What a privilege to be a daughter of the king💖
It was in the closet I broke, and it was in the closet I resurfaced. It was in the closet I felt both my ugliest and most worthless, but it was also in the closet that I learned I was Gods most expensive purchase.
Many years ago, my mom came up with an idea to teach me how to seek God through terms that made sense to me: clothes 👗 to know me is to know fashion is the only thing that made sense to me as a teenager 😂 with fine tuning, she was able to show me the garments of my heart that I was wearing and how to combat them good and bad.
Fast forward - She took her idea 💡 and created The Closet course, one of the most revolutionary movements of our time. I’ve seen the lives of those who have taken her course change in ways unimaginable however I didn’t see that change for myself until almost two years ago. Her teaching made sense to me at 16 years, but it wasn’t until two years ago that the teachings became real and applicable for me. I experienced the Closet in its full effect. The closet course for me was seeing the condition of my heart. It was yucky and I had so much stuffed in there that didn’t fit me anymore that I wanted to hang on to - through her teaching I was able to let it go and move forward.
All of this to say, If you want to see the posture of your heart in real time, clean your closet. If you want to see what garments you’re hanging on to (depression, low self esteem, shame, etc) that don’t fit you anymore, clean your closet. If you want to know Jesus for yourself in a real way…clean your closet. is one of the greatest closet cleaners of our time🩷 and I’m so grateful to call her mom. Join the waiting list for the closet today 🤞🏾⛓️💥