Welcome to NFT Geld Axie Scholarship!
We are looking for deserving scholars! Be one of us and let's conquer the NFT world!🚀
If you are interested, here are the steps to earn this scholarship:
1. Like and follow our official page
https://www.facebook.com/nftgeld and fb.gg/Mapsuuu
Kindly send us the screenshots for the proof.
2. Review all requirements at
3. Make sure to join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/YjnyEdZn
4. Fill out the Google form completely and honestly.
Rules and Rewards:
- Multiple accounts are strictly forbidden! This is against Axie Infinity's terms of service.
- Scholar gets 60%, NFT Geld retains 40% for operations, promotions, breeding programs, and more!
-Once a month payout
Please only apply through the form, DMs will not be entertained.
We will email the candidates who are shortlisted for the interview. Good luck, everyone!
For more details, visit our page: nftgeld.com