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The historic day is finally here 😍


Can't look away from this 🥺

Congratulations Dear Devotees. 👏

Who was Ram? Let us look into the Vedas. The Vedas themselves give us a meaning “ramate yoginoute nityanand cidetamani iti rama padena paraBrahmabhidhiyate" (Ramtapani Upanishad).

That supreme Being in whom, yogis and self-satisfied, utterly desireless liberated soul revel (find enjoyment) is called Ram.
Then the Vedas say
“bhadis bhadiya, sacman agat. Svasaram guru abhiyet pascat supeketaidyurbhiyagrim avarci subhage bhavsete, vandamahe sufatasasi"
This is said by the Rig Veda. Then the Veda again says.
“Yo ha vai sri ram candrah sa Bhagvan"
(Ramtapani Upanishad)

This Ramchandra of Ayodhya is God-Bhagawan. What is this “Bhagwan”? Bhagvan is He in whom the six opulences reside to an infinite degree * (* The opulence’s are beauty, strength wealth, fame intelligence and renunciation according to Parashar Muni). That God manifests in three ways. We do not have three Gods’. There are three undifferentiated manifestations of one God.
“Vadani tattvaridastattvam yajjnamam advayam. Brahmeti paratmeti Bhagvan itit sabhyati”

Veda Vyas says that God's one form is known as Bhagwan, one is known as Paramatma and one is known as Brahm. These are three forms of which Brahm occupied the lowest position. This is the feature which is formless, without qualities or attributes. And its worshipers are the gyanis. This Brahm has all the powers, but they remain unmanifest. It simply exists. Shankaracharya and his followers have described It in detail:

“udasinah stabdah statam gunah sanga rahitah”.
This Brahm is indifferent and does not do anything.
“adrastam vyarhayam aggrahyam alakihanam, achirtyam arypds tam ekatma pratya saram”
Put a “cannot” in front of everything to describe Him. He cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, cannot be tasted, cannot be felt, cannot come into your thoughts, cannot be determined. Such a Brahm is useless as far was we are concerned. What could we do with Him?

Now beyond this is the form of Paramatma. He has a form and all six opulences. Powers are manifest in Him, but not fully. And the third is Bhagawan of which the others two are manifestations. This is the personal God with qualities who we know as Ram and Krishna. In them all powers in totality are manifest. He is All- seeing, omniscient, All controlling, witness to everything, a friend to all, the Lord of all and All-powerful and omnipotent. He has infinite qualities. A person may well be able to count the dust particles on this earth, but he will not be able to enumerate the qualities of Ram, which are Infinite “Yova anantasya gunanamta” (Bhagvatam).

A person is mad if he says “I can count His qualities”. It cannot be done. Nothing of Ram’s is limited. His names are infinite, qualities are infinite, pastimes are infinite, abodes are infinite, associates are infinite, everything is of infinite quantity and that type of infinite that if you were to take away infinite, you would be left with infinite.

“Purnasya purnamadaya pruman evavabisyate”
Purushottam Ram is the ultimate whole and such a whole that if you were to remove the whole, you would still be left with the whole.
The Veda says “sa bhagvan” Further it says
“ramastvam Paramatmasi sachidananda vigrah”

O Lord Ram, you are the Paramatma. That is to say Bhagawan Ram is both Paramatma and Brahm. They are two manifestations of His.
For example “Chayastaisamityavadhautam pura, totah sarustivibha ritakratim vibhuvibhakta vayavam purmanithi kramadruanad ityabodhi sah”. When Narada was coming before Sri Krishna from Vaikunth, he saw a light descending, as he came closer they saw an effulegent human form and when he was close to earth they said “Oh it is Naradji”. Brahm is like the light, Paramatma is like what was seen in between and Bhagawan like the Narada seen alighting onto the earth. The last from is that in which everything is visible, just as I am sitting before you. Like that Ram and Krishna sit before you and speak to you and you are able to catch Them with all your senses. Just as you are able to do in the world.

