Three cheers for Team BiFrost! Kickstarter has selected our project, Gaia's Seed: A Thrilling New Graphic Novel, as a #ProjectWeLove.Thank you for spreading the word and helping us get here. Let's keep going and see where it takes us! #artisforeveryone #neurodiversity #transmediastorytelling #natureandtechnology
Gaia's Seed Graphic Novel Trailer
Our graphic novel for Gaia's Seed is coming soon! Here's a sneak peek of what's to come. Stay tuned for more! #gaiasseed #graphicnovel #newtrailer #AI #humansandtechnology #saveourplanet
New Video for Gaia's Seed!
Happy #earthday! To celebrate, we're sharing an exciting #newvideo for #gaiasseed with you. We hope that you enjoy it and get a chance to marvel at earth's beauty today.