How To Create A YouTube Channel And Make Money In 2021
If you want to create a youtube channel and earn money from youtube, So this video is only for you because in this video i told you how you can create a youtube channel, How you can customize your youtube channel, how you can upload videos and much more, You can also call this video a complete free YouTube course, I hope you will learn something new from this video and you will definitely like this video..
YouTube -
Create YouTube Channel And Earn Money Playlist -
Biggest Mistakes Of My YouTube Career -
Gear + Skills Required For YouTube Videos -
How To Find Niche -
How To Grow Gaming YouTube Channel -
How I Grow My Dead YouTube Channel -
00:00 Video Introduction
01:23 Requirements
02:15 How To Create Gmail Account
03:13 How To Create YouTube Channel
03:48 Analytics Overview
05:35 YouTube Channel Settings
09:36 How To Customize YouTube Channel
12:27 What Is Playlist And How To Create Playlist
14:18 How To Upload Video On YouTube
19:59 YouTube Analytics Explained In Hindi
22:33 How To Earn Money From YouTube
24:12 Ending Of Video
#bcreato #ianmol #earnmoney #createyoutubechannel #youtubechannel #makemoneyonline
How I Grow My Dead YouTube Channel
In this video, I talked about How I Grow My Dead YouTube Channel, So if you also have a channel with more subscribers count with less views, So Watch this video till the end and know how i grow my dead channel and increase views and how you can grow your youtube channel fast, I hope you will learn something new so don't forget to hit the like button...
YouTube -
Biggest Mistakes Of My YouTube Career -
How To Find Niche -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:35 What Is Dead YouTube Channel
01:11 How I Grow My Dead YouTube Channel
02:56 The Problem
03:53 My Opinion For Your Dead YouTube Channel
05:20 Ending Of Video
#bcreato #ianmol #grow #growyoutubechannel #growdeadchannel
Truth l Copyright Free Images And Videos
Somebody must have told you this if you download images and videos from Google or YouTube and add that footage to your videos, So then you will get a copyright strike and your channel will be suspended, So how much truth is there ? To know to watch the video till the end.
I hope you will learn something new from this video and you will definitely like this video....
YouTube -
Learn About Copyright Music - Coming Soon
Top Website To Download Copyright Free Images And Videos - Coming Soon
#bcreato #ianmol #copyright #truth #copyrightstrike #copyrightfree
How To Grow Gaming YouTube Channel In 2021
If you have a Gaming YouTube channel and you want to grow your channel so this video is only for you, Because in this video i gave some tips that's help you to grow your gaming channel, No matter how many subscribers and views you already have on your gaming channel, watch this video till the end if you really want to grow your Gaming YouTube Channel, I hope you will learn something new from this video...
YouTube -
YouTube Playlist -
Quality Vs Quantity -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:40 What People Want
02:05 How To Grow a YouTube Gaming Channel Fast
10:06 Ending Of Video
#bcreato #ianmol #gaming #gamingchannel #howtogrow #channelgrow
This LED Tube Lights Are AWESOME
In this video i have reviewed my one of the favourite RGB Light that come from Wipro and i have told you how's this Tube Light is for YouTube Videos, You should buy it or not, And also I shared a alternative cheap RGB Light in this video so if you do not have budget For Wipro 20W RGB LED Tub Light so you can go for that, Watch the video till the end, I hope you will definitely like this video....
YouTube -
Buying Link
Wipro 20W RGB Light -
Godox LC500R -
Alternative Cheap RGB Light 1 -
Alternative Cheap RGB Light 2 -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:12 Behind This
01:32 Features That I Like
03:43 Build Quality
04:06 Price
04:55 Problem With Wipro 20W RGB Tub Light
06:43 Alternative Cheap RGB Light For YouTube Videos
07:31 Ending Of Video
10 Tips To Edit Your YouTube Video 10x Faster
I know video editing takes a lot of time, Due to which we are not able to make more videos soon as possible,
So in this video, I have given you 10 Tips from my 4 Years of Video Editing Experience, Which if you follow so you can edit your videos ten times faster, I hope you will learn something new from this video and you will definitely like the video....
