After the long hiatus, the boys are back and better than ever. However, with all good news there is inevitably some bad news to accompany it. Since the last time that we realsed our podcast a lot has changed, Austin lost some weight, then gained it back again. Phil became an artisan and grew a beard, and "The Weekly Wheeze" name was retired. Yep, although we will be releasing more episodes down the line you will no longer be able to find it under the old name.
As much as it disheartens us to move on, we were unfortunately not given many other options by the good people that rule the streaming services. You can expect a new name coming soon, but dont think that we have changed our style of family friendly listening hi-jinks. Phil will still gush over Volkwagen Beeltes and Austin will still inevitably start talking about animals.
Follow along and keep a look out for our upcoming annoucement regarding our new name and new page!
- The Wheeze-Daddies