The Kylee Kiing Show

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The Kylee Kiing Show Join your host, Kylee Morgan on-site, at venues, and backstage with Rock & Metal artists from today,


Remember these guys from Episode 10 of Meet Me at the Barricade!!?? Well they are going a little festive and I fricken love it! Check em out, show them some love, and ROCK ON FAM 🖤🤘🎅



Us in the 574 local scene lost a big piece of our heart. Rock on Sean Hōrner. I didn't know you very well but I do know ...

Us in the 574 local scene lost a big piece of our heart. Rock on Sean Hōrner. I didn't know you very well but I do know you are loved, and your mad musical skills will be thoroughly missed! Rock on and rest well my friend.

I can't wait to share this book with everyone! Voice over acting is super fun!! 😎🎙               🖤

I can't wait to share this book with everyone! Voice over acting is super fun!! 😎🎙

"I guess my story with mental health starts with a lot of appointments with a psychologist when i was in my early twenti...

"I guess my story with mental health starts with a lot of appointments with a psychologist when i was in my early twenties who helped me sort out a pattern of mental habits i was dealing with. i’d wake up and my first feeling would be absolute dread, followed by a list i’d conduct in my head over everyone that i assumes felt disappointment or disgust in who i was. i’d stay in that place constantly. then in the evenings i’d suddenly feel a rush of energy. all of my ideas felt like they were something special. i’d suddenly see myself as a comedian, a rapper, a singer. id start a script for a television show and stay up until the morning, despite having work or classes in a few hours. i’d text as many of my friends as i could at weird times. when i was finally forwarded to a psychiatrist i was recommended a couple different medications for anxiety and depression. i spent a lot of time thinking about it and decided to pass on them. i look at these mental patterns and states of neurology a little differently now. i looked them in the eye, accepted them, and decided that they would work for me, not the other way around. i think that my career as a music producer/writer definitely has something to do with this. sometimes i’ll be hanging out with my friends at midnight and let them know i’m feeling kind of manic and i’m going to go work on a song. i try to avoid difficult conversations when i’m in a manic or anxious state. sometimes when i’m depressed i suddenly get so hyper focused on what’s wrong i suddenly figure out what’s wrong. i’m not an expert but i think that sometimes we can obsess over the idea that we need to be fixed, all the while there may be something unique or different about us that we are desperate to suppress because it seems too overwhelming to deal with. depression sucks, it’s painful, but i’ve worked my way through some of the most difficult periods of my life while depressed....."

read more on my website (in the description!)

Valerie sent me an MP3 so check out her submission through Instagram TV in the next post!                    🖤          ...

Valerie sent me an MP3 so check out her submission through Instagram TV in the next post!

"My name is Erik and I am an Air Force Pilot  and aspiring entrepreneur. First let me talk about my first job. The menta...

"My name is Erik and I am an Air Force Pilot and aspiring entrepreneur. First let me talk about my first job. The mental health stigma in the Air Force and especially with pilots is real. The stigma is that, we never go get help, because if we do, they won’t let us fly. Every briefing and meeting we have that has anything to do with mental health will always address this and say it won’t happen. However, most pilots avoid getting help like the plague. Mental health problems are real, PTSD is real, depression is real, and we all need to be aware of them.

On to my true love, Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are very prone to mental health issues as well. We stay up late, always working, always thinking, always drinking caffeine and not eating healthy. We might be under some financial stress because not only is your time and money on the line, you might have other people’s time and money at risk as well. You could spend day after day, alone, working on projects. Something that the Air Force taught me that has been helpful in the entrepreneurial world is resilience. Entrepreneurship is about failing. A lot. You fail, you get back up, you fail again, you get back up. A comparison that is in many books that I have read is this. When you were a kid and just learning to walk, you didn’t just fall down and then say to yourself “ well, looks like I’m not meant for this walking thing” and just give up. No! You got back up and tried again. Your mental health can benefit from this resilience. Always believe in yourself, but most importantly, always be moving SOMEWHERE. Anywhere. Don’t just stop. What I mean by this is just make yourself a little bit better than your yesterday self was. Maybe this will be making yourself just a little bit happier than you were yesterday, or a little bit smarter, or learn just a little more about yourself. Every person in incredibly unique and always has something to bring to the table. Mental health issues are real and everywhere. Practice resiliency."

