Looking for new shelter 5 common Budgie breeding pairs 1 red eye breeding pair 13 common Budgie 2.5 months chicks 2 red eye chick 2.5 months 1 female common Budgie Location sawabi WhatsApp +923088708776
Looking for new shelter
3 common Budgie breeding pairs
1 red eye breeding pair
13 common Budgie 2.5 months chicks
2 red eye chick 2.5 months
1 female common Budgie
Location sawabi
WhatsApp +923088708776
Budgies breeding progress update | Budgies breeding setup | Budgerigar breeding setup and progress
Budgies breeding progress update | Budgies breeding setup | Budgerigar breeding setup and progress
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/BfjHESd7Z_c
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Budgies breeding progress,Budgies breeding setup,Budgerigar breeding setup,Budgerigar breeding progress,Budgies cage Setup,Budgie breeding box,Budgies breeding tips,Budgies breeding results,Australian parrots breeding progress,Australian parrots breeding setup,Budgies breeding season,budgies breeding formula,how to get budgies to breed,mitthu wala mitthu,Parrots,parrots lovers,birds,birdslovers,pets,petlovers,nature
Budgies Male vs Female - How to identify male and female budgies - Budgies gender identification
Budgies Male vs Female - How to identify male and female budgies - Budgies gender identification
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/aeQ2LhqSpQ8
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Budgies Male vs Female, How to identify male and female budgies, how to identify gender of budgies, how to identify budgies gender in hindi, how to check budgie gender in hindi, how to check budgie gender, how to find gender in budgies, how to tell budgies male or female, budgies gender identification in hindi, parakeet gender identification, parakeet gender test, budgies gender how to tell, budgie gender test, Budgies gender difference, Australian parrots gender identification, parrots, parrots lovers, birs lovers, nature lovers,
My Budgies breeding progress | Budgies breeding setup | Budgerigar breeding setup and progress
My Budgies breeding progress | Budgies breeding setup | Budgerigar breeding setup and progress
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xjrNaN79YdY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Budgies breeding progress,Budgies breeding setup,Budgerigar breeding setup,Budgerigar breeding progress,Budgies cage Setup,Budgie breeding box,Budgies breeding tips,Budgies breeding results,Australian parrots breeding progress,Australian parrots breeding setup,Budgies breeding season,budgies breeding formula,how to get budgies to breed,mitthu wala mitthu,Parrots,parrots lovers,birds,birdslovers,pets,petlovers,nature
Benefits and use of Apple cider vinegar for budgies (Birds) | charbi ka ilaj | Birds ki charbi kam karne ka tarika
Benefits and use of Apple cider vinegar for budgies (Birds) | charbi ka ilaj | Birds ki charbi kam karne ka tarika
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/u3oPKrDhKss
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Apple cider vinegar for budgies, benefits of apple cider vinegar for budgies, benefits of apple cider vinegar for birds, Budgies ko apple cider vinegar dainey k faiday or nuqsan, Apple cider vinegar dainey ka tariqa, charbi walay birds ki charbi kaisey khatam Kare, use of vinegar for birds, Budgies cage items, Birds cage items, Budgies charbi ka ilaj, Birds ki charbi kam karne ka tarika, ACV for budgies, ACV for Birds, Budgies treatment, birds treatment, parrots, parrots lovers, bird, birds lovers, pets, pets lovers, nature
