Jen's Team

Jen's Team Ready to simplify your life?

We help startup Christian women entrepreneurs leverage their resources so they can stop running around with their 🔥hair on fire🔥+ have time for the people, places, and play they treasure most. 👋🏼 I’m a military veteran turned 🔀 Certified Public Accountant turned 🔀 founder & CEO of a tactical business designed for startup Christian entrepreneurs, serving as your go-to online creative mentor for all

things podcasting, business planning & time-management, including:

▷ Podcast Ideation + Viability
▷ 90-Day Podcast Sprint™ to Launch
▷ Habit stacking strategies that work...FAST
▷ Start-Up Success Coaching for Rising Entrepreneurs
▷ Time-management methods that maximize your outputs
▷ 90-Day Time Management Sprint™
& 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦!

There I was....Wondering if my expert guest was going to show up in "automatic mode" and deliver consistently rehearsed,...

There I was....

Wondering if my expert guest was going to show up in "automatic mode" and deliver consistently rehearsed, practiced, and over-used one-liners. *sigh*

I've hosted enough guests on my podcast, Time To Simplify, to be straight up from the get-go and express to my guest that if they go into autopilot, I'll shoot their plane down. (🧐Perhaps I need to soften No I do not.)

That warning became completely unnecessary in this interview. A mutual win/win I'm grateful for.

Every once in a while, someone comes along who models a common expression phenomenally.

It gives you pause as you savor the experience of sharing space together.

📖Know what common expression I'm referring to?


That's exactly what happened this afternoon as my guest, Mitch Carson and I chatted about

>>>how to erase mistakes with a black sharpie
>>>startup entrepreneurship mistakes to avoid
>>>leaning into the pain + learning from it
>>>know your audience + elevator pitch
>>>network media + influence
...and so much more. This man came to serve and blessed me with his graciousness and preparation. He got me thinking to start a rating list for guests. He'd be 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟for sure.

Thank you, Mitch Carson, what a gift you have been to me since we connected on PodMatch.

When this episode hits the pipeline, you'll want to be on full alert. Don't worry, I'll post it here - so be sure you're following along for all the great episodes.
ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・

👨🏻‍✈️If you're a podcast host, what concerns do you have about your guests?
💺If you're a podcast guest, how do you prep to prevent going into autopilot?

P.S. Want to hear how I lay down the law real time?
I'll share in the comments!

📢Happy to share that I'll be connecting with Nancy (The Linked In Whisperer) Zare Ph.D. for a LinkedIn Audit! I'd love t...

📢Happy to share that I'll be connecting with Nancy (The Linked In Whisperer) Zare Ph.D. for a LinkedIn Audit! I'd love to have you join us on August 22.

As a fully recovered certified public accountant 😉 I know the word audit can sound threatening.

➤But...audits are useful tools to help you learn about your operations, processes, and the outcomes you're experiencing.

So I'm not afraid of the audit....

Yes and...

➤Developing a presence anywhere feels intimidating. Darn good things I know feelings don't always align with what is true. I know that despite the vulnerability I'm experiencing, I will learn, grow, and walk away with insights that will help me serve others so they can share their genius with the world >>>FASTER.

SAVE THE DATE! Join us on Linked In!

🗓️ Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2024
⏱️ Time: 11:00 AM CT/12:30 PM ET

Are you in Enemy territory right now?Do you find yourself feeling discouraged and hopeless? That is exactly where the En...

Are you in Enemy territory right now?

Do you find yourself feeling discouraged and hopeless? That is exactly where the Enemy wants you.

If you’re an entrepreneur, I bet you’ve exclaimed on more than one occasion, “I quit!”

Flying solo can be lonely and we’re more likely to be set up for falling into discouragement and losing hope.

>>> We might ask questions like:

❓ Do I need to go back to/stay in a 9-5, God?
❓ Did I get the call wrong?
❓ Do I need to buy something else to get me over the hurdle (aka buy more )?

>>>What if discouragement is the teacher?

