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eConnectSocials, social media agency established by a motivated and self-driven individual with a high level of digital literacy that is eager to assist has developed valuable concept pitches for advertisers who are looking for integrated media partnerships.

" We've all seen it: a social media post with hundreds of likes, comments, and shares. It's a powerful feeling to know t...

" We've all seen it: a social media post with hundreds of likes, comments, and shares. It's a powerful feeling to know that your content has been read, shared, and enjoyed by so many people.

But what if you're not getting the engagement you hoped for? How do you get more people to interact with your posts?

In the world of content marketing, a lot of people are trying to do the same thing: get more people to read their stuff. But when it comes to actually make this happen, most people don't know what they're doing.

Here are some tricks for getting people to interact with your content.

✔️ Make your content interactive

✔️ Use quizzes and polls

✔️ Add a chat feature to your website

✔️ Add an email signup form to your site (or use a plugin)

✔️ Ask for feedback on social media

✔️ Engage with people who share your content

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"Call to actions are a powerful way to get people to take action on your marketing. It's a simple concept: you ask them ...

"Call to actions are a powerful way to get people to take action on your marketing. It's a simple concept: you ask them to do something, and then give them a way to do it.

When used correctly, call-to-action buttons can make all the difference in the success of your marketing campaigns. They can also be used poorly, which will make your campaign fail.

Here are some examples of call-to-action marketing examples that work well:

Buy, Shop, Order, Reserve, Save, Add to Cart, Pick, View

S📢 aaS conversion:
Try, Get Started, Subscribe, Sign Up

📢 Non-profit conversion:
Donate, Commit, Volunteer, Adopt, Give, Support

📢 Newsletter or community:
Subscribe, Join, Sign Up, Refer

📢 Freebie giveaway:
Download, Get, Grab, Claim, Take advantage of

📢 General:
Learn More, See More, See How, Start, Find Out, Check it Out, Click here, Continue, Swipe Up,"

Hit up at

"There are two ways to make your content go from good to great: you can either take it up a notch in terms of quality or...

"There are two ways to make your content go from good to great: you can either take it up a notch in terms of quality or presentation.

In terms of quality, the most important thing is to be a perfectionist. Some people might not notice if something is slightly off in your content; however, someone with discerning taste will notice right away. You should be editing your work until you're completely satisfied with it. If you come across a sentence that doesn't quite sound right but editing it would cause the flow of your piece to suffer, just leave it as is and know that someone who really cares about your content will be reading it carefully and will probably catch an error or two. The last thing you want is for someone to point out that there's an extra space between the beginning of one paragraph and the end of another—it's the little things that make a piece stand out.

Presentation refers not only to the formatting of your document but also the technical aspects like making sure all links lead somewhere useful and images aren't broken. It's easy to let these kinds of things slip by when you're busy putting together an article, but if they're wrong, readers will see right through them.

Good content is like a small, but succulent fruit. It's pleasant to look at, it has a nice smell and it can be readily swallowed. 📄🔝

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"if you run a business, social media can be a great tool for you to use. But what are the advantages? Here are some of t...

"if you run a business, social media can be a great tool for you to use. But what are the advantages? Here are some of the more obvious ones:

💻 It's free. All you need is a Facebook or Twitter account and you're ready to go.

💻 It's easy to access. All you need is your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, and you can log on to social media sites anytime anywhere; even if you're in the middle of nowhere, you don't have to worry about missing out on anything!

💻 It's interactive. You can engage with people who are following your page or accounts and have conversations with them. You can also post pictures, videos and other things that they will notice and pay attention to rather than just be one of many similar posts and messages that they scroll past without any thought or consideration.

💻 It promotes interaction between customers and company personnel in a way that was not possible before the advent of social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.

💻 It reduces the cost of advertising for companies by providing an inexpensive alternative for companies who want to let people know about new products, services, etc., in a manner that is not very expensive at all.