The Vedas says “samastuam paramstmasi saceidananda rigrah”.
And a distinct feature of Ram’s is that he is Himself the ultimate resort of eternity knowledge and Bliss and His body is non different from Himself. Look, we have a body and we are the soul. This is true even of the celestial gods, and everyone else in the infinite universes. There is a body and one owner of the body. But in Bhagvan Ram, the body and the owner of the body are one “deha dehi bhuda eaivanessvare vidyate kvacit”.
That Sacchidanand Brahm is the body and “anandmatra karapd mukhodardih”. Everything in His body is Bliss. There is nothing else, though it looks just like any other body. You can see hands and feet but they all not of flesh and bone. They are not material. They are the form of Eternity, Knowledge and Bliss. The body is like that and so is the owner of the body. His body is like that, therefore it is referred to as divine and Blissful “cidananda maya deha turnhari vigat vikar jani adikari”. “brahim saccidananda ghan raghunayak jaha bhup”. “ sai saccidanaga gha rama”.
Look a word “ghan” is being added here. What is this? Isn’t Sacchidanand enough to describe Him? Why has ghan been added? It is the formless Brahm that is called sat, chit, anand. Beyond sat is chit and beyond chit is anand. So you could call Him Sacchidanand, or chidanand or just anand.

“brahmeti vyaganta anandadhy khalvimani bhutani jayante anadena jatani jivanti anad prayantyatbhi samarishanti”
It is Bliss itself that is God. It is not that God contains Bliss. Bliss itself is God.
“anand evadhastat ananda upanisatat anadah purastat anandah pascat anand utaratah anado dakshinatah ananda evedam sanravam”
There is bliss above Him, Bliss to the North of Him, Bliss to the East and Bliss to the West of Him,Bliss within Him and Bliss outside of Him. That is called Brahm, that is called Ram Bliss is the Formless Brahm and its very essence is anand ghan (Bliss in a dense from or the essence of Bliss) or anand kand (the root of bliss). These two words have been used for Ram and Krishna in the scriptures- Anand Kand or Anand ghan. Tulsi das uses the word “ghan”. My Rama is not merely Bliss. He is the very essence of Bliss. The essential substance of Bliss has been extracted to form His Body.
“ram eva param tathuram” (ram rahasyopanishad). So through out the Vedas the subject of Ram has been represented. And the word “Ram” has been explained. I had said before “ramante yoginati”. There is another meaning “ra sabdo visva vacano masecapisvar vacakah visvanamravaro yo hi tena ramah prakistitah” “Ra” means world and “ma” means Lord or Ruler. Ram is the Ruler of the entire world. There is no other ruler, everyone is ruled by Him. Everyone is controlled by Him. He is the Ruler and Controller. Ram does three things. Brahma has said in the Valmiki Ramayana “Karta sarvasya lokasya”. He has manifested infinite universes. And it is something no one else can do. He has not given this power even to His saints even though He has given them eternity, knowledge and bliss
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The heir to the throne has reclaimed his rightful place.

May Prabhu bless all of us for devotional, healthy and prosperous life 🙌 🌏

Jai Siya Ram 🚩🙏


2024 ஆங்கிலப் புத்தாண்டு, நம் அனைவர் வாழ்விலும், அமைதியும், மகிழ்ச்சியும் பெருகிட, வளமும் நலமும் நிறைந்திட, நல் எண்ணங்கள் அனைத்தும் ஈடேறும் ஆண்டாக அமைந்திட, சபரிபீடம் ஹப்புத்தளை சார்பாக வாழ்த்துக்களைத் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கின்றோம்.

புத்தாண்டில், உங்கள் வாழ்வில் மாற்றம் பிறக்கட்டும். தடைக் கற்கள் தகர்ந்து, புதிய முயற்சிகள் வெற்றியடையட்டும். அனைவருக்கும் மிகச் சிறந்த ஆண்டாக அமையட்டும் என்று இறைவனை வேண்டிக் கொள்கின்றோம்.

