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Health-Liberia/Ivory Coast-CooperationPres. Weah Craves Ivory Coast's Role In Liberia’s Health SectorBy Prince S. NagbeM...

Health-Liberia/Ivory Coast-Cooperation

Pres. Weah Craves Ivory Coast's Role In Liberia’s Health Sector

By Prince S. Nagbe

MONROVIA, April 5 (LINA) – As part of efforts to strengthen bilateral ties between Liberia and Ivory Coast, President George Manneh Weah has called on the Ivorian Government to help upgrade Liberia’s energy and health sectors.

Making the call when he held talks with his Ivorian counterpart, President Alassane Ouattara, on Wednesday as part of a two-day official visit to that sisterly country, President Weah also outlined road, vocational education, and agriculture as sectors he wants the Ivorians make quick interventions.

Making the disclosure via mobile phone on the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) Super Morning Show on Thursday, Presidential Press Secretary Sam Mannah said President Weah’s visit to that neighbouring state is aimed at strengthening bilateral ties subsisting between the two countries.

Mannah added that the Liberian leader also stressed the need for Ivory Coast and Liberia to further build their ties through the enhancement of trade and commerce by revisiting the joint communiqué signed between Ivory Coast, Ghana and Liberia in the 1970s.

Mannah disclosed that President Ouattara thanked President Weah and members of his delegation for the visit, and pledged his government’s commitment to working with the Government of Liberia headed by President Weah to improve its energy, health and agriculture sectors, among others.

According to the Presidential Press Secretary, the Ivorian leader averred that “agriculture is the backbone of Ivory Coast’s economy,” and as such his government will do all it can to provide its expertise to authorities and Liberians the in agriculture sector to help improve it.

Mannah quotes Ivorian leader Ouattara as saying: “Ivory and Ghana produce about 60 percent of the world’s cocoa owing to our strength in agriculture.”

He thanked President Weah and the government and people of Liberia for hosting Ivorian refugees over the years and for the sharing of intelligence by security officers of both countries at various border points during the crisis period in Ivory Coast.

The Presidential Press Secretary also disclosed that both Presidents agreed to ensure that the borders connecting both countries are well protected and safe.



Pres. Weah Vows To Make AFL Main Driver Of “Change For Hope” Agenda
By Prince S. Nagbe

MONROVIA, February 14 (LINA) - President George Manneh Weah has vowed to ensure that the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) will not only be respected, but will be one of the main drivers of the ‘Change for Hope’ agenda.

President Weah added that his administration is also committed to building an army of professionally-trained soldiers, who are well paid, highly educated, comfortably housed, and medically cared for in keeping with internationally best practices and standards.

Speaking at the 61st anniversary celebration of Armed Forces Day at the Barclay Traininhg Center in Monrovia o February 12, the Liberian leader also promised to build a modern Military Teaching Hospital exclusively for officers of the AFL and other security forces, making it the first of its kind in Liberia when constructed.

The Commander-in-Chief of the AFL also pointed out that the facility will be provided modern equipment and highly-trained medical personnel, adding: “The facility will also be used as a Teaching Hospital to train the men and women in arms in all medical disciplines.”

Weah also pledged his government’s commitment to adequately and urgently address housing needs of soldiers of the AFL and their families, and instructed Defence Minister Daniel Ziahnkan to carry out an immediate assessment of all military housing facilities across the country to find lasting solution to the problem.

Serving as the keynote speaker at the event, the Chief of Defence Staff of the Nigerian Army, Maj. Gen. Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin, praised the AFL for the level of professionalism demonstrated over the years, especially for its critical role in the just-ended democratic elections.

Maj. Gen. Olonisakin, however, stressed the need for increased military-civilian relations that will ensure a more cohesive collaboration for peaceful co-existence.


House Receives Resolutions To Amend Constitution
By Wilfred Gortor

MONROVIA, February 12 (LINA) -The House of Representatives has received and forwarded to its relevant committees several proposed resolutions aimed at amending certain provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia.

The resolutions entitled: The Qualification I Amendment, The Qualification II Amendment, The Property Amendment, and The Citizenship Amendment were presented to the House by Representatives Fonati Koffa of Grand Kru County, and Thomas Fallah and Acarious Gray of Montserrado County, respectively.