It is a great way to create a buzz about your business. It's an effective tool for reaching potential customers, and it's also a great way to connect with your existing clientele and there are actually a lot of advantages that can be gained by utilizing social media."
What are your favorite social media platform? Share them below!

"There are so many social media platforms out there, it can be hard to know where to put your efforts. If you're into st...

"There are so many social media platforms out there, it can be hard to know where to put your efforts. If you're into staying in touch with friends and family, but don't want to spend more time on social media than is healthy for you, the most important thing is to choose the one platform that makes the most sense for your needs. For example, if you live far away from family and want to stay in touch frequently, Facebook might be a better choice than Instagram.

There are a few different factors you should consider when choosing which platform will work best for you:

-How much do you enjoy using it? -How many people are already on that platform? -What's the purpose of each platform? -How easy is each platform to use? -Is one of the more popular with your target audience?

If you're still having trouble deciding, ask yourself which platform is most likely to improve how well you meet your needs. For example, if it's important for you to keep up with what friends and family are doing in their day-to-day lives, make sure they're on the same platform as you.💻"
Discover the benefit of the Social Meda Platform. Join us at

"Social media have changed the business world. The connections that people have made on social media platforms have faci...

"Social media have changed the business world. The connections that people have made on social media platforms have facilitated a huge amount of business for a number of companies. Businesses can get customers from all over the country by using social media. There are millions of people who use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and other forms of social media on a daily basis. Social media has enabled these companies to reach out to these people in a way that was not possible before.

Social media are changing the way that many businesses operate. A lot of companies are coming up with new ideas and concepts based on information they learn through their social media channels. Businesses can use this information to change the products they offer or even create completely new products based on what they learn on their social media channels. This type of research is very important for a business owner because it is a window into what their customers want. It is also important for businesses to make sure that they respond quickly to complaints or questions from their customers through social media sites. When you respond quickly to your customers it lets them know that you really care about them and are willing to listen to what they have to say.

Social media sites have also created a new way for consumers to connect with each other and share information regarding their experiences with a particular business. They provide a forum where users can express their pros and cons about a service, product, or company in a public forum that is easily accessible by anyone who is interested in that business. This feedback can then be used by the business owners to improve upon the services they provide or fix problems that may exist within their products.

This allows them to establish trust in you and makes them feel more comfortable buying from you in the future. Social media is a great tool for small businesses because it is easy to use."

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"Creating an effective social media marketing funnel for your brand can be a complicated process. It's important to have...

"Creating an effective social media marketing funnel for your brand can be a complicated process. It's important to have a solid plan in place before you create your funnel, otherwise you may find yourself guessing at what needs to come next. The following tips will help you create an effective social media marketing funnel for your brand.

'Social Media Marketing Funnel' is a broad term that refers to the different phases of communication between your business and customers. When developing your funnel, it's helpful to identify the phases you want to include. A few examples would be: 1) Awareness 2) Consideration 3) Purchase 4) Loyalty/Repeat Purchase 5) Advocacy.

As you begin to think through these phases, ask yourself: Where do I want my customers to engage with me online? What information do they need? How will they move through each phase of the funnel? What websites or platforms will they use and how? What content will I use in these phases of the funnel? These are all questions that will help you form an effective social media marketing funnel for your brand. 📈
Elevate your campaign. Book a discovery call with us at

"Social media has changed the world. In order to keep up with it, we have to do things differently than we used to. And ...

"Social media has changed the world. In order to keep up with it, we have to do things differently than we used to. And every year, our job becomes more and more important. That's why we need tools like:

🔧 Canva - You can use Canva to create everything from Facebook cover images and Twitter headers to Instagram posts and Pinterest graphics. It has all of the tools you'd expect: fonts, shapes, backgrounds, filters, layouts, etc. The best part is that it makes graphic design easy and fun!