அனைவருக்கும் இனிய புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

அஷ்டசித்தி தாயகனே சரணம் ஐயப்பாഅഷ്ടസിദ്ധി ദായകനെ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പാAshtasiddhi Daayakanae Saranam Ayyappa

அஷ்டசித்தி தாயகனே சரணம் ஐயப்பா
അഷ്ടസിദ്ധി ദായകനെ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പാ
Ashtasiddhi Daayakanae Saranam Ayyappa


மண்டல பூஜைக்காக சபரிமலை ஐயப்பன் கோவில் நடை திறக்கப்பட்டது. நாளை புதிய மேல்சாந்தி பொறுப்பேற்ற பின், டிசம்பர் 27 வரை நடை திறந்திருக்கும். பின்னர் மீண்டும் நடை அடைக்கப்பட்டு, டிசம்பர் 30ம் தேதி மகர விளக்கு பூஜைக்காக மீண்டும் ஐயப்பன் கோவில் நடை திறக்கப்படும்.


சபரிமலை ஐயப்பன் கோவில் மண்டல மகரவிளக்கு பூஜைக்காக இன்று (16/11/2023)வியாழக்கிழமை மாலை நடைதிறக்கப்படுகிறது. கார்த்தி....


Several thousand Hindus of Indian origin live in Thailand, mainly in the larger cities. Besides this group of "traditional Hindus", Thailand in its earliest days was under the rule of the Khmer Empire, which had strong Hindu roots, and the influence among Thais remains even today. The popular Ramakien epic is based on the Vedic Ramayana. The former capital of Ayutthaya was named for Ayodhya, the Indian birthplace of the god Ram.

There is a class of brahmins who perform rituals for Vedic gods. Brahmin rituals are still common, including the use of holy strings for blessing and pouring of lustral water from conch shells. Hindu deities are worshipped by many Thais despite their official Buddhism, and statues and shrines of Brahma Ji, Ganesh Ji, Devraj Indra, Shiv Ji, Vishnu Ji, Lakshmi Ji and other Vedic gods are a common sight (for example the Erawan Shrine area).

Another relic of Hinduism is Garuda, now a symbol of the monarchy.

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ஆர்த்தன்மார்க்கு வராபயம் நல்கிடும் பாணித்வயம் கோமளம்தூர்த்தன்மார்க்கு பயப்ரதம் நிசிதமாம் கோதண்ட பாணாஞ்சிதம்!ஸ்வாமியே சரண...

ஆர்த்தன்மார்க்கு வராபயம் நல்கிடும் பாணித்வயம் கோமளம்
தூர்த்தன்மார்க்கு பயப்ரதம் நிசிதமாம் கோதண்ட பாணாஞ்சிதம்!

ஸ்வாமியே சரணம் ஐயப்பா!

"Inherent within human beings is a natural inclination towards bliss and happiness, rooted in their core essence. This s...

"Inherent within human beings is a natural inclination towards bliss and happiness, rooted in their core essence. This state can be achieved by attaining a higher frequency of being. However, external conditions and circumstances often lead individuals into states of negative frequency such as anger, fear, stress, and anxiety, causing them to lose sight of their innate blissful nature. The more aligned one is with the universe and in a state of happiness, the more they can shape and live their life according to their desires.

The Power of the Om (or Aum) Sound

The genesis of creation itself is attributed to sound or vibration. It is said that 'The sound was with GOD and the sound was GOD, that sound is OM.' Om represents the highest positive vibration and is considered a universal syllable, embodying cosmic energy. According to Vedas and the Big Bang theory, the entire universe was birthed from the sound OM (or aum). In the Gospel of John 1:1, it is written, 'In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God… And the word was made flesh.'

Chanting or meditating on 'OM' or Aum elevates an individual's vibrations, not only within the body but also in the broader consciousness of the soul and mind. Quantum Physics postulates that everything is energy, each pulsating at its own unique frequency.

The Significance of Om Chanting

Chanting aligns you with the entirety of existence, attuning you to the essence of OM or Aum. There exists no other sound in any language that parallels AUM:

- The sound 'A' emanates from the back of the throat.
- 'U' originates from the palate, at the center of the vocal region.
- 'M' arises from the vocal organs or lips and carries a nasal, labial quality.