The resolutions, which are being co-sponsored by over 21 members of the lower chambers, were presented to the body for consideration on Thursday at the 8th Day Sitting of the 1st Session of the 54th Legislature.

As contained in the Qualification I Amendment, proponents of the resolution said the purpose of effecting said amendment to the nation’s constitution is to restrict certain elected offices to natural born Liberians citizens as the term may be defined in the constitution.

The Qualification I Amendment primarily seeks to alter Article 30 of the Liberian Constitution thereby rephrase it so that it reads in part as: “ Natural born citizens of Liberia who meet the following qualifications are eligible to become members of the Legislature.”

The Qualification II Amendment, according to the lawmakers, seeks to restrict the appointment of Supreme Court justices to natural born citizens by amending in part Article 68 of the Constitution.

When done, the new Article 68 will read: The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall, with the consent of the Senate, be appointed and commissioned by the President; provided that any person so appointed shall be: a) a natural born citizen of Liberia and of good moral character, b) a counsellor of the Supreme Court Bar, who has practiced for five years.

As proffered by the resolution, the Property Amendment Act seeks to allow non-citizens of Liberia to own property with certain restrictions by deleting in its entirety Article 22 of the Constitution and inserting a rephrased version thereto.

The Citizenship Amendment proposition, as stated in the resolution, intends to remove the discriminatory Negro clause and open citizenship to any race while at the same time defining natural born Liberians and allowing them to have dual citizenship.

To affect the Citizenship Amendment clause, according to the progenitors of the resolution, the entire Article 27 and 28 of the Constitution will be removed and that a new Article 27 will be inserted therein.

NPA Intervenes to Stop Planned Customs Brokers Strike
MONROVIA, February 12 (LINA) - Customs Brokers in Liberia have agreed to abort a planned protest action at the Freeport of Monrovia following intervention by the Management of the National Port Authority (NPA).

Brokers President Alvin Tomey announced the association’s decision to halt the strike action at a roundtable dialogue with the NPA Management recently pending redress into several issues.

The issues relate to claims of “increment in Port handling charges and tariff” by APM Terminals cancellation of BIVAC contracts and the implantation of outdated penalty on cargo inspections.
A release issued hereby the NPA said its Deputies for Administration and Operations, Mrs. Celia Cuffy Brown and Christopher Wisner, initiated the dialogue with the brokers to reverse a situation that could cause instability at the Port and hurt the country’s economy as a result of the planned strike action.
The release said Madam Brown and Mr. Wisner assured the Weah-led government through the port management’s unrelenting actions aimed at providing amicable redress to issues being flagged by the Brokers

The NPA Deputies according to the release informed the Brokers’ leadership about President Weah’s vision to cultivate a people-centered and fair customer service operation at the port; hence, the Port Management will exert every means applicable to provide a solution to their concerns.

It said that the NPA management team had earlier summoned officials of the Liberia Revenue Authority and APM Terminals on the issues being raised by the Brokers and that resolution from these meetings will be officially communicated by the Government to all stakeholders of the Port.



Pres. Weah Urges Commissioned Officials To Be Committed
By Prince S. Nagbe

MONROVIA, February 12 (LINA) - President George Manneh Weah has challenged three newly commissioned cabinet officials to perform their duties with a sense of commitment in order to prove their critics wrong.

Making the call when he commissioned Foreign Affairs Minister Gbehzohngar Findley; Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah and Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel McGill,the Liberian leader urged them to work harder to justify the confidence reposed in the to serve their nation.

“When you were nominated to these high positions, some Liberians characterized you as being incompetent and unqualified to adequately carry out the task for which you were appointed, while others said otherwise, but the burden is now yours to prove those who criticized you wrong”, President Weah cautioned the three officials.

They were among the first five persons nominated by President Weah, and were confirmed by the Liberian Senate in keeping with Article 54 of the Constitution of Liberia.

Article 54 states that “the President shall nominate and, with the consent of the Senate, appoint and commission Cabinet Ministers, Deputy and Assistant Ministers, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and Judges of subordinate courts, among others.”

Speaking on behalf of his colleagues, Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Findley thanked President Weah for the confidence reposed in them to serve their country and assured him that they will not let him and the country down.