🛠 Trello- Trello is a great tool for organizing a campaign or a social media program. It's not just another calendar or to-do list. It's a visual way of organizing information in a way that makes it easy to see what's going on at all times. It also allows you to plan your work and analyze your results in new ways. You can even use it for personal projects

🧰 Buffer-buffer is a simple but effective way to schedule social media updates for your website, blog, or business page. You can get started with it for free and schedule as many posts as you want. It will save you the time you would spend updating your social media accounts manually, and you will never miss any updates.

🔩 Grammarly- Grammarly is a grammar checker for Facebook, Twitter, and any of your other social media platforms. It can help you ensure that you're communicating clearly without making any embarrassing mistakes—which is definitely worth its value!"

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"If you’re a social media manager, the coffee pot is your best friend. In fact, it might be the only friend you have. Th...

"If you’re a social media manager, the coffee pot is your best friend. In fact, it might be the only friend you have. The nature of our jobs means that we are often alone even when surrounded by other people—we’re not just sitting alone in a room with a laptop like some kind of a loner, we’re also interacting with other people in a very specific way. Our job is to be on, friendly, and engaging all while keeping up with the pulse of what’s going on around us. We have to be listening to others while also paying attention to the world beyond our devices—on the phone and online at the same time. This can be incredibly demanding; even if you don’t feel like you need it right now, give your brain a break and get some caffeine in your system.

There’s no doubt that a cup of coffee can strongly influence social media manager’s productivity. It can either help them, stay awake and focused on their tasks, or it can lead them to hyperactivity and the obsession with the amount of work they can finish by the end of the day.

This is why social media managers are so fond of their beloved cup of coffee. It gives them a chance to meet new people and make new connections every day! ☕️"

Be productive all day also join our social media circle for more tips:

"Social media can be a lot of fun—but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. When you're managing multiple accounts, ...

"Social media can be a lot of fun—but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. When you're managing multiple accounts, keeping up with trends, and creating content for your followers, it can be a challenge to keep things feeling fresh and genuine.

In the past few years since the boom of social media, many brands have found success in this new platform. Many large companies have made innovative ways to use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram in their favor. One of their main strategies is to stay true to their identity. It's important to remember that your brand is unique and one-of-a-kind. The way you interact with your customers should always be unique and authentic to who you are as a brand.

The best way to strategize is to think of yourself as a person first. What are some of your interests? What do you like to talk about? Who do you want to reach? As a brand, you need to make sure the audience sees the personality behind your business so they can connect with you on a personal level. Personal branding is very effective in social media marketing because it creates trust between your customers and your business. Your relationships with your customers will be much more meaningful when they feel close to you and understand what makes them stand out. ✨

Upgrade your social media strategy. Book a Discovery call at

"Do you want to draw an audience like a magnet? Well, here's something that works every time.🧲You want them to flow towa...

"Do you want to draw an audience like a magnet? Well, here's something that works every time.🧲

You want them to flow toward you, and to come back again and again for more. The good news is that this is completely possible, and it's something that can be deliberately cultivated, rather than something that just happens on its own. Are your customers spread out across the globe? Are they scattered among different time zones? Are there enough of them to necessitate a marketing strategy? If you're nodding your head and saying "yes" to any of these questions, then you need to be engaged in some sort of lead generation. After all, the only way your business will survive is if it doesn't have a steady supply of quality leads coming in.

A better way to draw an audience is with content. By creating a rich and valuable source of information—something really worth reading—you're giving people something they want to consume on their own terms, without you having to sell it to them first. And if you do it right, they'll spread the word about what you have to offer without any help from you.

It doesn't matter if your audience is local or global; if you have something of value to offer, the right people will find you. Create content that helps them, and they'll seek you out themselves.

In short, they're all over the place doing everything that gives you an opportunity to engage with them in a way that will draw them in."

🎨Feed your creativity. Learn how to win on social at

"Buffer is an amazing little tool that allows you to queue up posts to your social media accounts. It saves time because...

