Robert willner press conference 1994
Robert Willner stuck himself with HIV tainted blood on television in 1994. he did this to prove that the medical industry was lying to the public about HIV and aids .He did it to call out the entire medical industry as liars and manipulators for profit. the truth is crazier than fiction. he died a few months after from a heart attack
kyries first game as an unvaccinated player+
kyries first game at Barclays center. kyrie played his first game at Barclays center. it was his first game at the center being unvacinaated, funny thing is city workers are still not allowed to work because of vaccine mandates
pro mountain biker Kyle Warner was injured by the shot. behind him are people who were all injured recently by the shot." they are trying to call us anti v----. we are real people who did what we were asked to do".#react19 #kylewarner
This doctor was injured by the shot. he lost his ability to practice.
adverse reactions to the shot aren't as rare as people may believe
rfk junior at washingtton dc part 2
Robert Kennedy Washington DC[ part 2]"we put freedom of speech in the 1st amendment because all the other rights we we're trying to protect relies on that right.
if you give government the license to silence their critics you have given them the capacity to commit any atrocity they want."
Robert Kennedy jr speaks to crowd in Washington DC he speaks of manufacturers questionable route to get approval.[PART ONE].
rizza islam speaks at Washington DC "Robert Kennedy came to me in 2015 there were more examples then Tuskegee" MUST WATCH
"where there is risk there must be choice. this is the fundamental bedrock truth of modern bioethics". Drs, Aaron kheriaty, Robert Malone and Ryan Cole sound off on natural immunity. And ethics of washington dc
DC videos coming soon
dana white tests negative after "other treatments"
Dana white covid negative after 5 days. following advice from Joe Rogan.
city worker talks about religious exemption
311 operator and strong believer.
"mandates violate. the civil rights act of 1964".[some words removed to prevent blockers]
the origin of the term conspiracy theory. next time some one uses the term show them this video
she was a nurse for 18 years
march highlights
thousands of protesters marched for medical freedom this past Saturday in times square these are some of the highlights.
Rand Paul chews out sec bercerra for his intolerance to the unstabbed. must see
holocaust survivor Vera sharav compares our rights now to world war 2 [audio]
kevin jenkins
Kevin Jenkins calls out black Americans in a riveting speech.
"what would malcolm do"
"im generally very pro vaccine, in fact anyone that calls me an anti vaxxer is an idiot . i have worked for 32 years in the pharmeceutical industry"
"Are we going to continue with discrimination and segregation in the united states".? doctor breaks down the fallacy on the vax . plz share. DR parks testifies for michigan house bill.