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AXJ.AntarticaAXJ EuropeBis CZAXJ Polish NewsAXJ International News Network

Good to meet with Foreign Minister in Prague today.

I commend Czechia for becoming the 17th government to work with us and other allies to counter foreign disinformation.

AXJ.AntarticaAXJ Polish NewsAXJ International News NetworkAXJ EuropeBis CZEuropolPrezident republiky Petr Pavel  jmenova...

AXJ.AntarticaAXJ Polish NewsAXJ International News NetworkAXJ Europe
Bis CZEuropol
Prezident republiky Petr Pavel jmenoval ředitele BIS Michala Koudelku do hodnosti generálmajora. Ten za všechny dnes povýšené poděkoval a připomněl, v jaké bezpečnostní situaci se dnes nacházíme : “…situace ve světě je mimořádně napjatá a týká se nás víc, než bychom si přáli. Je tedy logické, že dnes k bezpečnostním složkám s důvěrou a očekáváním hledí občané naší země více než kdykoliv v minulosti.
Chci tady za zástupce armády a bezpečnostních sborů jasně říci a ubezpečit českou veřejnost, že jsme připraveni dostát naší přísaze a udělat vše, co je v našich silách, aby Česká republika zůstala i nadále jednou z nejbezpečnějších zemí světa a příjemným místem k životu.”

The President of the Republic, Petr Pavel, appointed BIS Director Michal Koudelka to the rank of Major General. He thanked everyone promoted today and reminded us of the security situation we are in today: "...the situation in the world is extremely tense and affects us more than we would like. It is therefore logical that today the citizens of our country look to the security forces with trust and expectation more than at any time in the past.
On behalf of the army and security forces, I want to clearly say and assure the Czech public that we are ready to live up to our oath and do everything in our power to ensure that the Czech Republic remains one of the safest countries in the world and a pleasant place to live."

AXJ.AntarticaAXJ Polish NewsAXJ EuropeEuropolKomunikat z działań funkcjonariusz Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego w ra...

AXJ.AntarticaAXJ Polish NewsAXJ EuropeEuropol
Komunikat z działań funkcjonariusz Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego w ramach śledztwa dotyczącego zorganizowanej grupy przestępczej, mającej za zadanie dokonywanie aktów sabotażu na terenie Polski. Są to kolejne zatrzymania zakończone aresztem…

A message on the activities of an officer of the Internal Security Agency as part of an investigation into an organized criminal group whose task is to commit acts of sabotage in Poland. These are subsequent arrests ending with arrest…

  Zima v Praze

Zima v Praze

AXJ International News Network AXJ Polish News AXJ.Antartica The Croatians sympathize with the Czech citizens and join t...

AXJ International News Network
AXJ Polish News
The Croatians sympathize with the Czech citizens and join them in going out and organizing demonstrations against the Czech state and the European Union.
The sympathy of dozens of Croatian citizens who live, work or study in the Czech Republic.
And they told us that life has become unbearable after the price inflation and that life has become very difficult and they have great concern about the coming of winter and their inability to pay energy bills and also they have loans that you think you will pay and rent a house and others.
They decided to take to the street because they have the same problems that the Czechs suffer from, and they know that the Czechs suffer from corruption, but they do not have a problem with corruption. Croatia is not better off, but they just want a better life than it was a year ago.

AXJ Polish News The Czech Republic is the first European member to have the largest demonstration in Czech history. The ...

AXJ Polish News
The Czech Republic is the first European member to have the largest demonstration in Czech history. The European Union is supposed to show solidarity with the Czech Republic.
But Poland did not show solidarity with the Czech Republic.
Poland today demands the re-demarcation of the border with the Czech Republic.
Poland wants to take a border city between it and the Czech Republic.
This controversy dates back to 1918
When the Second Republic of Poland was established.
But Poland increases the problems for the Czechs.
The Czech Republic is suffering from an energy crisis and it is not a good time for the Czech Republic to open a border dispute.
Poland also wants the city of "Galicia" and "Volhynia" in Ukraine.
They are two Polish cities.
Poland is also a European country, but it does not want to enter the eurozone for fear of Germany, which wants to recover the lands that Poland took from Germany during the World War.
Poland is also demanding from Germany a trillion and 300 billion dollars from Germany.
Where is European solidarity in these difficult times?