"The mind is a funny thing. The fact that your own brain has the power to make you either believe or not believe somethi...

"The mind is a funny thing. The fact that your own brain has the power to make you either believe or not believe something, and can completely change your emotion, is “mind-blowing” in itself.

I personally believe it’s important to know your limits and learn the way your brain operates. It can be challenging, may even take some time to really get it down pat, but learning when you’re at your low and how to combat that can help manage it for the future. Whenever I start to feel that slump, or my mind feels like it’s going a mile a minute I do my best to slow down. I’ll try to look at the situation from an outside perspective and evaluate the things I can and cannot control. Accepting things that are out of my control is something that I struggle with, partially because I can be impatient. If I’m feeling negative towards myself, I find the best solution is talking it out with a friend or even yourself. This is where I consider talking to yourself and responding is in fact, not crazy. Sometimes hearing your thought aloud makes it easier to process them.

You are not alone. You are important. Your feelings are always valid. You are on your OWN path, your own journey. While it can be discouraging to see others succeeding, or doing things you are aspiring to do, that is not your journey. Follow your own path, create your own opportunities, and create your OWN success. Take that discouragement and use it to better yourself. It is so easy to compare, but you are you and they are them. Love yourself for all the things that add up to you."

Photos by: Nick Rovazzini

"I’m always gonna be that person that will try to make you smile when I can sense something is up. I’ve dealt with depre...

"I’m always gonna be that person that will try to make you smile when I can sense something is up. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety my whole life. Some people may look at me and think I have everything and no reason to be depressed. I wish it was that easy but it’s not something I can control. The only thing I can control is how I treat others. I might be hurting on the inside but I’ll do whatever I can to put a smile on your face so you can forget about your pain momentarily. Most people don’t think I struggle with mental illness but it’s very real and I do my best to hide it. Nowadays, I try to find different things to ease my mind. I find that reading helps me be someone else for a bit. Concerts are something that always make me happy but with the state of the world right now I have to find other outlets. For the longest time I would beg for some sympathy or for some understanding. I know that’s crazy because we’re all fighting different battles. The only thing I can think of right now is to focus on how I treat other people. Because if I can do that then maybe others will too. We’re all fighting some sort of battle and this world just needs a little more compassion."

"Several of us in Split the Sea deal with mental health issues on a daily basis, and we have been personally affected by...

"Several of us in Split the Sea deal with mental health issues on a daily basis, and we have been personally affected by an incident of su***de in the past. We use our friendship within the band and our music to understand, process, and heal from these experiences. We hope that as we share our music with people that they can know that they are not alone and take some comfort in that fact."


Posting in threes! Stay tuned for more stories throughout the day! Happy Monday friends! 🖤🤘🎙

"Mental Health is something that is incredibly important and affects each of us and our families. We have been a part of...

"Mental Health is something that is incredibly important and affects each of us and our families. We have been a part of the good days... and the not so good days. It is because of this we wrote the song Heaven & Hell... a very emotional, difficult, and real depiction of events and emotions we have been a part of. The struggles are real, but often we forget it is a sickness that must be treated and cared for. Often we make the mistake of blaming ourselves or allowing the world to criticize and judge. Life can often be a balance between Heaven and Hell. Getting help, especially in the form of friendship, support, and understanding, is incredibly important and perhaps the best step towards a more fruitful life and future. If you or anyone you know is ever in need of a laugh, hug, or some great music to lift your spirits, never hesitate to let us know! You are amazing!"