Findley promised the Liberian leader that their determination and unwavering devotion to the administration’s pro-poor agenda, which seeks to foster policies that would promote the well-being of ordinary Liberians, will be unquenched.

The commissioning ceremony was attended by senior Liberian government officials, including House Speaker Bhofal Chambers, Senate Pro-Tempore Albert Chie and Liberia Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Francis Kateh, among others.



Pres. Weah Intervenes in UL Crisis, Extends Semester By 1 Month
By Prince S. Nagbe

MONROVIA, February 7 (LINA) – Amidst series of tension which characterized the 2017/2018 academic semester at the state-run University of Liberia by aggrieved students which led to disruption of normal activities, President George Weah has intervened in the situation, restoring calm at the university.

President Weah, in an effort to restore sanity at the school, on Tuesday, February 7, approved additional expenditure intended to enhance banking operations on the university’s Capitol Hill and Fendell campuses to facilitate the late registration of students that missed the earlier deadline.

The Liberian leader further called on the UL’s Administration to extend the semester by one month in order to accommodate the thousands of students who were entrapped in the late registration saga as a result of series of protests carried out by students of the university.

Meanwhile, President Weah has urged students at the state-run University to remain calm as his administration will do all it can to ensure that their concerns are addressed.

The aggrieved students, who carried out series of demonstrations, noted that their action was against the deliberate attempt on the part of the university’s administration to deny them their right to be part of the 2017/2018 academic semester.

According to the students, the UL Administration introduced an “archaic and obsolete “registration process which, they believe, was geared towards denying them their fundamental right to acquire quality education.

The students accused the administration of contracting a single banking institution for the payment of fees for over 35,000 students, something, they believe, that cannot be achieved in one month as required by the university’s administration.

But with the latest intervention by President Weah, it is hoped that the semester-long turbulence at the university can come to an end.



LP Vows To Remain Civil In Pursuing Legal Matters
By Wilfred Gortor

MONROVIA, November 6 (LINA) – A stalwart of the opposition Liberty Party (LP) has said the party will remain responsible and civil in its pursuit of legal remedy to its complaints of malpractices in the recently held October 10 polls.
Darius Dillon said officials and partisans of the LP have conformed to the practice of democracy by remaining law-abiding and civil as the party continues to seek legal remedy to its complaints.

“Liberty Party will continue to pursue this matter in a civil and responsible manner in keeping with the rule of laws,” Dillon said in an interview with a local radio Monday.
Dillon’s comments came an hour after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the LP to sustain a Writ of Prohibition filed by the party against the conduct of the October 10 elections.

The court ruling subsequently mandate the NEC to halt all activities leading to the conduct of the November 7 run-off between the Coalition for Democratic Change of George Weah and Unity Party of incumbent vice president Joseph Boakai.
It urged the NEC to adequately adjudicate and look into complaints filed by the LP relative to its allegations of malpractices in the recently conducted October 10 General and Presidential Elections.

Dillon, who welcomed the court’s ruling, asserted that since the party embarked on its legal sojourn there has not been a single incident of misconduct on the part of the partisans of the LP.

He said the LP will not have to go back to the Supreme Court to take an appeal if NEC conducts itself and come up with a credible and convincing outcome during the hearing.
“If NEC can convince us that this process was not fraudulent and was not grossly irregular, we do not have to go (back) to the Supreme Court,” Dillon said.

Dillon opined that the Chairman of the NEC prejudiced the pending investigation when he stated in a press conference recently that the NEC conducted a free, fair and credible elections and that evidence of malpractices presented by the LP were not credible.


Supreme Court Condemns Attack On Home Of Associate Justice

MONROVIA, November 6 (LINA) - The Supreme Court has condemned the recent attack on the home of Associate Justice Sie-A-NyeneYuoh on Sunday night by some unknown persons.

According to a Supreme Court release issued in Monrovia on Monday, the perpetrators threw stones and other instruments into the compound of the Associate Justice to cause harm to those living within the compound and to also damage properties.
The Supreme Court emphasized that its adjudication of elections matters, and all other matters brought before it, is strictly based on a fair, honest and impartial interpretation of the constitution and statutes relevant to the matter being adjudicated as is humanly possible.