We also see the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg rejecting solidarity with Germany and rejecting the gas division agreement in case of emergency with Germany.
The European Union does not want to share the burdens of the crisis.
The European people are very upset and the new aid package of five billion dollars from the European Union to Ukraine may increase their anxiety of the European people.
These peoples demand support to reduce energy bills and we see Italians burning energy bills in the street.
And I want to say that the political provocation of the European peoples is getting more and more.
And there is no solidarity between the countries of the European Union.




More than 300 Roma died at the camp and the farm's demolition ends years of bitter dispute.



JOSEF BICAN would have been as famous as Pele if he had played in a different era. That is the view of a Fifa historian as Cristiano Ronaldo hunts down the former Czech striker’s formidable o…



Petr Havel, the Czech sand artist who lived in a tent on Għadira Bay, has settled down for a permanent life in Malta after finding a new job and somewhere to stay. The sandcastle aficionado caught the public’s attention last month after setting camp in Għadira Bay where he began work on an incre...



Tomorrow is the deadline for delivering ballots to the embassy; U.S. citizens abroad can still mail their vote by Czech post



CAIRO: The Czech Republic will resume tourist flights to Egypt from Oct. 1. Jan Fulik, the Czech ambassador to Egypt, confirmed the move during a meeting with Egyptian Tourism Minister Khaled Al-Anani. Al-Anani is visiting Sharm el-Sheikh with aviation and environment ministers, along with 30 foreig...



Prague district mayor warns China will pay 'heavy price for bullying' Czech Senate president

AXJ.CZCzech Republic to add Spain to list of risk countries, with the exception of the Canary Islands.Czech residents re...


Czech Republic to add Spain to list of risk countries, with the exception of the Canary Islands.

Czech residents returning home from Spain will have to produce a negative COVID-19 test or quarantine at home for 14 days from August 24.

The Czech Ministry of Health will add Spain, with the exception of the Canary Islands, to their list of risk countries, according to ČTK.
The measure, which would take effect on August 24, means that any Czech residents returning home from Spain will have to produce a negative COVID-19 test or quarantine at home for 14 days.

The measure will formally be announced on Friday. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined comment to Seznam Zpravy until the Traveler’s Map is formally published by the Ministry of Health.

In the past 24 hours, Spain has reported almost twice as many COVID-19 cases as the day before. The number of infected people in Spain is increasing faster than it did in April, during the height of the pandemic. The Aragon, Basque, Andalusia, Catalonia and Madrid regions are growing the fastest.



Foxconn, Asus, Acer, AU Optronics all have factories in Czech Republic



Syrian-Czech agreement in the field of social security comes into force!


The agreement signed between Syria and the Czech Republic in the field of social security came into effect after all the necessary measures have been completed in the two countries, where documents were exchanged for that in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates last March.

"The agreement, which entered into force on the first of this month, coordinates between the two social security systems in the two countries and respects the basic international principles of equality in dealing between citizens of the two countries in the field of Social Security ”pointing out that it includes the pension sector, cases of pensions, work injuries, disabilities, illnesses resulting from work, disability compensation, old age and inheritance.

And Karshkovkova stated that "the developments that took place after the signing and ratification of the agreement on March 25, 2010 delayed the process of exchanging its documents, which is now."

For his part, Deputy Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Dr. Rakan Ibrahim said in a statement to the SANA delegate that the cooperation agreement in the field of social security signed between the two countries since 2010, but the terrorist war that Syria was subjected to prevented the completion of the exchange of documents and implementation procedures, stressing the importance of this cooperation because it guarantees the rights of workers From the Syrian community in the Czech Republic and vice versa in terms of social security and benefit from the laws and legislations regulating this in both countries, so that no Syrian or Czech worker is outside the insurance umbrella.