#BenefitsanduseofApplecidervinegarforbudgiesBirds #charbikailaj #Birdskicharbikamkarnekatarika
Birds (Budgies) ki charbi ka ilaj | Birds ki charbi kam karne ka tarika | Birds ki charbi kaisey khatam Karein (Fat lose)
Birds (Budgies) ki charbi ka ilaj | Birds ki charbi kam karne ka tarika | Birds ki charbi kaisey khatam Karein (Fat lose)
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/jEwhz-pPcpQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Apple cider vinegar for budgies, benefits of apple cider vinegar for budgies, benefits of apple cider vinegar for birds, Budgies ko apple cider vinegar dainey k faiday or nuqsan, Apple cider vinegar dainey ka tariqa, charbi walay birds ki charbi kaisey khatam Kare, birds ki charbi kam karne ka tarika, use of vinegar for birds, Budgies cage items, Birds cage items, Budgies charbi ka ilaj, ACV for budgies, ACV for Birds, Budgies treatment, birds treatment, Budgies fat lose, birds fat lose, parrots, parrots lovers, bird, birds lovers, pets, pets lovers, nature
Benefits of wheat for budgies | Best soft food for budgies, Best Breeding formula for budgies
Benefits of wheat for budgies | Best soft food for budgies, Best Breeding formula for budgies
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/jDvMUoufCsc
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Wheat for budgies, benefits of wheat for budgies, best soft food for budgies, how to gave wheat to budgies, boil wheat for Birds, advantages of wheat for budgies, garmion Mai birds ko gandum dena, sardion Mai birds ko gandum dena, wheat for budgies in winter, wheat for budgies in summer, budgies breeding feed, budgies breeding food, budgies breeding diet, budgies soft food in winter, budgies soft food in summer, best breeding formula Budgies,
#Wheatforbudgies #benefitsofwheatforbudgies #bestsoftfoodforbudgies #howtogavewheattobudgies #boilwheatforBirds #advantagesofwheatforbudgies #garmionMaibirdskogandumdena #sardionMaibirdskogandumdena #wheatforbudgiesinwinter #wheatforbudgiesinsummer #budgiesbreedingfeed #budgiesbreedingfood #budgiesbreedingdiet #budgiessoftfoodinwinter #budgiessoftfoodinsummer #bestbreedingformulaBudgies
Budgies Colony VS Single Cage Setup | Advantages & disadvantages | Best cage Setup for budgies
Budgies Colony VS Single Cage Setup | Advantages & disadvantages | Best cage Setup for budgies
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TOJalxbMOck
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Budgies Colony, Single Cage Setup, Budgies Colony VS Single Cage Setup, budgies colony Advantages, budgies single cage disadvantages, budgies information, budgies breeding box, budgies cage, budgies cage Setup, Best cage Setup for budgies, best breeding setup for budgies, budgies breeding setup, parrots, parrots lovers, budgies lovers birdslovers, petlovers, Lovebirds,
#BudgiesColony #SingleCageSetup #BudgiesColonyVSSingleCageSetup #budgiescolonyAdvantages, #budgiessinglecagedisadvantages, #budgiesinformation, #budgiesbreedingbox, #budgiescage, #budgiescageSetup, #BestcageSetupforbudgies, #bestbreedingsetupforbudgies, #budgiesbreedingsetup, #parrots, #parrotslovers, #budgieslovers #birdslovers, #petlovers, #Lovebirds #budgiesofinstagram
Parrots Recite Quran-e-Pak | Mitthu Parrot Recite Quran Pak | Bolnay Wala Totaa Talking In Urdu/Hindi part #2
Parrots Recite Quran-e-Pak | Mitthu Parrot Recite Quran Pak | Bolnay Wala Totaa Talking In Urdu/Hindi part #2
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bogCTeBaLmg
A beautiful Green parrot Reciting Holy Quran in a very Clear voice. MianMitthu Reciting Kalma Sharif Talking In Urdu/Hindi.