The Court noted that it is cognizant of the fact that its opinions or rulings on a particular matter may or may not satisfy a particular party, and as such, it will never adjudicate a matter brought before it based on the sentiments or desires of a contending party or the public.

It clarified that the judgements from the full bench of the Court are rather based on the fundamental principles of the Liberian Constitution and the relevant statutes therein.

The Court is therefore warning the public that it cannot and will not be coerced or intimidated to render a decision in a matter brought before it based on the sentiments of the parties; something which is against the tenets of justice and the foundation of our democracy and therefore called on all to guide and protect the rule of law and the fundamental rights of all living within the country.

The Court in the release pointed out that as Liberia transitions from one democratically elected government to another after 12 years of peace and stability, it is committed to carrying out its constitutional responsibility without fear or favour.
The Court reaffirmed that as provided by law, no Justice of the Supreme Court Bench, nor Judge of subordinate courts are to engage in political activities; as they are to remain neutral at all times so as to dispense fair and impartial justice should the case arise out of such activities.

It said this provision, according to the law of the Court has been upheld to the letter; not only for Justices of the Supreme Court or Judges of subordinate courts across the country, but also the entire Judiciary Branch of the government, including judicial staff.

The Court then commended officers of the Liberia National Police for their swift response to the attack on the home of Justice Yuoh and trusts that the lives and properties of all Liberians will be continuously protected.


Supreme Court Sends Liberty Party Back To NEC
By Comfort M. Johnson

MONROVIA, November 6 (LINA) – The Supreme Court of Liberia has asked the National Elections Commission (NEC) to probe the complaints filed by the Liberty Party (LP) before it proceeds with the presidential run-off of the October 10 polls.
Handing down its ruling on Monday, Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor said given the critical nature of the complaint and its implication on the governance of the nation, NEC is directed to give urgent attention to the expeditious hearing and determination of the LP claims.

Justice Korkpor in his ruling said the appropriate appeal process to the Supreme Court is availed of and the matter is decided by said court, indicating that the alternative writ of prohibition issued by the Justice in Chamber Kabineh Ja’neh is upheld and sustained, and the peremptory writ of prohibition requested by the Liberty Party is granted.

According to Chief Justice Korkpor, NEC had jurisdiction over the complaint filed by the petitioners, but by setting a date and proceeding to commence the conduct of the run-off election, while the complaint filed by Liberty Party was still pending before that body undecided, the NEC was proceeding by the wrong rules and as such, the prohibition will lie.

He indicated that having carefully examined the petition and the arguments presented before the court by counsels representing both parties, the law requires that the constitution be interpreted in light of entire document rather than a sequestered pronouncement, because every provision is of equal importance and that where there is an apparent discrepancy between the different provisions the court should harmonize, if possible.

He pointed out that as mandated by Article 83(b) of the Constitution that only the two presidential tickets with the greatest number of valid votes cast on the first ballot should be designated to participate in the run-off election, but that where the votes cast on the ballot are still subject of allegations of gross irregularities and fraud, NEC had no legal authority to have designated any two presidential tickets for run-off.

The Chief Justice noted that though Article 83 (C) of the Constitution sets forth a series of events, all of which are linked together must take into consideration in interpreting what the framers of the constitution intended when they linked the run-off election to “expiry of the time, the more rational and legal interpretation under judicial construction refers to the totality of the event enumerated from the announcement of the final results by the NEC to the disposition of any challenge by the Supreme Court.

It can be recalled that the Liberty Party through it standard bearer Charles W. Brumskine filed a writ of prohibition on last week seeking the Supreme Court to issued a stay order on the National Elections Commission to stop any actions in respect to the pending run-off election scheduled for November 7.


Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Waterfield Lab In Kakata

MONROVIA, November 6 (LINA) - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has dedicated Waterfield Primary Healthcare Center Laboratory, Ultrasound and Telemedicine Departments in Kakata, Margibi County.

The Liberian leader commended the Owner and Founder, Dr. Christiana Hena, for giving back to the community.

“We are here to recognize a Liberian for her courage, dedication and passion to come back and give to her people. Just think of all Liberians who have achieved that will decide to come back and give like what she has done,” President Sirleaf noted.

