Are you in Enemy territory right now?
Do you find yourself feeling discouraged and hopeless? That is exactly where the Enemy wants you.
If you’re an entrepreneur, I bet you’ve exclaimed on more than one occasion, “I quit!”
Flying solo can be lonely and we’re more likely to be set up for falling into discouragement and losing hope.
>>> We might ask questions like:
❓ Do I need to go back to/stay in a 9-5, God?
❓ Did I get the call wrong?
❓ Do I need to buy something else to get me over the hurdle (aka buy more )?
>>>What if discouragement is the teacher?
✔️I believe discouragement = intelligence. It’s an indicator something is off.
We both know we must experience the lows to fully appreciate the highs…but oh! How we wish it weren’t so!
✔️I believe we can use our experiences in the lows to guide us to swing upward to the highs.
There is a way to simplify the upward swing. Here are three things you can do to move through discouragement:
➡️ You need to know your game plan. Your goals and actions to fulfill them are what put you in this space. Use them to propel you forward.
➡️ Pray. When you pray, pray with curiosity about your “out” options. What one small thing can you do to move forward? What has worked for you in the past? Ask God to reveal your next one step. (it could be as simple as stepping outside into the sunshine, taking a deep breath, praising God and beginning again…)
➡️Protect Your Dream with Accountability. We are designed for community. We need someone who will be there when we need encouragement. Being a doesn’t mean flying solo. Hire a coach. Join a community. Be the accountability partner you are seeking.
On 🎙️Time To Simplify, we work to reclaim lost territory through the power of discernment. Get a bigger dose of encouragement on episode 225. 🔗 bit.ly/simplify225
I bring together the expertise of a network marketing founder, a recovering perfectionist author, and my hunka-hunka. What could they possibly have in common?
Their genius, encouragement, and talents come together through the power of audio to bring you hope through story, experience, insights, and their giftings.
Thank you Michelle Schaffer, Lenee' Pezzano, and Bill Rogers for bolding proclaiming the truth of Jesus and encouraging others along the journey!
Starting a business or a podcast is not easy. You'll need stamina, guts, your intuition, and...a way to simpllify things.The truth is...you do not need ALL. THE. THINGS. You just need a few things to build momentum.Discouragement and h...