Benefits of Chanting or Meditating on OM

- Elevates positive vibrations, fostering joy and bliss.
- Purifies the surrounding environment, benefiting not only the chanter but also those in proximity.
- Raises the energy level and harmonizes moods and emotions.
- Purifies the individual's aura.
- Strengthens immunity and self-healing capacities.
- Deepens spiritual connection to the highest power, often referred to as God.
- Cultivates a sense of happiness, tranquility, vitality, and youthful vigor.
- Enhances concentration, memory, and restores mental and energetic equilibrium.
- Induces a state of calmness, reducing blood pressure and maintaining a healthy, rhythmic heartbeat.
- Releases stress and negative energies from the body, mind, and aura.
- Ignites imagination and creativity.
- Cleanses the skin at a profound level, eliminating toxins and imparting a natural radiance.
- Fosters a positive and optimistic outlook on life.

For a guided experience in OM chanting, you can watch this [video] https://youtu.be/Xj7JM5GOlwc?si=qAo0ym7ivpZsQoG-&t=225

Therefore, incorporating regular chanting or meditation of OM or Aum into one's routine is instrumental for achieving holistic health—physically, psychologically, and spiritually."

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we delve into the profound significance of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra. This ancient five-syllable chant, known...

hariH Om Tat Sat 🙏Scientific Sanatan DharmaTen Things Sanatana /Hindu Dharmis should do while using English Language: - ...

hariH Om Tat Sat 🙏Scientific Sanatan Dharma

Ten Things Sanatana /Hindu Dharmis should do while using English Language: - written by Francois Gautier (check his page!)

François Gautier is a journalist, based in Bharat /India, who served as the Indian from the South " correspondent for multiple reputed French-language dailies.

1. Pls stop using the term "G-d fearing" - Sanathanis do not ever fear G-d.

For us, G-d is everywhere, and we are also part of the very fabric of G-d as an inherent aspect of our being.

2. Pls do not use the meaningless Sanatan Dharmi term "RIP" when someone dies or expires.
Use "Om Shantih Shantih Shantih ", "Sadgati" or "I wish this atma attains *moksha/sadgati /Uttam Loka"*.

Sanathana Dharma neither has the concept of "soul" nor its "resting".

The terms "Atma" and "Jeeva" are, in a way, antonyms for the word "soul".(to be understood in greater detail)

3. Pls don't use the word "Mythology" for our historical epics (Ithihaas)
Ramayana and Mahabharat.

Shree Rama and Shree Krishna are historical heroes, not just mythical characters.

4. Pls don't be apologetic about idol worship and say “Oh, that's just symbolic".

All religions have idolatry in kinds or forms - cross, words, letters (calligraphy) or direction.

Also let's stop using the words the words 'idols', 'statues' or 'images' when we refer to the sculptures of our Gods.

Use the terms 'Moorti' or 'Vigraha'. If words like Karma, Yoga, Guru and Mantra can be in the mainstream, why not Moorti or Vigraha?

4. Pls don't refer to Ganesh and Hanuman as "Elephant God" and "Monkey God" respectively. You can simply write Shree Ganesh and Shree Hanuman.

5. Pls don't refer to our Temples as prayer halls. Temples are "Devalaya" (abode of G-d) and not "Prarthanalaya" (Prayer halls).

6. Pls don't wish your children "black birthday" by allowing them to blow off the candles that are kept on top of the birthday cake.

Don't throw spit on the divine fire (Agni Deva). Instead, ask them to pray:
"Oh Divine Fire, lead me from darkness to light" (Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya)
by lighting a lamp.

During Diwali, we light lamps or Diyas, we don't blow them off!

These are all strong images that go deep into the psyche.

7. Pls avoid using the words "spirituality" and "materialistic". For a Sanatani /Hindu Dharmi everything is Divine.
The words spirituality and materialism came to Bharat /India through evangelists and Europeans, who had a concept of Church vs State, or Science vs Religion.

On the contrary, in Bharat /India, Sages were scientists, rigorously so, and the foundation of Sanatan Dharma is built upon Science, observation and rigorous experimental research.

9. Pls don't use the word "Sin" instead of "Paapa".
We have Dharma (duty, righteousness,compassion, responsibility and privilege) and Dharma, in other words error (when Dharma is not followed).

Dharma has nothing to do with social or religious morality. 'Paapa' derives from Adharma/ erring.

10. Pls don't use loose translation like meditation for "Dhyana" and 'breathing exercise' for "Pranayama".
It conveys erroneous meanings.
Use the original words.

Remember, the world respects only those who respect themselves!

