The Value of a Coach
What is the value of a coach?
What is the value of being coached?
To Where are you Swimming?
It is goal setting season. We talked about the way to set a goal and here we talk about the vision necessary to know what you're working towards. Many of us would say we want a better body, bank account, credit score, but we don't actually know what that would look like. In fact, often if we were asked what a better body looks like, we would just say "not the one I have now." That isn't moving towards a goal, that's moving away from something undesirable. There is no vision there, just a conversation about the past and what isn't working for you. It is good to know what isn't working for you but only long enough to make a commitment to change. In this video, I challenge you to figure out what the change you are committed to would look like in real life. Visualize then actualize!
#goals #2021 #visualize #actualize #setgoals #swim #swimming #bestlife #2021mustdie #inspiration #dream #believe #grow
SMART goals
It is goal setting season! Here is a basic frame work for goal setting that is surprisingly simple and also surprisingly powerful. BY THE WAY-- I chose the cover picture because it encapsulates goals. Fresh #rugrats hoodie, holiday @yasso and flowers for Sarah. A GOOD LIFE I TELL YOU! Enjoy!
#nye #goals #grow #inspiration #2021 #2020 #smart
The Greatest Gift
Today I am returning to making videos! Accordingly, I am getting back to the basics with Motivation Monday by highlighting something so basic yet overlooked. You have something that Pablo Picasso doesn't. Something that Eleanor Roosevelt doesn't have. Mother Teresa, Gandhi. You, yes YOU, have something that none of them have. Watch this video to find out what it is. Now that you know you have that thing they don't, what are YOU going to do with it. Enjoy!
Giving a Life
Still working on the audio. Had to share this gem that was shared with me recently. One of those things when, as soon as I heard it, I stopped everything I was doing to write it down. I hope it makes a difference for you!
Recently had to start using a different phone for recording these and it has taken a toll on the quality. I’m on the case to fix it! ANY WHO:
I am back to talk about the role of priorities. The north star of your priorities. When you are not sure in what direction to go, you can look back to your priorities and then act. Acting according to my priorities is not a new concept to me, but it is a new practice. I used to understand my priorities but I did not act in accordance with them. Today, I am reminded that if I set my priorities straight then my priorities set ME straight. ENJOY!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m back with yet another shameless plug for Small Business Saturday. Support Sarah’s business @shopradgal or at
Thankful for all of you!
#smallbusinesssaturday #shopsmall #supportlocal #support #small #happythanksgiving #gratitude #grateful #thankful
Excited to share how I kick off my mornings. Setting a tone of success by nurturing my mind, body and spirit is the key to my personal morning routine. In addition, let’s support our local business this week for #smallbusinesssaturday
shirt | @shopradgal
#morning #routine #awakening #uponawakening #morningroutine #inspiration #grow #success #victory #mayaangelou #stillirise #phenomenalwoman #poetry #shopsmall #supportlocal
Today I share seven words that transformed my life. With these seven words I unlocked a life for myself that was quite literally impossible before I took these words and used them. ALSO please support Small Business Saturday this year!
Shirt by | @shopradgal
#smallbusinesssaturday #smallbusinessowner #shoes #soles #soul #do #grow #transformationtuesday #transformation #transform #landmark
Uh oh! It looks like many of our states are going back into lockdown 🔒 which means gyms are closing 🏋️🔚
I want you to keep being able to work out if you want! Here I have provided only a few inexpensive things to buy that will get you started on your #macgyver at home workout equipment. Best of luck to everyone.
#workout #fitness #brick #kettlebellworkout #lift #gym #athomeworkouts #love #goals #transformationtuesday #inspiration
Today I touch on the fantastic success of 12 Angry Men yesterday. As with any great conversation, we had some wonderful discourse and it brought back a concept I’ve discussed in the past, the circle rises together. Please enjoy!
#actsonstage @actsonstage #theater #theatre #act #stage #seattle #community #grow #learn #listen #conversation #blm