Prepping the subfloor for @CASTICO shower system. We will be building a Curbless shower! #diy #work #construction #homeimprovement #homerenovation #bathroomremodel #tools #entrepreneur.
Prep, Tile and Shelves. #remodel #construction #realestate #design #entrepreneur #tools #hardwork #tipsandtricks #homerenovation #woodworking #carpentry #tile #design #interiordesign.
Pointing your brick look tile to make it look more realistic. #diy #work #construction #tools #homeimprovement #bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #interiordesign.
Pocket hole Jig! #tools #diy #work #remodel #construction #entrepreneur.
Plumbing is so easy with this expansion PEX. #diy #tools #howto #plumbing #tutorial.
Plumbing is easy with pro press tool. #diy #renovation #tools #construction #work #plumbing.
One way to atach tub drain with plumbers putty. #construction #realestate #tutorial #hardwork #carpentry #tools #homerenovation #bathroomrenovation #home.
One of the coolest tools ever invented. #tools #construction #realestate #tutorial #hardwork #homerenovation #carpentry #diy #tipsandtricks.
My process for installing drywall. #construction #homerenovation #realestate #entrepreneur #hardwork #homeimprovement #home #tools #diy #renovation #work.
MY WIFE has learned how to SPRAY paint! #diy #work #remodel #woodworking #entrepreneur #tipsandtricks #construction #design #interiordesign #homerenovation #realestate #tools #asmr.
My@l grandmas trick for fixing this wall. #diy #construction #realestate #tutorial #hardwork #carpentry #tools #tipsandtricks #homeowner.
New way to install windows. Anyone can do this! #remodel #construction #homerenovation #realestate #design #entrepreneur #renovation #tools #diy #engineering #work #carpentry.
My process for installing brick look tile. #diy #work #construction #homerenovation #bathroomrenovation #interiordesign #entrepreneur #realestate #homeimprovement #hardwork #tileinstallation.
My process for installing a window. #remodel #construction #realestate #design #entrepreneur #tools #hardwork #tipsandtricks #homerenovation #woodworking #carpentry.
My process for building this custom shower niche. #bathroomrenovation #construction #tools #realestate #work #tileinstallation #tutorial #diy #contractor.
Moarge format tile on the shower floor. #BeTheReasonVisa #diy #homeimprovement #homerenovation #construction #work #realestate #tile #tiling #hardwork.
Makes sense to me. Installing a simple clean out under the vanity. #construction #realestate #tools #home #entrepreneur #contractor #tutorial #plumbing.
Making PEX Look good! If you have OCD this is perfect for you! #remodel #construction #homerenovation #homerenovation #realestate #design #entrepreneur #plumbing #hardwork #tools.
Manual Pro Press. #diy #construction #homeimprovement #tool #realestate #remodel.
Mew Sawzall bit from Milwaukee. #tools #construction #tutorial #tipsandtricks #entrepreneur #woodworking #realestate #hardwork #homerenovation.