Dr. Ibrahim pointed out that the agreement also contributes to the exchange of experiences in the field of social insurance systems and the development of cooperation horizons between the two countries in this field and enhances cooperation relations between the two friendly countries, noting that the Syrian Insurance Law No. 92 of 1959 and its amendments in 2014 did not differentiate between the Syrian worker and any Arab worker Or a foreigner in terms of rights to compensation in cases of retirement and work injuries, but this agreement takes into account the specificity of the strong relationship between Syria and the Czech Republic.

AXJ News Syria

اتفاق سوري تشيكي في مجال الضمان الاجتماعي يدخل حيز التنفيذ!


دخل الاتفاق الموقع بين سورية وجمهورية التشيك في مجال الضمان الاجتماعي حيز التنفيذ بعد أن تم استكمال كل الإجراءات الضرورية للعمل به في البلدين حيث تم تبادل الوثائق الخاصة بذلك في وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين في آذار الماضي.

وقالت المتحدثة باسم وزارة العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية في التشيك كريستينا كرشوبكوفا في تصريح لمراسل سانا في براغ اليوم إن “الاتفاق الذي دخل حيز التنفيذ في الأول من الشهر الجاري ينسق بين نظامي الضمان الاجتماعي في البلدين ويحترم المبادئ الدولية الأساسية الخاصة بالمساواة في التعامل بين مواطني الدولتين في مجال الضمان الاجتماعي” لافتة إلى أنه يشمل قطاع التقاعد والحالات الخاصة بالمعاشات التقاعدية وإصابات العمل والإعاقات والأمراض الناجمة عن العمل وتعويضات العجز والشيخوخة والارث.

وبينت كرشوبكوفا أن “التطورات التي حدثت بعد التوقيع والمصادقة على الاتفاق في الـ 25 من آذار عام 2010 أخرت عملية تبادل الوثائق الخاصة به الأمر الذي تم الآن”.

من جهته بين معاون وزيرة الشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل الدكتور ركان ابراهيم في تصريح لمندوبة سانا أن اتفاق التعاون في مجال الضمان الاجتماعي بين البلدين وقع منذ عام 2010 لكن الحرب الإرهابية التي تعرضت لها سورية حالت دون استكمال تبادل الوثائق وإجراءات التنفيذ مؤكدا أهمية هذا التعاون لكونه يضمن حقوق العاملين من الجالية السورية في جمهورية التشيك وبالعكس بما يتعلق بالضمان الاجتماعي والاستفادة من القوانين والتشريعات الناظمة لذلك في البلدين بحيث لا يكون اي عامل سوري أو تشيكي خارج المظلة التأمينية.

ولفت الدكتور ابراهيم إلى أن الاتفاق يسهم في تبادل الخبرات أيضا في مجال أنظمة التأمينات الاجتماعية وتطوير آفق التعاون بين البلدين في هذا المجال ويعزز علاقات التعاون بين البلدين الصديقين منوها بأن قانون التأمينات السوري رقم 92 لعام 1959 وتعديلاته لعام 2014 لم يفرق بين العامل السوري وأي عامل عربي أو أجنبي لجهة الحقوق في التعويضات في حالات التقاعد وإصابات العمل ولكن هذا الاتفاق يراعي خصوصية العلاقة القوية بين سورية والتشيك.


Moscow expels two diplomats at the Czech embassy !!

15.06.2020 | 10:24 GMT

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced today, Monday, that it considers two employees of the Czech embassy in Moscow "two persona non grata", in response to the expulsion of two Russian diplomats from Prague early this month.
The Russian Foreign Ministry added that the two diplomats should leave the country before the end of Wednesday, June 17th.
The announcement came after the Czech ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday morning, and after Moscow warned earlier this month that it would reciprocate the Prague move.
The Czech Prime Minister, Andrei Babich, announced on June 5 that his government decided to expel two Russian diplomats against the backdrop of an alleged case related to the transfer of the toxic substance Risin into the Czech Republic, and the Russian Agency for International Humanitarian Cooperation explained that the decision included the acting director of the agency's mission in Prague and one of Its employees.
Czech media claimed that the aim behind "Ritsen's introduction" of this article was for the purpose of "poisoning Czech politicians" who had a role in launching the name of the assassinated Russian politician, Boris Nemtsov, on a square opposite the Russian embassy in Prague, and erecting a memorial to soldiers of the traitorous Soviet general during World War II, Andrei Vlasov, removed a statue of the Soviet Marshal, Ivan Konev, whose forces liberated Prague from the N**i German forces in World War II.
Earlier, a spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, described these Czech media allegations as a form of fabrication, while Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov drew no evidence that Moscow was trying to poison anyone in the Czech Republic.
For his part, the Czech President himself, Milos Zeman, questioned the validity of the allegations about the poisoning attempt, while Jan Gamacic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Czech Republic, admitted that the police and competent agencies apparently had no evidence.

