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Dirtywork Digital • Social Media Management | Coaching
• Helping businesses become visible online
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Have you gone through this year feeling a bit like your winging it? 🫠Maybe you haven’t seen the results that you want, o...

Have you gone through this year feeling a bit like your winging it? 🫠

Maybe you haven’t seen the results that you want, or maybe you have but next year you’ve got BIG ambitions for your business and you wanna work with somebody that shares that for you and wants to help you achieve it allll 💥

I have a couple of rare spots that have opened for social media management for January.

So if you wanna push your biz to the next level get in contact with me via the link in my bio!

I’m also here for you if you’re not quite ready to hand over your socials and looking for that extra support in the new year, you can book a POWER UP 1-1 session with me, where we can go through your struggles and outline an action plan for you to implement! 🙌

Drop me a dm or click the link and find out how you can work with me in the new year 🙌🪩

Your Friday reminder 🪩

Your Friday reminder 🪩

You really don’t need 10k followers to run a successful business.Yes having a bigger social media presence will increase...

You really don’t need 10k followers to run a successful business.

Yes having a bigger social media presence will increase your visibility, but if you have no idea how to nurture and convert your current audience you will be spinning your wheels concentrating on constant numbers, surely sales is more important?

When clients have big audiences and say to me they want “more followers” I always ask WHY first. I want to know what they’re doing to nurture their current audience.

Yeah having a big following is great, but it’s really not needed or the be all.

I had someone say to me today, I’ve ONLY got 300 followers, and I reassured them that that’s a lotta people, they said they had an amazing weekend of sales and turns out they know how to CONVERT their audience with content.

On the other hand I’ve had chats with businesses that have over 20k followers, obsessed with the numbers but can’t convert and nurture.

YES we all need growth to some extent, but does it really need to be follower hits?

Growth can come from business revenue, new customers, new referrals, more sales, personal growth.

So remind yourself, wherever you’re at in your journey, you’re doing bloody great.

What do you feel about the whole follower count thing? Are you still feeling the pressure or are you shifting focus elsewhere? Let me know below xx

Content creation has completely changed and is no longer needing to be super aesthetic or carefully created.If your stuc...

Content creation has completely changed and is no longer needing to be super aesthetic or carefully created.

If your stuck with what to post right now, take a popular topic in your industry and break it down into 3 goals..

⚡️ To educate

⚡️ To inspire

⚡️ To promote

1 topic 3 pieces of content in different way to inspire and nurture your audience.

If your feeling overwhelmed go back to the drawing board and brainstorm what your audience need to know then break it down like this.

Looking for more help with your socials?

Get in touch via my link in bio 💥

I’m currently managing 10 social media accounts… That’s over 160 pieces of content.It would be near enough IMPOSSIBLE fo...

I’m currently managing 10 social media accounts…

That’s over 160 pieces of content.

It would be near enough IMPOSSIBLE for me to reinvent the wheel every time I have to create, I’d be exhausted 🤣

If you’re constantly thinking of new ideas every time you create you’re going to end up procrastinating 🙃

Go back and study what content your audience have loved and rework that idea.

Videos into carousels, graphic posts into videos.

Start collecting stock content of your documented day, and rework your captions into text over the top.

There’s SO many ways to re-purpose your content, so when it comes down to organising and getting a plan together, take 1 idea, and work it into 3 different formats.

Is this something you struggle with right now?

I’ve been pretty quiet on here recently so thought I’d say HEY 👋🏻 and give you a bit of an update as to what I’ve been u...

I’ve been pretty quiet on here recently so thought I’d say HEY 👋🏻 and give you a bit of an update as to what I’ve been up to…

⚡️ Behind the scenes myself and my wonderful social media assistant have been working with some amazing clients, projects and campaigns.

⚡️ I have had the pleasure of coaching new 1-1 clients which I’ve absolutely LOVED (few more spots dm me!)

⚡️I’m investing back into my skills, learning and adapting with the ever changing and evolving industry so I can serve my clients and you better.

I wouldn’t be authentic if I spoke about all the highs, like everyone, there’s lows too…

- Balancing work and life and my happiness

- Trying to keep up with changes and then having to change up ways of work / services

- creative block for myself

- feeling exhausted

- Taking a slower summer and then feeling the September pressure

🪩 Welcome aboard the business owner rollercoaster right? 🤣

So if you’re feeling it aswell right now I thought I’d just share with ya that I’ve been feeling it too, and I know so many others have aswell…

Wherever you’re at right now, take what you need, whether that’s a break, investing in yourself, or to push through.

