
VJKOfficial I'm a humble guy...I play the charts, I love to entertain.. And play your requests... Yes really..

So... For those following at home... I've sent the second hand Sennheiser Momentum 4s back... And I was terrified that t...

So... For those following at home... I've sent the second hand Sennheiser Momentum 4s back... And I was terrified that the new set would be the same...

They're not... Yes I've got bass boost on as they are bought to show the punters who the DJ is... That's why they are white..

Honestly... I'd like a tiny bit more gain but I also agree I'm not using them for their intended purpose...

In other news.. They sound Awesome.... I'm really happy... I can DJ with them... And they may even sound better than some of the clubs systems if I'm lucky...

I can fit a smart cap under them... They are white so ppl know I'm the DJ......

In other other news... I'm building a dead air monitor for my gigs... It will show the levels out of my digiital link in a fun yet informative way... Main purpose is so I have a visual indication that my link still has audio in case I have headphones on both sides and I can keep an eye on the clubs audio while still keeping my own cans on...

5here will be a bit of work to modify the device! It will hang out... (giggle) over the DJ box where I can see it... If it goes dead I know I've got some work to do...

So pleased I went for new and didn't get scared off with the damaged second hand pair of cans... I know they ain't $2000 but they will give me good sound to DJ by... And show ppl that although the DJ box may be empty... You DO have a live DJ playing...


Both new smart caps modified.

I changed my design to include the original 450mah battery that lasts for around two hours in parallel with a new 2,500mah cell wired to the other side of the cap for balance.
Most people will say never parallel two different size cells... That's their option but my calculations say that providing they are connected together when both at the same voltage (in my case 4.1v) they will both share the load more fine, more for the bigger battery, and less for the smaller.
They both have their own protection so I'm totally fine with this set up. I see no reason to have an empty battery box when I can put the original battery back for a little extra capacity...

I'm doing a life test now as you see in the second video.

Currently at four hours... Gonna let it go flat then test the full capacity.

Will start uploading the graphics to the cloud so I don't have to draw all this again... It's a lot of work..

This was supposed to be a happy post... Y'know it's only a week to go till the big fat man gets arrested for trespassing...

This was supposed to be a happy post... Y'know it's only a week to go till the big fat man gets arrested for trespassing... And another big fat man plays some tunes for you at our free entry... Thats

FREE ENTRY Boxing day day party at Cosmos Club....

We've got two of Adelaide's favourite DJs... And me... (maybe with 3 fans).
I can't tell you who they are yet but I hear one has gone hiding for a few years and we've put him in a horse and cart and dragged him screaming back to Adelaide.... But no hints OK... The other is a big fan of the old school house and always satisfies.

I'm playing part two of my Harden Up set from Sleazeball 2023 which is even better than the first half...

The sad bit... You know I "bond" with my DJ equipment a bit... If it's good I say so... If it's s**t I say so... 🐸 (Kermit) is my sound engineer and right now I set him to play random... Like his choice from my house library... And he chose and played this.... https://youtu.be/a4h-CmdxgGA?si=LK-7qaN6VzZCe4BW I'm tearing up on a bus...

See you next week... Come join me for a awesome free night out...

COSMOS💫 CLUB 109 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, 5000 December 26 from 8pm...


$0 entry.... Nuttin




Mkii caps finally finished the upgrades. 2,500mah battery added to existing 450mah packs.
Sick of the unmodified cap going flat after after just a couple hours of use.

A bit pooped after hours spent over a hot soldering iron. I'm going to start creating some new animations after a few days break. Thinking of some scrolling bus destos, multi coloured (because our busses can't do it).
Already using scrolling text as train PIDs (in colour). The new caps do text at a much better speed than the old model.

Well I've bought them, so I've squeezed the budget so tight that if I squeeze any harder the damn thing will bleed.Of co...

Well I've bought them, so I've squeezed the budget so tight that if I squeeze any harder the damn thing will bleed.
Of course this is only till I get the refund on the first pair.

Looks like I'll have to go with these from Sennheiser Australia. At least I'll get the colour I wanted and a ebay discou...

Looks like I'll have to go with these from Sennheiser Australia. At least I'll get the colour I wanted and a ebay discount voucher for $75. Yes I've learned from the experience...


Well the headphones arrived but it's bad news.

No accessories except the usb cable, so no case or manuals.