Source: "Novosti"


A tour of the major news that happened on Tuesday, March 31, related to the Corona epidemic around the world:

0.45 GMT - the National Health Commission of China announced today, Tuesday, the registration of 48 new confirmed cases of coronavirus and one death in the past 24 hours. The country's health authorities stated that all new cases of infection are coming from abroad.

1:04 GMT - The World Bank: China's economic growth rate may drop to 0.1% this year due to corona.

1:27 GMT - The number of deaths in the United States has exceeded 3,000, and the number of confirmed cases of the virus has risen to more than 163,000, according to a toll prepared by Johns Hopkins University.

2:10 GMT - Mexico declares a state of health emergency after registering one thousand cases of Coronavirus, and recording 28 deaths.

4:13 GMT - New Zealand extends state of emergency to deal with the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

New Zealand Minister of Civil Defense Benny Hanari said in a statement that the authorities will extend the national emergency for another seven days, to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

The initial declaration of a state of emergency - on March 25 - lasts seven days, and can be extended as necessary.

4:14 GMT - Japan advises its citizens not to travel to a third of the world's countries, including America and China.

Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said that Japan advises its citizens not to travel to 73 countries and regions (one third of the countries of the world), including: the United States, Canada, China, South Korea and Britain, to be added to more than 20 other countries, most of them in Europe, who had been warned against traveling to it in Past weeks.

4:25 GMT - WHO official: Corona epidemic is far from over in Asia.

A WHO official said the global epidemic of the Coruna virus was "far from over" in the Asia Pacific region, and that current measures to curb its spread only give some time for countries to prepare for a widespread transmission of the infection.

5:00 GMT - Thailand announces a new death and 127 cases of coronavirus.

5:00 GMT - Czech Republic announces 184 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the number of infections nationwide to 3001.

5:30 GMT - the Israeli Ministry of Health announces a new death from the Corona virus, bringing the total deaths to 17.

9:25 GMT - Kuwait announces 23 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the total number to 289.

9:25 GMT - Belgium announces 876 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 12755.

9:30 GMT - a record daily increase in cases of corona in Russia, with a total of 2337 injuries.

9:56 GMT - Corona's death toll in Iran rises to 2,898.

10:03 GMT - Malaysia announces the increase in the number of Corona injuries to 2766.

10:10 GMT - Lebanese Ministry of Health records 17 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the total to 463

10:38 GMT - Switzerland announces the number of Corona deaths to 373 and injuries to 16,176

10:41 GMT - Indonesia issues early release of 30,000 prisoners because of Corona

10:47 GMT - 1541 people with coronavirus in China were placed without symptoms under observation.

And the National Health Commission of China said today, Tuesday, that there are 1541 cases of corona virus without symptoms under observation until the end of yesterday, Monday, 205 of them are from abroad.

11:09 GMT - 849 deaths recorded in 24 hours in Spain due to the new Corona virus, which is a record in the country

11:15 GMT - 114 new confirmed cases of coronavirus appeared in Indonesia, bringing the total number of infections to 1528, according to a statement of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

11:30 GMT - Philippines records its highest rate of injuries and deaths due to corona in one day, with 10 people dying and 538 infected with the virus within 24 hours, according to the Philippine Ministry of Health. With this daily increase, the number of injuries throughout the Philippines rises to 2,084, and the death toll to 88.

