Habakkuk 3:17,18.
No man can praise God except you are joyful. Psalm 46:4. Rom.14:17.
The holy spirit is where you draw joy. He is the source of generating joy.
Gal. 5:22. Without joy you can't flow.
For every problem you have there is a promise to back it up.
How to be joyful for Praise
1. Generate joy. Ps. 42:5
Forces to make you generate joy
1. Hope Job 14:7,9. Ps. 42:5.
There is no closed case with God therefore
don't close your case.
Hope offers you expectation that brings joy. Rom. 4:17,18,19,20. Stop considering circumstances. Until men mock you, God can't make you. Abraham believed in hope.
Hope is a product of the word of God.(Isaiah 51:2)
Ps. 121:1. Is.51:2. Ps.112:7. Hope was the motivating force that kept Abraham going. Hopelessness is major hindrance to praise.
1Peter1:3. No child of God goes to a dead end. Heb. 6:19. God cannot help hopeless but can only help the hopeful.
If nobody has ever mocked you then don't expect a miracle.
As Christians, we should always put our hope on the word of God.
Don't allow circumstances and situations to weigh you down.
There is hope.
(2) The word of God.
(3) True evangelism. (Lk 10:17,21).
Soul winning is an access point for joy.
Acts 16:34.
(4) Faith (Rom. 10:17, 4:17-20).
If you want joy to flow, walk in faith.
Rom. 4:20. Abraham was joyful because he knew that the word of God will come to pass in his life.
Depression cannot coexist with your faith in the word of God.
Heb. 11:1.
Faith is an expression of belief in the infallible nature of God, and in his inability to fail. 1Peter 1:7,8. Keep rejoicing. God is too faithful to fail.God is too big to disappoint you.
Faith demands that you remain joyful.