And they are farting on bass on certain settings and I'd never see sennheiser sending out a product sounding like that. It's even worse on bass boost for most volume settings... So I suspect someone has run them at high volumes maybe with bass boost on.. I also want to use them at high volumes for club use but I'd never tune my cans to a point of distortion or damage like these seem to have seen...

I'm trying to see if I can use this set with changes to settings I know sellers hate returns but I may have no choice... So now what do I do... Find a new set somewhere?

They sound great when they aren't distorting... They are comfortable and the ANR, not hearing Sony's offering, is for me, awesome. I keep going to pop my ears because I feel deaf!

What to do? Brett DrMorph WilliamShaw?

No tickets.... FREE ENTRY!VJKOfficial

No tickets.... FREE ENTRY!


Some people are too kind. Just got another Christmas advance that helps pay off those new Christmas headphones. Was kind...

Some people are too kind. Just got another Christmas advance that helps pay off those new Christmas headphones. Was kinda unsure how I was going to make the payments but this bit of help takes so much pressure off. Looking forward to them even more now.
Thankyou secret Santa.

Done the Christmas shopping for Millie, then thought it would be nice if I got myself something nice too.So Millie gets ...

Done the Christmas shopping for Millie, then thought it would be nice if I got myself something nice too.

So Millie gets a self watering mini grass pot with seeds.

And I finally decided to buy the Sennheiser Momentum 4 headphones I've been researching. For a few reasons.

I LOVE Sennheiser.
I have the TW 3s Sennheiser buds, but I can't get them quite loud enough, plus I can't use the at DJ gigs, no one can see them and too easy to take one out and loose it! Plus walking around a venue I don't really "look" like the DJ. I could just be another dude on their phone like everyone else.
I feel proper over ear headphones will help me get into the music AND indicate I may actually be playing the music! They are also harder to loose, and you can pull one cup off to talk to people, request buy drinks at the bar. I don't "need" headphones as I can see the waveforms on 🐸 but it looks better.

Two of my bosses gifted me some coin for Christmas so those coins have paid the a third of the price.

The second hand price on eBay was quite good and had a $30 off voucher. Once I started wondering if I'd be annoyed if someone else beat me to it and the answer was yes, I grabbed them. After all, if I don't like them I can always sell them on again, but I think I'll like them.

Artwork now includes the CD covers of my actual playlist.... Cheeky eh'TUESDAY 26TH DECEMBER 2023 COSMOS CLUB 109 WAYMOU...

Artwork now includes the CD covers of my actual playlist.... Cheeky eh'



That fu***ng annoying moment you spend two days looking for the right over ear headphones with Bluetooth (5.2 please so ...

That fu***ng annoying moment you spend two days looking for the right over ear headphones with Bluetooth (5.2 please so I can use the app I already have) and I'm co close to a decision out of Bose quietcomfort, Sony and Sennheiser Momentum Momentum 4s... And this prick gets on the bus and sits in the seat in front of me...

NO I can't ask him for a go....

I've found a good set for a good price (about half new price) so close to buying but without testing I'm stuck...


Mental health bus ride playlist....  Need to get into the mood for my boxing day set..

Mental health bus ride playlist.... Need to get into the mood for my boxing day set..

Cosmos Club Adelaide. Join me for some Ho.... Ho Ho....

Cosmos Club Adelaide. Join me for some Ho.... Ho Ho....

So fu***ng annoyed with myself... Added 10cm of extra power cable from the battery and am still 5cm short....Not sure if...

So fu***ng annoyed with myself... Added 10cm of extra power cable from the battery and am still 5cm short....

Not sure if to rip it all out and do it again or just leave it alone... It "does" work... But the perfectionist in me really wants it perfect... However it is a big job... Battery should be 3cm closer to the back of the cap so flexing of the cap doesn't wreck my wiring.

Maybe keep this one as spare and do the other new cap properly when the new batteries arrive? I only used an old 2500mah pack in this one that I didn't know I had... It's testing at 1900mah.



Didn't realise I had a spare battery for my new smart caps of 2500mah. So I fitted it but this idiot didn't run enough cable to the battery even though I added 10cm extra just in case... It's 5cm too short. WTF!

Not fixing it now.... Just charge it and fix it later.... It's dead flat so no playing with it for a while.

Madly programming the new caps with my old destos ect... Hat went flat so time for a break me thinks.