YouTube -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:30 Tip 1 Planning
00:52 Tip 2 Shoot All footages
01:11 Tip 3 Use Proxy
01:54 Tip 4 Edit From Backwards Or Audio Waveform
02:44 Tip 5 Use Shortcut
03:12 Tip 6 Convert Video In Separate Parts
03:48 Tip 7 Use Marker
04:27 Tip 8 Use Lutes And Presets
04:53 Tip 9 Watch Videos In 2X
05:10 Tip 10 Don't Delete Project
05:48 Bonus Use Multiple Monitors
06:31 Ending Of Video
Should I Start A YouTube Channel ? l Gear + Skills Required For YouTube Videos
I know Whenever we think about doing something new, so the one thing always comes to our mind. "competition"
So in this video I told about the is 2021 is too late to start a new youtube channel or not, Also I told about the which skills and equipment's are required to create a youtube videos, So if you think about to creating a YouTube channel and want earn money but have some doubts so this video is only for you, I hope you will learn something new from this video and got your correct answer to clear your doubts from this video...
YouTube -
Create YouTube Channel And Earn Money -
Biggest Mistakes Of My YouTube Career -
How To Create A YouTube Channel And Make Money -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:50 Is 2021 Is Too Late To Start a YouTube Channel
02:20 How To Get More Views On YouTube
04 :00 Skills Needed For YouTube
06:22 Equipment To Start a YouTube Channel
07:45 YouTube as a Career
08:25 How Much Money We Can Earn From YouTube
09:07 Conclusion
09:35 Ending Of Video
#bcreato #ianmol #youtubeindia #career #youtubeasacareer #makemoneyonline
Best Lighting Setup For YouTube Videos
So in this video i told and show you about lighting setup, How You Can Light Your YouTube Videos, So watch this video till the end and learn how you achive maximam quality video with minimum resources, I hope you will learn something new from this video and you will definitely like this video..
YouTube -
Ep. 01 Best Camera Settings -
Ep. 03 How To Record Clear Audio - Coming Soon
Equipment / Gear
Godox SL60W -
Soft Box -
Alternative Trilight -
Wipro Smart Tub Light -
Reflector -
Over Head Light -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:26 About Lighting
00:52 First Step
01:24 Key Light
01:48 Fill Light
02:29 Rim Light
03:03 Hair / Overheard Light
03:28 Background Lighting
04:11 Ending Of Video
#bcreato #ianmol #lighting #lightingsetup #youtubelight #videolight
Best Camera Settings For YouTube Videos
I remember when i thought it's time to Start a New YouTube Channel, So i bought a new DSLR that is Canon 200D but when i shoot my first video the quality is not good, After some time i learned about Camera Settings, Lighting Setup and Audio, After all of this i improved my video quality and i got a high quality video from same camera, So this is the our first episode of "How To Make Quality Videos" and in this video i talked about camera settings like White Balance, Focus, Picture Profile, Shutter Speed, ISO and many things, So watch the video till the end if you want to improve your video quality no matter which camera you are using....
YouTube -
Ep. 02 Lighting Setup For YouTube Videos - Soon
Ep. 03 How To Record Clear Audio - Soon
00:00 Video Introduction
01:06 Manual
01:22 FPS
02:42 Shutter Speed
03:29 Aperture
04:21 ISO
05:14 White Balance
06:33 Picture Profile
07:27 Auto Focus
07:54 Audio Meter
08:50 Histogram
09:33 Ending Of Video
Top YouTube Categories That Can Make You Rich
In this video i talked about Top Best Categories On YouTube that have high CPC volume, That have multiple income sources, And also that can make you rich. So if you are planning to create a new profitable youtube channel, So this video is only for you or if you are already a youtubers so also this video is for you because in this video you'll learn some more ideas to make more money on video, I hope you will learn something new...
YouTube -
00:00 Video Introduction
00:38 PC Build
02:22 Website
04:21 Home Appliances
06:25 Top 5
07:37 Banking
09:10 Ending Of Video
#bcreato #ianmol #money #youtubeearning #earning #youtubeincome