Capcom DRM spoils Monster Hunter, Bad Batch Finale Trailer and MORE! | Gaming Podcast w/ Bevans!
Capcom DRM spoils Monster Hunter, Bad Batch Finale Trailer and MORE! | Gaming Podcast w/ Bevans!
(Belated) BIRTHDAY STREAM! | Prince of Persia, part 1
(Belated) BIRTHDAY STREAM! | Prince of Persia, part 1
Ubisoft wants to keep your games? Star Wars: Unlimited POWER? | Gaming Podcast /w Bevans!
Ubisoft wants to keep your games? Star Wars: Unlimited POWER? | Gaming Podcast /w Bevans!
Speed Duel (is A)Live! With MazeTCG! | Long live the Queen (Not actually)
Speed Duel (is A)Live! With MazeTCG! | Long live the Queen (Not actually)
Rock Band returns? eBay caught busting up unions? | Gaming Podcast w/ Bevans!
Rock Band returns? eBay caught busting up unions? | Gaming Podcast w/ Bevans!
Pack Party! Speed Duel Tournament Pack 6 opening 1 | Featuring: MazeTCG, MightyLordGao, and Marmelo #packopening #yugioh #yugiohtcg #speedduel #yugiohcards #battlecity #unboxing #edison
Studio Update October 2023
We finally got the stream table upgraded AND even tidied up the studio for a quick tour! What do you think? (And don’t say that we “missed a spot”, because I’m VERY sure that we did. 😆)
We stream on Twitch every Tuesday & Thursday @ 6pm central US.
Today, I received some Speed Duel Tournament 4 packs courtesy of my buddy @TaahaDL. Rounding out playsets of ultra rare cards feels soooo good! More pack openings to follow! #SpeedDuel #yugioh #yugiohcards #BattleCity
On Friday, I opened some Speed Duel Tournament 5 packs that I got from my buddy Taaha in the Speed Duel League. I pulled my fifth copy of “Cyber Angel Benten”, which quickly went to my good friend Maze. More pack openings soon!
#SpeedDuel #yugioh #yugiohcards #BattleCity
Last night, we were going through a Tier List of ALL the Skills in Yu-Gi-Oh Speed Duel, when my cats decided to show off a Skill of their own— loudly answering “YES” to an age-old question: Do you want dinner?
One of the highlights of the weekend was during the reception when they pranked the groom by playing a remix of the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime theme. He wasn’t expecting me to summon his groomsmen and bridesmaids to attack him directly, either. TheCaliEffect was in stitches. 🤣 🤣
Hatsuki insists on helping me pack.
Any other duelists out there have a hard time deciding what to pack? I swear, I feel like I’m trying to figure out my side deck when trying to keep things to a minimum for this trip.