✔️I believe discouragement = intelligence. It’s an indicator something is off.

We both know we must experience the lows to fully appreciate the highs…but oh! How we wish it weren’t so!

✔️I believe we can use our experiences in the lows to guide us to swing upward to the highs.

There is a way to simplify the upward swing. Here are three things you can do to move through discouragement:

➡️ You need to know your game plan. Your goals and actions to fulfill them are what put you in this space. Use them to propel you forward.

➡️ Pray. When you pray, pray with curiosity about your “out” options. What one small thing can you do to move forward? What has worked for you in the past? Ask God to reveal your next one step. (it could be as simple as stepping outside into the sunshine, taking a deep breath, praising God and beginning again…)

➡️Protect Your Dream with Accountability. We are designed for community. We need someone who will be there when we need encouragement. Being a doesn’t mean flying solo. Hire a coach. Join a community. Be the accountability partner you are seeking.

On 🎙️Time To Simplify, we work to reclaim lost territory through the power of discernment. Get a bigger dose of encouragement on episode 225. 🔗

I bring together the expertise of a network marketing founder, a recovering perfectionist author, and my hunka-hunka. What could they possibly have in common?

Their genius, encouragement, and talents come together through the power of audio to bring you hope through story, experience, insights, and their giftings.

Thank you Michelle Schaffer, Lenee' Pezzano, and Bill Rogers for bolding proclaiming the truth of Jesus and encouraging others along the journey!

Starting a business or a podcast is not easy.  You'll need stamina, guts, your intuition, and...a way to simpllify things.The truth do not need ALL. THE. THINGS.  You just need a few things to build momentum.Discouragement and h...

I’m a big fan of the book, “If You Give A 🐭Mouse A 🍪Cookie”. How about you? Are you going to want a 🥛 glass of milk 🐄 to...

I’m a big fan of the book, “If You Give A 🐭Mouse A 🍪Cookie”.

How about you? Are you going to want a 🥛 glass of milk 🐄 to go with it?

A short while ago, Alex Sanfilippo asked about people hosting podcasting meetups in their area.

💡! 💡! 💡!

That question was my🍪which turned into 🚀˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚💥 which led to cooking up an idea for a podcasting meetup for Christian podcasters in the Kansas City Area.

>>> Interested?

Me, too!! Now, you’ve got 3 options:

📢1️⃣ Tell me what you think about this idea by going here

📢2️⃣ Tell me if you know what the 🐭 asks for after he gets the 🥛!

📢3️⃣ Tell me both – what you think about a meetup and what comes next for the 🐭!

P.S. I also love the book If You Give A Moose A Muffin!

Ever find yourself wondering if what the Lord's placed on your heart to share will ever be downloaded? Or...Do you find ...

Ever find yourself wondering if what the Lord's placed on your heart to share will ever be downloaded?


Do you find yourself wondering if what you share will impact others - perhaps generationally?

That's the power of podcasting....for the first few hours this morning, listeners downloaded episodes from 2 days ago, 14 days ago, 3 months ago, 1 year ago, 2 years ago, and over 3 years ago...

If you're thinking about starting a podcast, now is the time! People are waiting to hear your message!

Speaking of messages, message me or comment PODCAST below if you're interested in starting your own show - without all the tech headaches and overwhelm.

The next 90-Day Sprint starts September 3rd!

I've been hiding a bit...coming back out of a lay low and build season...Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!!

I've been hiding a bit...coming back out of a lay low and build season...Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!!

Is death trap too strong a phrase for lack of...MOTIVATION?Well, that may sound overly dramatic...yet, when we lack moti...

Is death trap too strong a phrase for lack of...


Well, that may sound overly dramatic...yet, when we lack motivation we DO NOT MOVE.



We serve an Almighty Father who has entrusted dreams to us. If you're willing to courageously explore what might be holding you back, check out this week's episode.

Here's what you need:

✅Journals 📓
✅Hide in the closet if necessary to focus on what God has for you 😶
✅Podcast turned up!🎙🎧

What if you could make your Money Nightmares turn into your dream future?Thursday, February 15th  6-7pm Central Know wha...