Pls pass it on, so that people can understand Sanatana /Hindu Dharma and also teach the younger generation.....

Big ancient Shivalingam in the deep forest of Bali, Indonesia Har Har Mahadev 🌙🙏

Big ancient Shivalingam in the deep forest of Bali, Indonesia

Har Har Mahadev 🌙🙏

Can you recognize any of these histories?Ancient art of Ellora caves, Maharashtra, BHARAT (India) 🚩📸 Manjit S Obhan     ...

Can you recognize any of these histories?

Ancient art of Ellora caves, Maharashtra, BHARAT (India) 🚩

📸 Manjit S Obhan

Har Har Mahadev 🌙 🔱Location 📍Kedareshwar Cave, Harishchandragad, Maharashtra, Bharat 🇮🇳Picture credit -  📷

Har Har Mahadev 🌙 🔱

Location 📍Kedareshwar Cave, Harishchandragad, Maharashtra, Bharat 🇮🇳
Picture credit - 📷

Sri Siva Subramanya Kovil, also known as 'Kovil Montagne' of Quatre Bornes,   🚩

Sri Siva Subramanya Kovil, also known as 'Kovil Montagne' of Quatre Bornes, 🚩

Amazing details...Sri Ranganathar Temple, Srirangam, Tamilnadu, BHARAT (India) 🚩📷:

Amazing details...
Sri Ranganathar Temple, Srirangam, Tamilnadu, BHARAT (India) 🚩


Rise up Sanatanis !. The Divine commands you 🚩Through the ages, attempts to unite Hindus have always failed. While they ...

Rise up Sanatanis !. The Divine commands you 🚩

Through the ages, attempts to unite Hindus have always failed. While they set standards for an orderly, peaceful society, their high moral values are ineffective; even detrimental to the cause of Hindu survival.

This is the biggest problem Hindus face today. They get stuck into a set of moral values that they feel obligated to embrace, even when faced with an existential threat, equally as in war and in politics. The desire to be Mahaan (great) overrides even the basic survival instinct, proving to be the main cause of fragmented Hindus, leading to the demise of civilisation.

In his desire to be “Mahaan”, the Hindu neither understands his enemy nor does he understand the rules of conflict. History glorifies the deeds of Hindu kings, but almost all of these “deeds”, these very crucial decisions actually led to their downfall and utter destruction of their families, kingdoms, and subjects. What is important to note is that while those decisions perhaps granted the king a line of glory in history, it also ensured the victory of the invader and reduced the king’s subjects to being a conquered race, sold as slaves, and subjected to untold cruelty and ruin.

You can keep your morals, but not in the face of war. Your morals are applicable within your community, but not for those who refuse to be a part of your society or play by your rules. Remember, in this war; you do not write the rules. They have written the rules already. They refuse the concept of peaceful coexistence. They want to destroy you. If you refuse to play by those rules and insist on your moral values, you are only making certain of your defeat and complete destruction.

In the face of that, if you depend upon the ideals of Ramayana to get you victory, you are massively mistaken. The ideals of Ramayana apply to your community, perhaps, not for these people.

Har Har Mahadev 🙏 🚩


Maha Shivarathri 😇

ஐயப்ப ஸ்வாமி யின் ஆபரணங்கள் திருப்பி கொண்டு  போகும் பாதையில்  பாலத்திற்கு அடியில்  வெடி குண்டு கள் வைத்தது கண்டு பிடிக்க...

ஐயப்ப ஸ்வாமி யின் ஆபரணங்கள் திருப்பி கொண்டு போகும் பாதையில் பாலத்திற்கு அடியில் வெடி குண்டு கள் வைத்தது கண்டு பிடிக்க பட்டது....வெடி குண்டு கள் யார் வைத்தது....?




மிஷன் காளி நண்பர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் இனிய பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள் 🙏

இப்போ உங்க ஸ்டைல்ல மோகன் சி லாசரஸ் அவர்களுக்கு பொங்கல் வாழ்த்துக்களை தெரிவிக்கும்படி கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம்.

கமான் ஸ்டார்ட் தி மியூசிக்🔥



Sri Premji with Punyam Poonkaavanam
Punyam Poonkavanam




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