Established in 2015, Ghost Bird Studios is a music production and graphic design studio owned by Mike Lamb and Heike Langhans.
We provide a range of audio engineering services from full productions to songwriting, mixing and mastering (Mike); graphic design, album art, merch design, photo editing and physical artwork commissions (Heike); and music services such as soundtrack work and songwriting collaboration (both).
photo editing and physical artwork commissions (paintings, illustrations, tattoo design)
This page won't be particularly active outside of posting occasional information about projects we've worked on. If you would like to contact us or see our work in more detail, please visit any of the following links:
Website: https://ghostbirdstudios.wixsite.com/ghostbirdstudios
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/.bird.studios
Mike Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mike.sojourner
Heike Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solarsiren
Mike Metal Archives: https://www.metal-archives.com/artists/Mike_Lamb/126200
Heike Metal Archives: https://www.metal-archives.com/artists/Heike_Langhans/451863
(Metal Archives is continually updated by the community so it should always be up-to-date with projects we've worked on)