Being ready is a choice.
How many times have you waited until you were ready for x?
Being ready is NOT a feeling.
It’s a CHOICE.
Some people wait their whole lives to be ready to take on a project, a new job, a hobby, a conversation, or to set boundaries.
And then it’s too late.
Choosing to be ready to make a change can be a difficult decision.
It takes a ton of mindset work, personal development growth, and accepting change which can be extremely uncomfortable.
Once the work has been done and the foundation is built, that is where the feeling of readiness comes from which helps make the decision to change easier in order to create the life that is desired
Waiting to be ready is something you will always be waiting for.
Realizing it is a choice is what changes lives.
Do you feel that you are waiting for that "ready" moment and it still hasn't come?