Indonesian students abroad support unity and integrity in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke #freewestpapua #opm #knpb #knpbnews #opmnews #papua #papuabarat #kitaindonesia #nkri #ulmwp #jokowi
Mama Risma and Khofifah deserve to be called mama Papua because both are considered to have concern and care for the people of Papua, the two heroines who are the pride of the people of East Java use their conscience and carry out their mandate as servants for the citizens of the City of Surabaya and East Java. Regarding the problems that occur in Papua, it must be appeased by means of mediation, and we hope racial acts that can hurt the hearts of the Papuan people will not be repeated. #freewestpapua #opm #knpb #knpbnews #opmnews #papua #papuabarat #kitaindonesia #nkri #ulmwp #joko
Rebellion FACT IN THE EASTERN OF INDONESIA PAPUA #freewestpapua #opm #knpb #knpbnews #opmnews #papua #papuabarat #kitaindonesia #nkri #ulmwp #jokowi