As always my DM’s are ALWAYS open for a chat 🪩

The world of Social Media is ever-changing and constantly evolves 🤯People are now understanding that what worked in thei...

The world of Social Media is ever-changing and constantly evolves 🤯

People are now understanding that what worked in their strategy 3 years or even a year ago may not work today...

If you’re struggling to keep up with the constant changes and have no idea where to start when it comes to the what, where and HOW of your social media strategy, it may be time to invest in a social media manager to remove the stress and take your business into the hands of an expert.

Click the work with me link in my bio to enquire for September ⚡️

This question comes up ALOT for me when I’m working 1-1 with a business… I reckon I’d be rich if I had a pound got every...

This question comes up ALOT for me when I’m working 1-1 with a business… I reckon I’d be rich if I had a pound got every time I was asked… and that’s OKAY because with all the noise out there it’s confusing so let me give you my thoughts…

We all know that there’s so much fluff out there when it comes down to the ‘when’ and ‘how much’ a week…

But NO business is the same so your strategy isn’t going to be the same as the business next to you!

So here are a few things you want to be taking into consideration when creating your content plan…

⚡️What are your goals right now? If you are looking to attract more eyes to your page and looking for growth then it’s a given that you are going to need more of an output.

⚡️What feels like a comfortable posting schedule for you? Don’t set yourself a goal of posting 5 times a week when you know realistically it’s going to be 3, or you’ll set yourself up for failure.

⚡️ How much content can you create per week or for the month that fits into your lifestyle?

There’s no rule of thumb when it comes to a posting schedule and for me one of the first things I do is get to know the person behind the business or what the business needs.

Don’t let someone put the fear into you because they are able to be posting 10 times a week.

And equally, if you have BIG growth goals you want to smash and you need a consistent presence then maybe it’s time to outsource to a social media manager!

Pop me a message if you’re looking to outsource your socials, or if you want to work with me on your social media strategy 🪩

Listen you, it’s hard out here right now, I’m in the ring with you, I’m not gonna tell you to “just post reels” and you’...

Listen you, it’s hard out here right now, I’m in the ring with you, I’m not gonna tell you to “just post reels” and you’ll grow… because it’s SO much more than that and I know your tired and me, yeah I’m exhausted.

It’s about finding a flow and a balance that works for YOU, it’s your business you can do it your way.

So if you’re feeling a little stuck right now, and wanna brainstorm, ideate, create and refresh your strategy with me then get in touch and let’s do it, together, in a way that works FOR YOU not against you 🫶

And one last thing, please start giving yourself the same energy that you give to others on the tin-ternet, because you’re doing incredibly and you need to give yourself some credit 🙌

Stop comparing yourself to strangers that you think are doing better than you right now, your doing better than the you ...

Stop comparing yourself to strangers that you think are doing better than you right now, your doing better than the you 5 years ago 💚

The thing that people sometimes try to do if they are feeling a bit imposter-ey is to pretend to be more like the others...

The thing that people sometimes try to do if they are feeling a bit imposter-ey is to pretend to be more like the others they are comparing themselves to…. HEAR ME OUT

People feel like an imposter and then try to match that inside feeling to the outsight feeling they have about that other “feeling” they are comparing themselves to that they see on Instagram, on tv or wherever…

We’ve all been in this comparison cycle right?

The thing is, once you are competent and feeling good about where you are at, you give space for that imposter feeling to slide, and then there will the new one thing that you feel it about it, the new thing you’re working on or that new thing you’re obsessing over because as humans we ALWAYS want more right?

We’re all a work in progress and need to be kind to ourselves.

Don’t change yourself to fit in. You belong.
No matter HOW much experience you have or wherever you are at right now…

OWN where you are at in this moment of your business and use your voice to tell your own story.

That’s when the magic will start to happen ⚡️✨

Hear me out on this one…In my opinion unless it’s a specific branded hashtag for your business, they don’t belong in you...

Hear me out on this one…

In my opinion unless it’s a specific branded hashtag for your business, they don’t belong in your bio.

If you have for example in your bio you are literally giving your followers the chance to click through and find somewhere else to go and eat.

Instagram is becoming more and more like a search engine so use that bio space to tell people who you are, what you do, and give them a reason to stay… not a chance to leave!

Use keywords that are specific to your business in your bio instead!

Have you thought about this before?