According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the statement over the weekend when she dedicated and cut the ribbon to the newly-constructed modern Waterfield Primary Healthcare Center Laboratory, Ultrasound and Telemedicine Departments under the behest of Healthy Women, Healthy Liberia in Kakata City, Margibi County.

President Sirleaf, who appeared thrilled by Dr. Hena’s initiative to construct the Health Center, Ultrasound and Telemedicine Departments, said this should serve as an inspiration and motivation to other Liberian doctors who have gone out in other parts of the world, including the United States of America and achieved to come home and give to their community.

She said Liberians make the sacrifice even though sometimes they might not have the resources but they have the skills and talents and are willing to put them to work not only for themselves, but for the good of others.

She praised Dr. Hena for coming home and taking the courage which, according to her, is not often found in the Liberian society because it takes extreme passion and courage to do so.

President Sirleaf commended Dr. Hena for her professionalism and passion for her country.

She then appointed Dr. Hena as her private and family doctor and pledged to perform her annual medical check-up at the Center given the set up and the quality of technology she had seen.

She lauded international partners and residents of the community who contributed and turned out in their numbers to witness the ceremony and for closely working with Dr. Hena and her partners in acquiring equipment and resources, including the land on which the facility is situated.

“Together,” she said, “everyone can achieve something in rebuilding the country, like what Dr. Hena and her partners have done. “

The Liberian leader, however, expressed disappointment in the absence of the Minister of Heath and Liberia’s Chief Medical Officer, stressing they should have been present to grace this occasion and walk through these facilities.

She encouraged them to make show they come to the facility and familiarize themselves with activities at the center.

Speaking further, the Liberian leader paid tribute to the father of Dr. Christiana Hena, Mr. Dominic Hena who, according to her, was one of those recognized and honored during this year Independence Day Celebration for his selfless and outstanding contribution to society.
She thanked him for his service to the country which, she said, was worth commending.

For her part, Dr. Hena thanked President Sirleaf for gracing the occasion and celebrating with them, stressing: “Thank you Madam President, for being here today; Today is a one of celebration.”

She informed President Sirleaf that over 36 communities around Kakata will benefit from services, which will be rendered, including dental care, laboratory and eye check, among others.

Dr. Hena said the Center is aimed at reducing preventable sickness in rural and upper communities in Margibi County and noted that the objective is to make health available and affordable to individual families across Margibi and Liberia.

President Sirleaf and delegation toured the entire facility, including the Vaccination Room, Eye room, Lab and Ultrasound Unit, and the Telemedicine, area among others”.

The Liberian leader then pledged her support as part of her contribution towards the efforts of Dr. Hena and her partners.

In brief remarks, Margibi County Senator Oscar Cooper commended President Sirleaf for creating the enabling environment for every Liberian to return home and make their contribution like Dr. Hena has done.

He also praised President Sirleaf for the peace and her incredible leadership over the years.

Senator Cooper thanked Dr. Hena for bringing such facility to Margibi, which he said is a great help to the people of Margibi.

“We will work with you and make sure a provision is made in the national budget for assistance,” Senator Cooper said.

The ceremony was graced by senior government officials and partners, including Defense Minister Brownie Samukai; Minister of State Without Portfolio, Dr. Clarence Moniba, U.S. Deputy Head of Mission, community members and scores of Margibians.


Liberia Names New Envoy To United States

MONROVIA, November 6 (LINA) - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commissioned Cllr. Lois Brutus as Liberia's Ambassador to the United States of America.

Cllr. Brutus replaces Ambassador Jeremiah Sulonteh who recently stepped down to foster his political career.

She commended Cllr. Brutus for demonstrating commitment and efficiency at previous assignments.

"I am most pleased first of all to welcome the Ambassador and her family and as well commend you for demonstrating commitment and efficiency in all that you've done; I look forward to seeing you demonstrate same as you demonstrated over the years," President Sirleaf said.

According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf was speaking at the weekend in the Cabinet Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when she commissioned Cllr. Lois C. Brutus, Ambassador-Designate Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Liberia to the United States of America.

Performing the ceremony, President Sirleaf described Brutus as a woman whose qualification and experience have placed her in the highest position to head one of Liberia's most important diplomatic missions.

She stated the importance of the United States mission, citing many years of firm diplomatic relations between Liberia and the US, among others.