Madly programming the new caps with my old destos ect... Hat went flat so time for a break me thinks.


In case I didn't make it absolutely clear, Thankyou for the early Christmas presents you two.... (two of my clients)
Things are a little tight till I pay off the ACs beginning of March, I'm eternally thankful for the help when I run a little short. The surprises were a complete surprise to me! 😲😲

Note I don't post anywhere that I am short for a handout, I never ask, it goes on Facebook because I have no one else to talk to about it... Help is appreciated, but NEVER expected!

Another year almost out... VJKOfficial here just with a short (yer right) word of thanks for the kind words from Daddy R...

Another year almost out... VJKOfficial here just with a short (yer right) word of thanks for the kind words from Daddy Rax re SLEAZEBALL 2023 . It's been a pleasure neh honour to serve you and the fam that I now call friends..

During the meetings re Sleaze I intentionally never mentioned what media I was playing off in fear of being ridiculed for playing from a mobile phone named 🐸KERMIT the Frog!

I thank all my CO-DJs for not laughing when I pulled my DJ box out of my pocket and started to play music, loop, loop slip, play event and DJ promos, run sound FX, adjust 3 eq bands, check the waveforms and search for songs by title or artist... This mainly goes to DJ Lush who played before me. Being of a sensitive nature I was worried of the feedback from everyone... 🐸 Is totally digital including the inbuilt compressor/limit right up to customers equipment, including the digital wireless link!

🐸 Is HIS name, I give him all the credit as I'm not good at receiving that either, I really am a mess of a human! In reality 🐸 is just a tool like a laptop and set of Nex Pioneer dex but with far more features due to the devs in France and a little of my own work in fault finding.

I look forward to PROUDLY bring 🐸 to you next year as your resident DJ and his very talented 🐸....

I thank anyone who has shared kind words about my craft with me, it means more than you can imagine....

To reward you for reading down here... Here's the live recording of my set.... Enjoy..



Do you think you could cope with a positive post from me.... Just this once?

Massive thanks to the kind folk at Lakeside cafe for giving me a nice little ongoing job to do in mixing and producing their in house music.

It also gives me somewhere friendly to go each week to transfer music and enjoy a light snack and a drink that's totally chill and regular with out anxiety... Sometimes I go to work, sometimes not...

Totally humbled and more appreciated than most will know.

Look out Adelaide, finished my first mk iii caps and they look awesome. New panels have higher led count top to bottom b...

Look out Adelaide, finished my first mk iii caps and they look awesome. New panels have higher led count top to bottom but 4 less accross.

Software is much more complicated than before but with that comes more features. I still have to copy all my bus destos accross dot by dot. I think I can now save train PID screens for both limited Express and all Stations, but not sure if that code is working yet.

I primarily use these for DJ gigs but have had overwhelming positive feedback from people in the street it's worth my time programming, just to bring a smile to the faces of the public.

If you see me, wave and say Hi.

Now proofing my SLEAZEBALL 2023    live mix (yes such a talented sound engineer my 🐸 KERMIT can record live sets too.......

Now proofing my SLEAZEBALL 2023 live mix (yes such a talented sound engineer my 🐸 KERMIT can record live sets too.... Get that Pioneer....)

If it's good I'll put it up for you to free download...

Note I generally don't "hear" any of my mixes till after the event... Too busy concentrating...

If it's s**t it gets dumped....


Hey buddy... 🐸KERMIT The sound engineer.... The most talented frog I know... Time for your pep talk...SLEAZEBALL 2023   ...

Hey buddy... 🐸KERMIT The sound engineer.... The most talented frog I know... Time for your pep talk...

SLEAZEBALL 2023 is here in just a couple hours and I'm really relying on you to look after me tonight so we sound awesome for all the kinky folk looking for a great night out at Aphrodite Lounge....

Please do your best to keep that wireless link up and our special software running smoothly as always. If something goes wrong I don't want you to panic (one of us painicing is enough) we will just get back up where we left off and finish the set with pride..

🐸 Your one of a kind buster, so we are allowed a bit of leeway... But you've been so good to us this year.....

I'm counting on you... I know you can do it....

Lets ROCK IT at 1am...


Working hard on my Harden Up DJ Set for you tomorrow night. I've had to do it in just a few days as I decided my set wou...