Is your content working for you?Are you thinking about your buyers journey? And how your content is taking your dream cu...

Is your content working for you?

Are you thinking about your buyers journey? And how your content is taking your dream customer through that journey?


Think about what your goals are for the next few months…

⚡️If you want to attract new people to your page, think original content, reels, collaborations…

⚡️ Nurture through stories, behind the scenes content, conversations, social proof, educating…

⚡️Convert by thinking about objections to people buying, and then positioning yourself as the answer!

I am getting ready to launch my 1-1 mentorship programme… DM me “MENTORING” to be put on the waitlist and I’ll make sure you the first to know 💚🙃

31 years around the sun 💚I’ve laughed a lot, cried a lot, failed a lot, met incredible people, built a business, doubted...

31 years around the sun 💚

I’ve laughed a lot, cried a lot, failed a lot, met incredible people, built a business, doubted myself a lot, talked myself into things and out of things, been energetic, empathetic, felt very deeply about all of the things and been 100% a messy human being.

But aren’t we all? In our own unique and wonderful way…

One thing I have learnt though and the best thing I have done for myself this year is put my mental health first.

An ADHD diagnosis at 30 can make a big IMPACT and tie a-lot of ends up. But you know what it’s me, it’s my SUPERPOWER.

There is so much power in taking the time to really understand who you are, and to work with yourself instead of against.

We’re on this planet for a good time not a long time, so make it count. 💚

Your time is way better spent getting to know your audience on a deeper level 🙌Instead of spending time worrying about t...

Your time is way better spent getting to know your audience on a deeper level 🙌

Instead of spending time worrying about the ever - evolving platform, updates and the vanity metrics…

Spend that time getting to know your audience on a deeper level and building strong relationships.

What makes your community tick? Do they relate and resonate with your content?

Instead of spending time on the hacks and trying to “beat” the algorithm, use your time wisely by understanding your audiences struggles and positioning your product or service as the answer through your content.

Relate with them, connect with them and help them ⚡️

That’s how you should be spending your time right now.

How are you feeling about creating content right now? Let’s discuss 💭

Your Monday morning reminder 💭💭💭What are you going to do this week to show up authentically for your business in a way t...

Your Monday morning reminder 💭💭💭

What are you going to do this week to show up authentically for your business in a way that feels good for you? 👇🏻

Your Monday morning reminder 💭

Your Monday morning reminder 💭

It’s a bit spicy I know… 🌶There’s a lot of noise out there teaching tips and hacks and strategies that cannot be a one-s...

It’s a bit spicy I know… 🌶

There’s a lot of noise out there teaching tips and hacks and strategies that cannot be a one-size fits all. Leaving business owners feeling deflated and frustrated when your not seeing results!

It’s easier for people to grow when you’re teaching people how to grow 🤣🤣🤣

And it’s one of the reasons I don’t speak in specific depth about how to grow, because what works for one person may not work for the other…

Your business has its own story to tell, it’s own intertwined specialness that only you know…

CHANNEL more of that in your content and tell that story ⚡️

Thoughts?! 💭

Thoughts for you as we go into a new week…Start documenting your days, telling the story of your business. Let’s move in...

Thoughts for you as we go into a new week…

Start documenting your days, telling the story of your business. Let’s move into a space of posting instead of procrastinating over posting because it’s not perfect.

Let’s release the need for the vanity metrics, let’s start telling stories.

Speak to your audience, ask them what they want, relate with them connect with them and talk to people.

Because behind every follower number is a person. Let’s change up the way Instagram has become, and release this pressure and need for “perfect” let’s reconnect and let’s try new things!

How are you feeling with Instagram content right now?! What content are you enjoying seeing?

Braindump all your thoughts below and let’s discuss 💭💭

You don’t need 10,000 followers to have a fully booked out business.You don’t need 10,000 followers to be selling your p...

You don’t need 10,000 followers to have a fully booked out business.

You don’t need 10,000 followers to be selling your products.

I was fully booked with 200 followers. And there have been points where I have had a lot of time on my hands with 10k followers.

Growth in terms of followers does not always = sales.

But building a loyal community, understanding them and building relationships with people will have those people coming back to you for MORE.

Ask yourself what the need is for “followers”
Don’t get tied up into the vanity metrics…

When I had reels going viral and massive points of follower growth it was probably one of the lowest points in my business… (more on this to come)

Find a consistent rhythm that works well for YOU, consistency doesn’t look the same for everyone 💚

You may feel like you’re riding a rollercoaster right now, but don’t underestimate the POWER that you are having on othe...