"Some days are easier than others."It's something I often say when someone asks what it's like having problems with ment...

"Some days are easier than others."
It's something I often say when someone asks what it's like having problems with mental illness. It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't experience it themselves.

My name is Nick Damron. Many of you may know me from the Tune Junkies Podcast, which I am one of the hosts of. On my show, I'm normally the happy go lucky and chipper one. But, everyday is a battle. And sometimes, depression hits you like a train. I can't always be the person you hear on TJP. There have been many days where I had to text my cohost "Hey, Man. I just can't do it today. It's one of those days and I don't think I could add much to the conversation." Luckily, I'm surrounded by people that support me and understand. From friends, family, and significant others, I've been blessed to know these people. It's never easy, but they make the fight worth fighting.

I'm here for anyone who needs help. You don't have to be voiceless. You don't have to be alone.

Krystal Kadar| The Playful Trainer“You seem like you have it all together.” Hearing these words made me feel like a phon...

Krystal Kadar| The Playful Trainer

“You seem like you have it all together.” Hearing these words made me feel like a phony, a fake, an imposter. Sure, on the outside, it might have looked like I had it “all together” but on the inside I was screaming for a way out.
That is how mental illness can “look” sometimes. Perfectly normal to the average onlooker. Anorexia nervosa, that was my official diagnosis, but now looking back I realize I was addicted to codependent behavior and insane (“insanity” - doing the same thing over and over everyday expecting a different result).
I wish I could tell you I took a magic pill and it all became clear and I recovered overnight, but that was not the case. In fact, I’d say I am still in recovery and will be for my entire life. And that’s ok. Recovery found me in stages, at different parts of my life.
First, the eating disorder. I found a therapist who really understood me. She knew that the disordered eating and body image dysmorphia was a symptom of something internal. I was struggling with family issues at home, I was codependent to others and I was in an abusive relationship. This all manifested itself as a need to control my caloric intake, and I became addicted to losing weight and the attention that being thin had brought me.
Loving myself as God loves me...
My Higher Power, I call Him God, revealed His presence to me at that time. I realized that He loved me more than I could ever imagine, and I owed it to Him to love myself and the temple He gave me as well. This theme of self-love will come back years later right at the moment I needed it most.

BREAK THE STIGMA! 📸                    🖤


BREAK THE STIGMA! 📸 SL Photography                   🖤

📸 SL Photography

Here we go! Thank you to all of you that submitted to  💚                   🖤

Here we go! Thank you to all of you that submitted to 💚


Hello friends! So I have had a couple people reach out today that would really like to submit for the movement so I have decided to post tomorrow. If you still would like to submit, don't hesitate to reach out! I have everything ready to go for tomorrow!!

ARE YOU READY? Today is the day we are posting your submissions for the  . So stay tuned, get inspired, and I hope you a...

ARE YOU READY? Today is the day we are posting your submissions for the . So stay tuned, get inspired, and I hope you all had a healthy month of May with a time to reflect in, a time to reflect on yourselves. Stay healthy, stay motivated, and most importantly ROCK ON! 🤘🏻🎙🖤!

A Happy Belated Birthday goes out to this guy!  is a talented videographer I got the pleasure of getting to know while w...

A Happy Belated Birthday goes out to this guy! is a talented videographer I got the pleasure of getting to know while working at . I honestly truly miss working there! If you ever have any video needs, Miles Media is the media company I would recommend! Working there streamlined my motivation to start my podcast so, go check em out and go give my friend Matt some love for his birthday! Us quarantine birthdays have to stick together!
☀️🌴 🖤


Today, the 30th, is the LAST day to get your mental health submissions in! Send me a message if you are interested in submitting!

Sometimes I have to remind myself that mental health is important but it can't rule me. I am queen 👑 of my life and my d...