"Buffer is an amazing little tool that allows you to queue up posts to your social media accounts. It saves time because it allows you to schedule your posts in advance. Say you want to share a post on Facebook, Buffer will allow you to schedule the post for a specific time and date so it's ready to go when you need it.

Here's how it works:

🗓 Go to and create an account (it's free).

🗓 Go to your profile and choose the social networks you want to post on. There are a lot of them, but the best ones are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest.

🗓 Choose what you want to post for each network. Then choose the time you want to post it.

🗓 When you're done setting up everything, click ""schedule."" Buffer will automatically add your posts to your account at the times you've specified.

🗓 If you don't like one of your scheduled posts, simply click it and hit delete. This will remove it from all of your scheduled posts.

🗓 You can also use the buffer as a browser extension or an app for your phone"
Learn more at

"When we post something on a social media site, we leave a footprint that people can see.✍🏽We're all familiar with the c...

"When we post something on a social media site, we leave a footprint that people can see.✍🏽
We're all familiar with the concept of a footprint by now. We come into contact with some crazy information that we don't know how to verify, so we check the sources and start building a trail from the source, back to the original claim. Social media marketing uses this same technique on a much larger scale, that's why it's sometimes called ""social media tracking"".
It all starts with something that's said or done online. For example, let's say we post something on Facebook about the new business' grand opening. People will to see that post and be interested in the product because of what they read. They're going to click on the Facebook link and then go over to the website, where they'll likely see other links to follow, or perhaps they'll even decide to message or call us directly. It doesn't matter how they get there—the point is that they did get there, and now they have their own trail that can be followed back to the original source.
The power of social media marketing is about establishing a unique footprint for your company that let the potential customers and existing clients know who you are. The goal is to show people that we understand what they need and want and that we can provide it to them in a way that excites them."
📈Grow your online presence. Want to know how it works? Book a Discovery call at

"There are a lot of ways to gain and grow an audience, but there's only one way that's really effective: learn more abou...

"There are a lot of ways to gain and grow an audience, but there's only one way that's really effective: learn more about your target audience. If you're looking to do something that no one else is doing and make yourself stand out in a crowd, that's great. But you'll be better off if you take the time to find out what already works for others in your genre or niche, and then try to tailor it to your own voice. Learn more about the kind of people you want to be associated with. If you're trying to connect with a certain kind of person, then make sure that your content is targeted to what they like and enjoy.

I'm not sure how many times I've heard this advice: "Just put yourself out there and network with other people in your field. You can't grow an audience until you start building relationships." It makes a lot of sense, but has anyone ever stopped to consider whether it works?
It's one thing to build a relationship: ask someone for her email address the next time you talk to her. It's another thing entirely to get an audience to care about what you have to say.

We're all more likely to listen to people we know, like, and trust. If you're trying to grow an audience, then it makes sense that the best way to do that is through building those relationships.

Relationships are important to build on shared interests and experiences, which means the more you learn about your potential audience—the more in-depth and specific your knowledge of their lives, interests, and desires—the easier it will be for them to become interested in anything else having to do with you and your brand."

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"If you're in it for the long haul and you want to be truly effective on social media, you need to keep your content fre...

"If you're in it for the long haul and you want to be truly effective on social media, you need to keep your content fresh. The same old images, the same old captions, the same old hashtags – there's only so many times a person can see any of these things before they get bored and move on.
In order to create stand-out content that really grabs your audience's attention, you have to find ways to do something different. This can be as simple as changing up the background or color scheme of your photos every so often (or even just taking new photos instead if your product is stationary), or it can be something more complex like incorporating different products into your videos (and finding creative ways to incorporate them).

There are a few ways to make a social media account for a product stand out.

Reasons to spice up your social media content:

1. Make it more fun: In the modern world, people have enough serious posts from their friends on social networks. Your posts need to be fun and interesting. The product itself can help you with this; if it's something that people will have fun engaging with (like a video game or a new app), then increase the interactivity of your content. People love video games, so the company could post screenshots of the new game, or show which levels players are getting stuck on.