Working hard on my Harden Up DJ Set for you tomorrow night. I've had to do it in just a few days as I decided my set would have been "too fluffy" for you.

The new set is lots of tunes you know and love but with a more uplifting feel good, remixed. I hope you've got tickets because I don't want you to miss any of our DJs this Saturday night.
To my sound engineer 🐸KERMIT... This is a big event for us all, we've worked fu***ng hard together, you more than me if I'm honest... For this event let's let loose and work out your latest DJ software revision !
For those that don't know 🐸, he's my sound engineer, I tell him what I want to do, and he does his best to transcribe that into something you can hear.
He's totally digital, absolutely no analogue until we hit the clubs amplifiers. All FX, loops, samples eq, even our wireless link is 48khz digital... It's processed digitally for the best sound quality...
I always give 🐸 a little pep talk pre-gig but he knows how awesome he is this event...
He knows he sounds damn fine, we work as a team... We choose the music together... But he does all the digital stuff and therefore he deserves all the credit... So... Kermit🐸 we got this.... If the software does go bad for you we'll reboot asap... Only takes a few seconds but I know you don't like having to do that.

There are a few tix left online at my last check but if you miss out it's only a few $ more on the door if that's the way you have to go...

Online tix here

One of these images has a page of CD covers from my playlist.... Feel free to have a perve!


Testing now... Not entirely happy with the air flow... It's gotta be better than before.. As I've said before... Not a H...

Testing now... Not entirely happy with the air flow... It's gotta be better than before..

As I've said before... Not a HVAC mech... But this just seems like the right thing to do...


Guy on bus liked the hat but I only heard "hat' before he ran off the bus... Feel terrible...

Yesterday man in woolies deli declared "best cap ever".... When showing merry x mas...

Love making ppl happy with the cap.

V4 caps still in the post, new software so not sure if any good but will have a go at it. Or sell them on.

Proud to help out Lakeside cafe... New Cafe music arriving next Wednesday... You don't want to hear the same thing every...

Proud to help out Lakeside cafe... New Cafe music arriving next Wednesday... You don't want to hear the same thing every visit do you?

Don't know what to get your mate for Christmas? Surprise them with a awesome dance party ticket to SLEAZEBALL 2023 ...Ev...

Don't know what to get your mate for Christmas? Surprise them with a awesome dance party ticket to SLEAZEBALL 2023 ...

Everyone welcome just leave your attitudes and opinions at the door and dance the night away with some of the finest DJs the country had to offer... Oh and me and a 🐸...

Just $30 or more at the door (already limited)



Totally yummy chicken nuggets and best cuppas ever at Lakeside cafe.

Totally yummy chicken nuggets and best cuppas ever at Lakeside cafe.

Just a sly sample of what I'm playing at this year's Annual SLEAZEBALL 2023 .. Tap to see more... Get your tix here.. ht...

Just a sly sample of what I'm playing at this year's Annual SLEAZEBALL 2023 .. Tap to see more...

Get your tix here..


Hi all VJKOfficial here with 🐸.He just played me the second draft of Harden Up, my live DJ set for SLEAZEBALL 2023  this...

Hi all VJKOfficial here with 🐸.

He just played me the second draft of Harden Up, my live DJ set for SLEAZEBALL 2023 this Saturday night... I gotta say...

I've TOTALLY outdone myself... Created in just 3 hours (but plays for 75 minutes), it truly is a journey through house and electro and it even gave me tears of joy about four songs in.... And I've never done that before... On public transport!! Embarrassed much!

You need tix for this end of year dance party.... So many talented DJs.... And me... VJK



Hope I'm in private with both of my fans and none of my bosses are in here coz I really need to talk and I'm alone here...

This goes in this feed because it's work based, even though I'm just helping out ppl..

That venue has an ice machine that's badly designed.. To fix the design I have to cut the front panel off it, make the edges safe, and install finger guards on the now breathable fans.. I hate angle grinders... But I promised the boss... Wish me luck.. What sucks is I didn't take the measurements properly so I have to go back tomorrow for the the right cutter discs... Idiot!

This Saturday night I'm rostered late for SLEAZEBALL 2023, we have a team of brilliant DJs but all playing much harder than me... If I play fluff after 4 hours of house edm and electro I'll empty the space. So I've had to create a draft mix in one night so I can proof it ready for Saturday night. (proof = test, delete, add ect).... Idiot




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