12:05 GMT - Sierra Leone announces the first case of coronavirus infection for a citizen of France on March 16

12:30 GMT - Armenia extends the state of emergency for an additional 10 days, in an attempt to contain the spread of the Coruna virus that has so far infected 532 people in the country with a population of about three million people. This is the largest casualty rate in the countries of the South Caucasus region.

12:35 GMT - French President Emmanuel Macron announced that his country will accelerate the production of masks and respirators to meet the growing needs of hospitals and health care homes. Macron promised that by the end of next April, the total of masks produced in France will reach 15 million masks.

12:40 GMT - Netherlands records 175 new deaths from Corona virus, bringing the death toll to 1039.

13:15 GMT - Russia announces that the doctor who accompanied President Vladimir Putin on a tour of the main anti-Corona hospital in Moscow has been infected with the virus.

13:30 GMT - Indian authorities have decided to close the headquarters of the Muslim "Notification" group in the capital, New Delhi, on the pretext of violating the precautionary measures against the outbreak of Corona.

14:30 GMT - Corona virus death toll in Lombardy, the epicenter of infection in Italy, increased by 381 in one day, bringing the number of deaths in the region to 7199.

14:45 GMT - Britain announces that the number of corona deaths has increased by 27% in one day to reach 1789 cases since the virus appeared in the country.

15:45 GMT - death toll from the virus in New York State has increased from 1218 to 1550, and 9,000 new infections were recorded in one day.

16:30 GMT - Ethiopia postponed the legislative elections scheduled for next August indefinitely, due to fears of the spread of the Corona epidemic.

17:10 GMT - United States China, the epicenter of the Corona outbreak, bypasses the number of deaths recorded as a result of the epidemic. Johns Hopkins University announced that the death toll in America (3415) today exceeded that of China, which recorded 3,309 deaths from the epidemic.

17:15 GMT - Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Muhammad Salih Banten, calls on the countries of the Islamic world to wait until the conclusion of the Hajj contracts until the vision about the Corona outbreak becomes clear.

17:50 GMT - France sets a local record number of deaths from the virus in one day, as the epidemic killed 499 people in 24 hours.

18:30 GMT - Qatar reports 88 new confirmed infections, bringing the total number of infections to 781, two deaths

18:45 GMT - The death toll from the virus in Turkey exceeds 200.

19:00 GMT - Burundi records the first two confirmed cases of the virus on its soil

19:10 GMT - Qatar Airways announces a 75% decrease in its operations due to the consequences of the Corona virus.

19:20 GMT - Tunisia announces the extension of the general health embargo for a period of two weeks until April 19

19:30 GMT - a 13-year-old teenager died in London from HIV infection

20:20 GMT - Morocco announces 68 new cases of Corona virus within 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected to 602.

21:22 GMT - The European Medicines Agency does not expect to find a vaccine for the Coronavirus less than a year ago

21:30 GMT - Somalia announces five new HIV infections, after two new cases have been registered

22:00 GMT - Netherlands The closure measures imposed on schools, restaurants and bars as part of the efforts to contain Corona are to be extended until April 28.

22:45 GMT - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls on citizens overseas who wish to return to the United States to "accelerate," noting that state-sponsored flights for evacuations will stop soon.

22:51 GMT - London Mayor, Siddiq Khan, calls on the city's soccer clubs to assist the National Medical Service system in the ongoing work to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.

These were the most prominent developments of the Corona epidemic around the world from

Tuesday 31 March


Un recorrido por las principales noticias que ocurrieron el martes 31 de marzo, relacionadas con la epidemia de Corona en todo el mundo:

45 GMT - la Comisión Nacional de Salud de China anunció hoy, martes, el registro de 48 nuevos casos confirmados de coronavirus y una muerte en las últimas 24 horas. Las autoridades sanitarias del país declararon que todos los nuevos casos de infección provienen del extranjero.

1:04 GMT - El Banco Mundial: la tasa de crecimiento económico de China puede caer a 0.1% este año debido a la corona.

1:27 GMT - El número de muertes en los Estados Unidos ha excedido los 3,000, y el número de casos confirmados del virus ha aumentado a más de 163,000, según un número preparado por la Universidad Johns Hopkins.