Sometimes I have to remind myself that mental health is important but it can't rule me. I am queen 👑 of my life and my decisions. Choosing to be happy is sometimes very difficult for me but reading through all of these submissions for the is incredibly inspiring. I'm so excited to start posting this weekend!! I hope you all can take some happiness and/or inspiration/motivation from the minds of many others. Don't let negativity bring you down and ROCK ON! 🖤🎙🤘


We have been going through all the mental health submissions and to be honest, we didn't get as many as we thought we would (there is still time to submit!) But the ones that we did get have some serious weight to them. Thank you so much to the people that have submitted! If you would like to submit please message the page by Friday! ROCK ON! 🤘🎙🖤

Talking about your own mental health is hard. I am always the problem solver. I help a lot of people but I very rarely h...

Talking about your own mental health is hard. I am always the problem solver. I help a lot of people but I very rarely help myself. I decided to support this movement to show you that one, we aren’t alone, many many people are in the same boat as you. Two, mentors, people you look up to, people you would have never thought would be struggling, are. And lastly, May is mental health awareness month. It was created to fight the stigma, provide support, and educate people on the effects of mental health and su***de. So not only am I saying to share your story, I’m here to help you, support you, and provide you a safe place. ��

As we celebrate , it is important that we work together to thrive. Learn how you can help at and please reach out if you would like to share your story or need someone to listen. MMATB is here for you.

Hint: May is mental health awareness month!

Hint: May is mental health awareness month!


We are STILL going live on the page for the next artists so please stay tuned guys and THANK YOU for your patience!


Having some technical difficulties so go check out Abbie Thomas Music live video, GOING ON NOW!


Going live soon!

Going live tonight on Facebook LIVE for a "live show" put on by Music For A Cause! Come check it out, show some support,...

Going live tonight on Facebook LIVE for a "live show" put on by Music For A Cause! Come check it out, show some support, and listen to these gorgeous ladies sing a little somethin for yah! You can check it out on my page (The Kylee Kiing Show) at 6pm EST. ROCK ON! 🖤🎙🤘

Hey guys! I'm going live tonight with a group of super talented, gorgeous artists. We will be starting the show at 6pm E...

Hey guys! I'm going live tonight with a group of super talented, gorgeous artists. We will be starting the show at 6pm EST. So come hangout! It will surely be an experience!

Kylee will be doing a short interview with each performer Saturday night before there set...check out her page at The Kylee Kiing Show.


Come hangout! watch how bad I am on LoL HAHA

EPISODE 12!!We finally got metal vocalist Kristy Wright into the studio! Tune in as we talk about her experience with di...


We finally got metal vocalist Kristy Wright into the studio! Tune in as we talk about her experience with different bands, her experience in radio, and assumptions of women in the metal scene in general. We know these are some interesting times with the current events but hang in there, we're all in this together! Stay safe, wash your hands, and ROCK ON! (link in bio!)

With the chaos in the world right now, I missed this guys birthday.  HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY  🥳🖤                   🖤     ...

With the chaos in the world right now, I missed this guys birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY 🥳🖤


I know I'm not the first one to say that staying home and out of a job for the next month (at least) SUCKS. HOWEVER, I'm genuinely excited to see what this hibernation creates from the music industry. I'll be waiting here in anticipation. Do you and ROCK ON! 🖤🎙🤘🏻 and WASH YOUR HANDS YA FILTHY ANIMALS.



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Meet Me at the Barricade | Rock On!

Join your host, Kylee Morgan on-site, at venues, and backstage with Rock & Metal artists from today, tomorrow, and "back-in-the-day". The show focuses on what isn't seen when you go to a show. What events, special talents, weird quirks, and what fans think about your favorite bands. Some of Kylee's guests include Linzey from The Anchor, Sleep Signals, Antighost, and Ricky Armellino, lead vocalist from HAWK and Guitar/Back-up Vocals for headliner band, Ice Nine Kills! Be sure to check out Kylee's Instagram, @kyleekiingpod for videos and pictures from past shows and upcoming interviews!