Lagi ramai meteor melintas yg sangat tetang. Benar/fake?
Sad banget lihat nya ya ampuun 🥹
Kalau kalian di posisi begini bagaimana : Cerai / Di Sabarin?
Say Hi to FIRST EVER HIJABI covergirl for bazaarindonesia ❤️
I am Ayana Jihye Moon, a "young" "female" "Korean Muslim convert" "hijabi". Also "a foreigner"!
I see myself composed of all of the #minority elements. It has never been easy. But for what I have been doing, come what may, I will tackle it.
I'm not afraid under God's greatest protection!
Let's do this. In shaa Allah. Ramadhan Kareem everyone😇
Saya Ayana Jihye Moon, "wanita", "muda", "seorang mualaf dari Korea" dan "hijabi". Dan "orang asing" juga!
Saya melihat diri saya masuk ke dalam semua kategori #minoritas . Tidak mudah. Tapi, apapun yang sedang saya jalankan, atau yang akan saya hadapi, saya akan hadapi.
Di bawah perlindungan Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, saya tidak takut ! Let's do this. In shaa Allah. Ramadhan Kareem semua😇
“20대”의 “여성” “한국인 무슬림” 그리고 “히자비(Hijabi)". 여기서는 “외국인”. 저를 수식하는 모든 단어들은 우리들이 흔히 마이너리티라고 여기는 카테고리에 속합니다. 하지만 단 한 번도, 제 수식어들이 저의 능력과 가능성을 제한한다고 생각했던 적은 없어요. 오히려 모든 마이너리티적인 요소를 갖췄기 때문에 더 빛날 수 있다고 생각합니다. 지금은 즐깁니다. 더 멋진 마이너리티가 될 날을 기다려요.
세계 최대의 무슬림 인구를 가진 인도네시아의 최고의 패션 & 라이프스타일 잡지(사실 수식어가 필요없는 잡지죠)인 Bazaar의 첫 #Hijabi 커버모델이 될 수 있어 진심으로 기쁩니다. We made history🧕🏻❤️
Thanks for the opportunity and support.
bazaarindonesia wardahbeauty elsamaharani2 iwetramadhan rinahaqqo way.oktavia
Photographer ryantandya
MUA ryanogilvy
Hijab do ayyih
Stylist veroarviana
For hijabi, what’s worse than going out with our hair still wet?
For hijabi, what’s worse than going out with our hair still wet?🧕🏻 I know right! With conventional hair dryer, it takes so long to fully dry hair & the heat is too extreme so my scalp itches a lot.
That's when I found Dyson Supersonic hair dryer. It's amazing because it took less time for me to dry my hair, and their gentle air attachment is able to care for my hair and scalp.
Now my hair is healthier, smoother and not smelly at all. No more frustration and of course I feel more confident thanks dyson_id dyson_my
It's Sunday. Yes, it's working day. From Mon-Thu, I'm a student and Fri-Sun, I'm a model. Good to be back to the set 🎥 Can't wait to see the result soon. Saya akan menjadi Brand Ambassador yang baru untuk brand yang lain! Tebak dong brand apa 💁🏻♀️💕 #NoFilter