قرآنِ پاک کی تلاوت کرنے والا طوطا انتہائی صاف آواز
Tilawat e Quran best voice quran tilawat quran tilawat quran quran recitation Quran e Pak
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
#Parrots, #greyparrots, #religiousrecitation, #TalkingParrot, #SpeakingParrot, #ReciteQuranPak, #greenParrottalking, #parrotsvideos, #parrotsinPakistan, #parrotparadise, #Aviarybirds, #Top10intelligentbirds, #Trueparrot, #Macawparrot, #Parrotnames, #Parrotsrestaurant, #Talkingparrot, #Parrotsforsale, #Whatdoparrotseat, #Parrotdrawing, #Besttalkingparrot, #Talkingparrotinhindi, #FunnytalkingParrots, #mithutalking, #bolnaywalatota, #parrotssinging, #parrotsdancing, #parrotvoice, #parrotsswearing, #parrotrecitesQuran #parrotslovers
Copyright Disclaimer : Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TalkingParrot, #SpeakingParrot , #ReciteQuranPak
Budgies layed Eggs | My First Breeding cage Setup For Budgies | Budgie breeding Results
Budgies layed Eggs | My First Breeding cage Setup For Budgies | Budgie breeding Results
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XUXFTYGCSWs
Watch my setup: https://youtu.be/PUX-CRy5eNY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Budgie, Budgies breeding, budgies layed Eggs, budgies breeding results, Budgies sounds, Budgies singing, Budgies mating, Budgies talking, Budgies chirping, Budgies breeding cage Setup, Budgies breeding formula, Budgies breeding tips, My First Breeding Setup For Budgies, Budgies breeding food, Budgies breeding season, breeding setup for budgies, Budgie Feeding Routine, best breeding food for budgies, budgies k liye breeding setup, Budgie breeding box, Budgie breeding problems, Breeding budgies for colour, Budgie breeding season in India, Breeding budgies in an aviary, How often do budgies breed, Budgies breeding season in india 2020, How many times budgies breed in a year
My First Breeding cage Setup For Budgies | Is it Ok or not | Budgie breeding Food
My First Breeding cage Setup For Budgies | Is it Ok or not | Budgie breeding Food
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PUX-CRy5eNY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Budgie, Budgies breeding, Budgies sounds, Budgies singing, Budgies mating, Budgies talking, Budgies chirping, Budgies breeding cage Setup, Budgies breeding formula, Budgies breeding tips, My First Breeding Setup For Budgies, Budgies breeding food, Budgies breeding season, breeding setup for budgies, Budgie Feeding Routine, best breeding food for budgies, budgies k liye breeding setup, Budgie breeding box, Budgie breeding problems, Breeding budgies for colour, Budgie breeding season in India, Breeding budgies in an aviary, How often do budgies breed, Budgies breeding season in india 2020, How many times budgies breed in a year
Parrots Recite Quran-e-Pak | Mitthu Parrot Recite Quran Pak | Bolnay Wala Totaa Talking In Urdu/Hindi
Parrots Recite Quran-e-Pak | Mitthu Parrot Recite Quran Pak | Bolnay Wala Totaa Talking In Urdu/Hindi
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/r9Eux4EybKk
A beautiful Green parrot Reciting Holy Quran in a very Clear voice. MianMitthu Reciting Kalma Sharif Talking In Urdu/Hindi.
قرآنِ پاک کی تلاوت کرنے والا طوطا انتہائی صاف آواز
Tilawat e Quran best voice quran tilawat quran tilawat quran quran recitation Quran e Pak
It is Platform for Birds lovers like Budgie, Ringneck, Raw, Lovebirds, cocktail and African. Also Aseel Murgha And Teeter. We share videos, information and tips about all types of birds. You can contact me personally on below links:::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansarrazabirds/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdz7pr7eANK0F3XyqVdmvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ansarrazabirds?s=09
page: https://www.facebook.com/Ansar-Raza-Birds-104243771627669/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/853286258844790/?ref=share
Whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BOZm1F4Dz2IKtvFA7td0Bv
Whatsapp Number: +923088708776
#Parrots, #greyparrots, #religiousrecitation, #TalkingParrot, #SpeakingParrot, #ReciteQuranPak, #greenParrottalking, #parrotsvideos, #parrotsinPakistan, #parrotparadise, #Aviarybirds, #Top10intelligentbirds, #Trueparrot, #Macawparrot, #Parrotnames, #Parrotsrestaurant, #Talkingparrot, #Parrotsforsale, #Whatdoparrotseat, #Parrotdrawing, #Besttalkingparrot, #Talkingparrotinhindi, #FunnytalkingParrots, #mithutalking, #bolnaywalatota, #parrotssinging, #parrotsdancing, #parrotvoice, #parrotsswearing, #parrotrecitesQuran #parrotslovers
Copyright Disclaimer : Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use