2:10 GMT - México declara un estado de emergencia de salud luego de registrar mil casos de Coronavirus y registrar 28 muertes.

4:13 GMT - Nueva Zelanda extiende el estado de emergencia para hacer frente al brote del Coronavirus.

El ministro de Defensa Civil de Nueva Zelanda, Benny Hanari, dijo en un comunicado que las autoridades extenderán la emergencia nacional por otros siete días, para ayudar a detener la propagación del Coronavirus.

La declaración inicial de un estado de emergencia, el 25 de marzo, dura siete días y se puede extender según sea necesario.

4:14 GMT - Japón aconseja a sus ciudadanos que no viajen a un tercio de los países del mundo, incluidos Estados Unidos y China.

El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores japonés, Toshimitsu Motegi, dijo que Japón aconseja a sus ciudadanos que no viajen a 73 países y regiones (un tercio de los países del mundo), incluidos: Estados Unidos, Canadá, China, Corea del Sur y Gran Bretaña, que se agregarán a más que otros 20 países, la mayoría de ellos en Europa, que habían sido advertidos contra viajar a él en las últimas semanas.

4:25 GMT - Funcionario de la OMS: la epidemia de la Corona está lejos de terminar en Asia.

Un funcionario de la OMS dijo que la epidemia mundial del virus de la Coruña estaba "lejos de terminar" en la región de Asia Pacífico, y que las medidas actuales para frenar su propagación solo dan tiempo a los países para prepararse para una transmisión generalizada de la infección.

5:00 GMT - Tailandia anuncia una nueva muerte y 127 casos de coronavirus.

5:00 GMT - República Checa anuncia 184 nuevos casos de coronavirus, elevando el número de infecciones en todo el país a 3001.

5:30 GMT: el Ministerio de Salud de Israel anuncia una nueva muerte por el virus Corona, lo que eleva el total de muertes a 17.

9:25 GMT - Kuwait anuncia 23 nuevos casos de coronavirus, lo que eleva el número total a 289.

9:25 GMT - Bélgica anuncia 876 nuevos casos de coronavirus, con un total de 12755.

9:30 GMT: un aumento diario récord en casos de corona en Rusia, con un total de 2337 lesiones.

9:56 GMT - El número de mu***os de Corona en Irán aumenta a 2.898.

10:03 GMT - Malasia anuncia el aumento en el número de lesiones de Corona a 2766.

10:10 GMT - El Ministerio de Salud libanés registra 17 nuevos casos de coronavirus, lo que eleva el total a 463

10:38 GMT - Suiza anuncia el número de muertes de Corona a 373 y lesiones a 16,176

10:41 GMT - Indonesia emite la liberación anticipada de 30,000 prisioneros debido a Corona

10:47 GMT - 1541 personas con coronavirus en China fueron colocadas sin síntomas bajo observación.

Y la Comisión Nacional de Salud de China dijo hoy, martes, que hay 1541 casos de virus corona sin síntomas en observación hasta el final de ayer, lunes, 205 de ellos son del extranjero.

11:09 GMT - 849 muertes registradas en 24 horas en España debido al nuevo virus Corona, que es un récord en el país

11:15 GMT - 114 nuevos casos confirmados de coronavirus aparecieron en Indonesia, lo que eleva el número total de infecciones a 1528, según un comunicado del Ministerio de Salud de Indonesia.

11:30 GMT - Filipinas registra su tasa más alta de lesiones y muertes debido a la corona en un día, con 10 personas muriendo y 538 infectadas con el virus en 24 horas, según el Ministerio de Salud de Filipinas. Con este aumento diario, el número de heridos en Filipinas aumenta a 2.084 y el número de mu***os a 88.

12:05 GMT - Sierra Leona anuncia el primer caso de infección por coronavirus para un ciudadano de Francia el 16 de marzo.

12:30 GMT - Armenia extiende el estado de emergencia por 10 días adicionales, en un intento por contener la propagación del virus de la Coruña que hasta ahora ha infectado a 532 personas en el país con una población de aproximadamente tres millones de personas. Esta es la mayor tasa de víctimas en los países de la región del Cáucaso del Sur.