2. Make sure it looks good: Don't just take screenshots of the product and overlay text on top of them in CANVA; use one of the many free photo editing software out there that will make your photo look crisp and professional. Don't forget to add some nice graphics to go along with your text!

3. Add videos and audio recordings: A lot of people these days watch videos on their phones, so consider posting funny videos related to the product when you post about it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. You could also record audio messages from employees answering common questions about the product.

"📍📈Don't wait for the perfect moment! Discover stories that stand out!
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"Social media is a powerful tool for spreading your stories and engaging with your audience. Stories are an effective wa...

"Social media is a powerful tool for spreading your stories and engaging with your audience. Stories are an effective way to connect to people, especially because they are presented in the form of an action or happening, rather than just a statement or idea. When you share a story on social media, you can create a sense of urgency and excitement for your business or organization. Your stories can help you create connections with others and enable you to tell a story that stands out from the rest.
You've probably heard the term ""content is king"" before, but that's only partly true. After all, if you're writing content that no one's going to read, it doesn't matter how great it is. But when you're sharing stories on social media, you're also competing with content from hundreds of other users, and they could be saying things that are more interesting than yours.
With every post, ask yourself what your goal is. Are you trying to sell a product or service? Are you trying to get followers? Or are you trying to earn their respect? Different types of businesses have different goals, so each one will have different social media goals. Once you've clearly defined what your business goals are, think about how you can use interesting content to accomplish those goals.
A powerful story offers a deeper level of engagement between the reader and the content they are reading. This engages the reader and encourages them to read more. It also makes their experience more memorable, which in turn increases the likelihood of them sharing your content with others."
📢🔝Make your brand visible with beautiful visuals by sending us a DM ://

"A good brand identity needs more than a pretty logo. It needs to touch the souls of customers, connect with them in a w...

"A good brand identity needs more than a pretty logo. It needs to touch the souls of customers, connect with them in a way that makes them feel closer to the company and its products, and it needs to resonate with their values and beliefs. A brand identity is more than just the colors, fonts, and imagery you choose; it's the sum of its parts that get people excited about what your company stands for.

In order to create great branding, you need to know what makes your company unique. You need to know what makes your products different from other products on the market, but more importantly than that, you need to know what makes your company different from other companies on the market. What do you stand for? What do you believe in? How do you plan to change things?

Most people think of logos as the primary visual element that makes up a brand, but logos are just one part of an overall brand identity—a system that includes colors, fonts, imagery, and other graphic elements as well as how these components work together in different contexts. A great brand identity is unique, memorable, and consistent across all mediums, from print to online to ads to packaging. This consistency helps customers recognize your products easily and quickly while also giving them something they can connect to personally.

The thing is, a successful brand identity is more than just a pretty face that draws people in—it's also about the feeling that a customer gets when they experience your brand. This feeling can be created by the way you talk to your customers and the way your business interacts with them on social media, for example. It can also be created through the experience that customers have with your products."
Start your free brand identity design today at

"If you're starting a new business, it's not really a business until you have a target audience. And if you don't know w...

"If you're starting a new business, it's not really a business until you have a target audience. And if you don't know who your audience is, then how are you supposed to figure out what they're looking for?

A brand's target audience is the group of people who are the main focus of marketing strategies, meaning that the brand wants to reach these individuals. A brand is trying to reach its target audience so that it can sell more products or services.

In order to attract the right people, you have to figure out what these people like, what they're interested in, and what types of products or services will best fit their needs. You also need to know when these people are online. If you want teenagers to notice your campaign, then putting it on a Monday evening won't work. Teens are mostly at school or work then. The best time is during the weekend when they're home and have more time to browse social media sites.

A successful social media campaign can help businesses to reach their target audience. There are several factors to consider when creating a social media campaign that will help you reach your target audience."
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