You may feel like you’re riding a rollercoaster right now, but don’t underestimate the POWER that you are having on others.

YOU are someone’s favourite 💚

I’m FINALLY opening my books back up for May & June ⚡️⚡️⚡️If you want to work with me drop me a message or click the lin...

I’m FINALLY opening my books back up for May & June ⚡️⚡️⚡️

If you want to work with me drop me a message or click the link in my bio and I’ll be in touch 💚

I don’t know who needs to see this today but remember, other people’s opinions about you won’t pay your bills ⚡️        ...

I don’t know who needs to see this today but remember, other people’s opinions about you won’t pay your bills ⚡️

Heyy I’m Abby! ⚡️It’s been a while since I’ve said hey and re-introduced myself… and there’s some Lully new faces here 🥰...

Heyy I’m Abby! ⚡️

It’s been a while since I’ve said hey and re-introduced myself… and there’s some Lully new faces here 🥰

I’m a Social Media Manager & Coach.

I started this business during the pandemic and have since helped over 150 businesses create banging socials content ⚡️

Few things about me…

⚡️ I’m first on the dance floor

⚡️ I’m 30, Gemini ♊️ and live in

⚡️ I LOVE being outside and long walks

⚡️ Fave colour is Orange & Green

⚡️ I love a beer and a Sunday Guinness

⚡️ Music I love everything from indie, to disco to country to techno 💃

⚡️You’ll usually see me out and about chatting and smiling

I LOVE meeting new people so come say hey!

Introduce yourself below 🥰👇🏻

If I was starting over again on Instagram one of the things I would focus on is diversifying my feed with different type...

If I was starting over again on Instagram one of the things I would focus on is diversifying my feed with different types of video content…

How are you feeling about video content? Have you experimented with it? What feels the most daunting out of these?

Let me know 👇🏻⚡️

The people we look up to in business are those that said YES and made that first step towards where they are now…I remem...

The people we look up to in business are those that said YES and made that first step towards where they are now…

I remember when I first recorded my first video for a workshop. It sucked. But I pushed through it, through that you get better, you learn what works for you and then you do more of that.

We’re never too old to learn a new skill, or start something new, we’ve just got to embrace the fact that we might on the first or even 5th go suck at it.

But that’s the beauty of it right?

That’s all part of the journey, and without the journey they’d be no story to tell ✨

So, tell me one thing your gonna do this week that you’ve been sitting on… that’s gonna make you feel a lil uncomfortable but we’re here for it…

I’ll go first, start that tiktok account I’ve been procrastinating over… you? 👇🏻

A liddle fun on this day of LURVE…So tell me, what’s your insta love language? 👇🏻••

A liddle fun on this day of LURVE…

So tell me, what’s your insta love language? 👇🏻

We’re through January, are you looking at your vision board and wondering what’s going on? We read a lot about manifesta...

We’re through January, are you looking at your vision board and wondering what’s going on?

We read a lot about manifestation, but if you think about it, manifesting isn’t really the end goal….

When you ‘manifest’ you need to be thinking about all the action in between.

For example, you put on your vision board about running a marathon, you put the photo of you crossing the finishing lines with loved ones cheering, that’s the goal.

But the visualisation of that goal is in the gruelling hard work.

It’s visualising getting the trainers needed to run the race, it’s visualising the early mornings, blisters, the aches and pains, it’s ringing your friend and asking them for advice to start your first 10k.

It’s the visualisation of the horrible bits, that will manifest action to eventually reach that end goal.

We are capable of doing anything that we put our minds to, but only as long as you are willing to do the work and get rid of your timeline.

This moment right now is a dot on the map on your life and whatever is going on right now is preparing you for 5 years ahead.

So whatever you want right now, whether that’s to grow your business on social media, increase visibility, reach a certain milestone on reels, tiktok, reach a milestone in sales for Feb.. ANYTHING! Ask yourself what are you doing right NOW that is serving that goal?

How are you taking the right action that supports that goal?

If you need to clear on what action you need to be taking this year to reach your goals, drop me a 🙌 to enquire about my new 1-1 sessions coming up next month 💚✨

My books are opening back up for February! If you are looking to LEVEL up your social media strategy this year, struggli...

My books are opening back up for February!

If you are looking to LEVEL up your social media strategy this year, struggling for time and feeling completely deflated with your current results!

Drop me a message or click the link in my bio to work with me 💚



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