat Featival ( 端午节) is a festival commemorates the famous Chinese poet Qu Yuan (born 339BC, died 278 BC) , who was also a minister of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period.
Qu drowned himself in the Miluo River in despair after he was accused of treason and banished for offering well-intended advice to the king.

Chu people were deeply saddened and flocked to the river to pay their respect . China's time-honored Dragon Boat Festival, which celebrated in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, commemorates Qu.

农历五月初五端午节。今年的这一天,有缘在古晋度过,带儿女到古晋佛教居士林上香,祈求平安顺遂之余,更不忘饮水思源,了解端午节的由来。尔后,女儿更结缘了一本英文版的蔡志忠心经漫画本,看得欢喜,我想,这何尝不是她与菩萨的缘分?   #端午节


Unfortunately, there are so many false information on  social media  promoting Feng Shui with Chinese symbolized item su...

Unfortunately, there are so many false information on social media promoting Feng Shui with Chinese symbolized item such as traditional wealth symbols, Chinese cultural item, buddha statue ...and nonsense such as painting gold color to the rocks, etc. etc. and the list can go on....
What worst is these false information are promoted by "Feng Shui Consultants"

If any of these work, there will be prosperous and abundance easily achieved . It must be the "MAGIC" of these items that create "MIRACLE"

Think again.

In my May  monthly forecast, I mentioned  that people with Life Gua 2 (Kun) will have small gains without much of effort...

In my May monthly forecast, I mentioned that people with Life Gua 2 (Kun) will have small gains without much of effort or special activation.. such as free upgrade for your hotel room booking, upgrade to business class, received extra bonus , friend paid for your meal, etc... or some other sort of small gains depends on what activities you have during this month of May... and of course... your SW sector condition.. if it is good, your gain could be better, if you have missing sector, or Sha Qi in your SW then likely it is hard for you to get some benefit.

Are you a Life Gua 2 person? You can plot your BaZi to find out.
#坤卦 #风水 #风水小常识

Today (May 22)  is Vesak Day  , is sacred day where Buddhist worldwide celebrate the birth, enlightenment,  and passing ...

Today (May 22) is Vesak Day , is sacred day where Buddhist worldwide celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Gautama Buddha.

Though Guan Yin temple (观音 庙)here is Taoism temple, on this sacred day, I came to make my prayer at the local Guan Yin temple which I been visiting the last 2 decades.

For those who observed Vesak day, may you find enlightenment on this sacred day!


It took me more than a week to recover from my jetlag. Finally, I have my energy back to do some works.

As I am away from home...I sent a reminder to my husband for the garden work he needs to do on a specific date selected....

As I am away from home...I sent a reminder to my husband for the garden work he needs to do on a specific date selected.

Basically, we are going to install some sort of underground barrier to prevent our graceful bamboo along our backyard fence to spread to our neighbors.

Feng Shui date selection is crucial to ensure activities such as ground work or renovation activities is safe guard from negative energies that can bring trouble events, calamities, incidents and loss of money.

This date selection for the ground work along NW2 - N - NE2 is strategically selected based on Chinese almanac (Tong Shu) to fit to my home taking account the house sitting direction, residents DOB, auxiliary stars and flying stars. This date selection and activity we are doing is not only safe guard us from negative energy but also to activate auspicious Dragon Virtue energy as well. Is a one stone kills 2 birds, win-win solution.

10 Day Master Part 8:Shiny, Sparkling, Glamorous...Hey! Look at me! Xin (辛) Metal is Yin Metal. Unlike Yang Metal, Yin M...

10 Day Master Part 8:
Shiny, Sparkling, Glamorous...
Hey! Look at me!

Xin (辛) Metal is Yin Metal. Unlike Yang Metal, Yin Metal is well polished metal, defined and beautiful. Therefore jewelry such as diamond is the best representation for Yin Metal.
For one who has Yin Metal in their Day Pillar in their BaZi, they are usually smart and witty, competitive, know how to grab attentions. On the negative side, they are likely vain, attention seeker, like to show off and can be dramatic as well.

In children and teens, they are smart and witty and show strong side on attention seeker :)

To all mothers, you are amazing and your love is unconditional, wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day. May your day be fi...

To all mothers, you are amazing and your love is unconditional, wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day.
May your day be filled with love and happiness.



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