The Liberian leader lauded family members, friends and relatives who have supported and continue to stand by Cllr. Brutus over the years and urged her to remain steadfast in the performance of her duties as assigned.

In remarks, Ambassador Brutus thanked President Sirleaf for her preferment and promised to work and not to disappoint the Liberian leader and the Liberian people in general.

She expressed determination to strengthen the ties between Liberia and the U.S. to which she has been assigned.

"Today marks the beginning of a new journey, I pledge my allegiance to the Republic of Liberia and assure you, Madam President, with God being my helper, I will do my best and not disappoint you," the Liberian diplomat pledged.

Speaking further, she said she remains grateful to President Sirleaf and will foster security, immigration and trade to enhance stronger relations between the both nations.

The commissioning ceremony was attended by senior government officials, including Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara, and Sylvester Grigsby, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs as well as family members, friends and relatives.


Society-Reaction-VP Office
VP Office Denounces “Fake” Press Release
By Catherine B. Nyenkan

MONROVIA, October 31 (LINA) - The office of Vice President Joseph Boakai has denied issuing any press release against the recent statement issued by representatives of three political parties accusing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of interfering with the electoral process.

George Saah, Director for Media Relations, said in a statement issued in Monrovia Tuesday that “there is a document that is being circulated under a ‘George Saar’ claiming to have come from the media office of the Vice President.”

The document, according to Saah, is a fake instrument written to “sow seeds of discord and intended to undermine the office of the vice president.”

On Tuesday, a statement purportedly issued by the office of the vice president was circulated in the media.

As contained in the “fake” statement, VP Boakai expressed regrets over comments made by Unity Party Chairman Wilmot Paye at a tripartite news conference of the Unity Party, Liberty Party and All Liberian Party.

The statement alleged that VP Boakai acknowledged and at the same time expressed regrets to the President of Liberia for the untimely comments directed at her by Paye.

It quoted VP Boakai as saying that he was misled and shown a different draft statement by some partisans that the conference by the three parties was intended to address electoral malpractices and fraud and not to attack President Sirleaf.

But, Saah said at no time did the vice president issue any release to counter the statement issued by the three political parties on Sunday, October 29, adding that all official statements regarding the Unity Party comes from the spokesman of the party and not the press office of the vice president.

Saah then called on those coming in contact with the “fake statement” to condemn it and not give it credence because, according to him, it shows “high level of criminality and scheming.”

Liberian Students In Ghana Want Politicians Uphold Peace
By Prince S. Nagbe

MONROVIA, October 31 (LINA) – The Liberian Students Association in Ghana (LISA-Ghana) has called on all politicians and standard bearers of political parties in Liberia, especially members of the CDC and UP to avoid electoral or post electoral violence and spread the word of peace and non-violence.

LISA-Ghana, in a press release issued in Monrovia on Tuesday, noted that it is cognizant of the multiple divisive messages and hate speech on social and other mass media in relation to the November 7 runoff election.
It warned those involved not to use their parochial and egoistic interest to distort the peace and tranquility Liberians enjoy today.

According to them, the runoff is another golden opportunity for Liberians to demonstrate their sense of patriotism and nationalism over personal gains and that Liberians must at all times prevent the “Kenya rerun election” scenario in Liberia.
“Let the world know that we are the architect of our own destiny and that our vote should reflect a more peaceful, transformed, and sustainable Liberia,” the student group said.

They encouraged voters to go out in their numbers to vote like they did during the October 10 polls, especially the youths as they envision the transition to a “new Liberia” come November 7.

LISA-Ghana added: “We are hopeful for an inclusive, just, and opportunistic Liberia, and are certain that Liberia’s peace is irreversible and its developmental progress can no longer be stagnated.”

The Association thanked authorities of the National Elections Commission (NEC), political parties, especially the Unity Party and the Coalition for Democratic Change as well as their partisans and sympathizers, and all registered voters for convincing the world that they are capable of protecting and maintaining the peace regardless of their political, social, and tribal differences.

LISA-Ghana hoped that NEC will uphold the sacred obligation of holding a credible run-off election on November 7, “because elections are not selections and they are to be conducted on the pillars of transparency and justice rather than favoritism.”



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