Unlock 3 / theater, gym opening preparations, schools and metro service across the country will be closed as part of vigilance
File image of the movie theater a d gym
The government is ready to open a theater with 25% capacity, the owners cannot afford to open even with 50% capacityMultiplex-gym owners must adhere to strict SOPs to maintain social distance
New Delhi. Unlock-2, released after the care of Corona virus, is coming to an end on Friday, July 31st. According to sources, the central government may offer some concessions by announcing Unlock-3 from August. Unlock-3 in particular may be allowed to open multiplexes, single cinema halls and gyms. However, schools and metro services across the country will remain closed as before.
A senior ministry official also admitted, "We have sent a proposal to the home ministry to open theaters." Cinema hall owners are willing to start theaters by selling 50% of tickets, but the government wants to allow with only 25% ticket sales. However, many cinema hall owners in the country are not ready to open theaters with 25% capacity.
As part of the precaution, schools and metro services will be closed. Schools and metro services across the
country will remain closed as before in Unlock-3. The Ministry of Human Resource Development also held a meeting with all the states on the issue of reopening schools in the country. Human Resources Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal said, "We have taken suggestions from some parents on this issue, but they are not in favor of opening schools."
Wearing a mask while exercising in the
gym Similar concerns are being expressed in opening a dangerous gym. According to sources, the Home Ministry is ready to allow the opening of a gym with low capacity in Unlock-3. For this, in all batches, according to the space of the gym, the presence of a certain number of people as well as the daily sanitization of equipment, etc. can be regulated.
According to experts, wearing a mask while exercising in the gym can be dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to have a certain number of people present in each batch in the gym. Currently members of the gym can go on their own t