12:35 GMT - El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, anunció que su país acelerará la producción de máscaras y respiradores para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de hospitales y hogares de atención médica. Macron prometió que para fines de abril próximo, el total de máscaras producidas en Francia alcanzará los 15 millones de máscaras.

12:40 GMT - Países Bajos registra 175 nuevas muertes por el virus Corona, lo que eleva el número de muertes a 1039.

13:15 GMT - Rusia anuncia que el médico que acompañó al presidente Vladimir Putin en un recorrido por el principal hospital anti-Corona en Moscú ha sido infectado con el virus.

13:30 GMT - Las autoridades indias decidieron cerrar la sede del grupo musulmán de "Notificación" en la capital, Nueva Delhi, con el pretexto de violar las medidas cautelares contra el estallido de Corona.

14:30 GMT - El número de mu***os por el virus Corona en Lombardía, el epicentro de la infección en Italia, aumentó en 381 en un día, elevando el número de muertes en la región a 7199.

14:45 GMT - Gran Bretaña anuncia que el número de muertes corona ha aumentado en un 27% en un día para llegar a 1789 casos desde que apareció el virus en el país.

15:45 GMT: el número de mu***os por el virus en el estado de Nueva York aumentó de 1218 a 1550, y se registraron 9,000 nuevas infecciones en un día.

16:30 GMT - Etiopía pospuso las elecciones legislativas programadas para el próximo agosto indefinidamente, debido al temor a la propagación de la epidemia de Corona.

17:10 GMT - Estados Unidos China, el epicentro del brote de Corona, evita el número de muertes registradas como resultado de la epidemia. La Universidad Johns Hopkins anunció que el número de mu***os en Estados Unidos (3415) hoy excedió el de China, que registró 3.309 muertes por la epidemia.

17:15 GMT - El ministro saudí de Hayy y Umrah, Muhammad Salih Banten, hace un llamado a los países del mundo islámico a esperar hasta la conclusión de los contratos de Hayy hasta que se aclare la visión sobre el brote de Corona.

17:50 GMT - Francia establece un número récord local de muertes por el virus en un día, ya que la epidemia mató a 499 personas en 24 horas.

18:30 GMT - Qatar informa 88 nuevas infecciones confirmadas, elevando el número total de infecciones a 781, dos muertes

18:45 GMT - El número de mu***os por el virus en Turquía supera los 200.

19:00 GMT - Burundi registra los dos primeros casos confirmados del virus en su suelo

19:10 GMT - Qatar Airways anuncia una disminución del 75% en sus operaciones debido a las consecuencias del virus Corona.

19:20 GMT - Túnez anuncia la extensión del embargo general de salud por un período de dos semanas hasta el 19 de abril

19:30 GMT - un adolescente de 13 años murió en Londres por infección de VIH

20:20 GMT - Marruecos anuncia 68 nuevos casos de virus Corona en 24 horas, lo que eleva el número total de infectados a 602.

21:22 GMT - La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos no espera encontrar una vacuna contra el coronavirus hace menos de un año

21:30 GMT - Somalia anuncia cinco nuevas infecciones por VIH, después de que se hayan registrado dos nuevos casos

22:00 GMT - Países Bajos Las medidas de cierre impuestas a las escuelas, restaurantes y bares como parte de los esfuerzos para contener a Corona se extenderán hasta el 28 de abril.

22:45 GMT - El Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos, Mike Pompeo, hace un llamado a los ciudadanos extranjeros que desean regresar a los Estados Unidos para "acelerar", señalando que los vuelos patrocinados por el estado para evacuaciones se detendrán pronto.

22:51 GMT - El alcalde de Londres, Siddiq Khan, pide a los clubes de fútbol de la ciudad que ayuden al sistema del Servicio Médico Nacional en el trabajo en curso para combatir la propagación del Coronavirus.

Estos fueron los desarrollos más destacados de la epidemia de Corona en todo el mundo desde

Martes 31 marzo




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