I've seen posts from some Christian leaders and friends warning against celebrating the end of Roe because it's somehow not empathetic to pro-abortion women. Could you imagine if the same was said after the abolition of slavery? Could you imagine tempering your joy for the sake of a slave master?
Christina Bennett shared this clip from the movie Amazing Grace on Instagram, which moved me to tears. She said that she imagined that she felt how Wilberforce must’ve felt after an incredible victory against evil.
So many pastors and Christian influencers want to believe that they would’ve been the ones to boldly stand for justice during the era of slavery, yet they can't muster the courage to utter the word “abortion” from their pulpit. And when they do find the courage to say something after being silent for 49 years, they condemn people who have been actively serving mothers in crisis and working to overturn Roe for celebrating a huge milestone they’ve tirelessly worked towards. They tell us how the issue of abortion is nuanced. They write long posts about how “we don't need to comment on every social issue” (even though they freely gave their opinions on racial tension in 2020, school shootings, etc.)
I conducted a poll on my Instagram, and only 40% of people said their church talked about abortion and how their church would help pregnant women today. That is a travesty! Especially considering that 40% of women who've had an abortion reported they went to church in the same month. The silence is deafening. 60 million lives deafening.
However, heaven isn't silent today! Innocent human lives have already been saved since Friday. Saturday is usually abortion day at Planned Parenthood, and this Saturday, women in states with trigger laws were unable to get an abortion.
So, yes, I will celebrate a major victory in the fight for human rights. I will dance on the grave of Roe v. Wade. I will praise a loving God who has offered our nation a path toward r
Telling women they should abort their baby because of their circumstances is neither progressive nor loving. Let's love and support women by providing them with resources and care. Find your local pregnancy resource center to get involved here:
#whywemarch #lovethemboth #prolifegeneration #prolife