What if you could make your Money Nightmares turn into your dream future?

Thursday, February 15th
6-7pm Central

Know what 28 times 60 is, approximately? About 1700. If you're willing to begin and invest 28 cents for each minute ($17) of powerful intel to end the high stress associated with managing your money, would you do it?

If your answer is yes, it's time to register for Thursday's VIP opportunity inside The Empowered Stepmom Academy. This month's special guest is Wealth Advisor and Financial Coach, Terry Peña.

You'll walk away with these 3 things:

1. Confidence in Budget Basics

2. Identify barriers to budgeting (and what you can do to work through them)

3. God's wealth blueprint

Does it feel weird to you, too?You know this time in between the end of a year and a new beginning?Here's a great way to...

Does it feel weird to you, too?

You know this time in between the end of a year and a new beginning?

Here's a great way to fill this space between the now and not yet!

When you do things the world's way, you'll get the world's results.  A sneak peek at how to shake things up for the coming new year.  👉Step One:  Just say NO to New Year Resolutions👉Step Two:  Listen to this episode!👉Step Three...

We love our Canadian listeners!! Thank you for empowering the podcast with your gracious and encouraging reviews!       ...

We love our Canadian listeners!! Thank you for empowering the podcast with your gracious and encouraging reviews!

You're going to get out EXACTLY what you put in.  come in all shapes and sizes.What are you putting into your relationsh...

You're going to get out EXACTLY what you put in.

come in all shapes and sizes.

What are you putting into your relationships?

If you're willing to take a look at your personal outputs with a keen eye to create the outcomes you really want, then you're my people.

I empower high-achieving women to practice inputs to create the outputs they desire.

Are you willing to put your habits under the microscope?

Are you willing to consider a new way of doing things?

Are you finally at the end of your rope and want more than (another) ?

This has ZERO % to do with it's a new year - let's do a new thing...

it has 100% to do with living the life you wanted when you said, "I do" to being an instant mom/stepmom.

It has everything to do with embracing God's best for you and your marriage.

So if you're ready to ditch the "side effects" and take ownership of direct effects, LET'S GO.

We start up in January.

To get registered, create your first direct outcome by messaging me to learn more.

If you've been vacillating, this is your firm nudge to do this on purpose - get your best life now.


Be Bold.Do something different! Say yes to you and your blended family.

Be Bold.

Do something different! Say yes to you and your blended family.

Sweet woman of God - you are worth investing in you and your relationships!It's time to become a founding member of The ...

Sweet woman of God - you are worth investing in you and your relationships!

It's time to become a founding member of The Empowered Stepmom Academy!

Want peace and joy in your home?

Are you tired of trying to figure it all out on your own?

Is co-parenting stressful + triggering?

If you're ready to take back your power, reclaim intimacy with your hunka-hunka, and be surrounded by women who are determined to live out their BEST LIFE NOW, The Empowered Stepmom Academy is EXACTLY what you need!

Need more reasons to enroll now?

>>> become a founding member - with lots of benefits!
>>> access to private, founding member trainings with Jen + the team

>>> save 20% off - FOR LIFE! on any training inside the empowerment community!

>>> select your start date of December 1, January 1, or January 15!

READY TO PREVENT BLENDED FIRES BEFORE THEY START?Check out this brand-new holiday planning guide!This guide will help yo...


Check out this brand-new holiday planning guide!

This guide will help you plan celebrations for your blend - whether you have adult stepkids or stepkids in the home.

Get curious! And then begin!

Download it today! I'd love to hear your feedback on the guide!

Let's do it! Click the pretty picture to get started!

Reclaim Your Joy Holiday Planner Guide with Jen Rogers, Planner Evangelist, Coach, Speaker, Boundary Boss

It's READY!!!!It is definitely TIME TO TAKE YOUR POWER BACK, Stepmom!See the link below!

It's READY!!!!

It is definitely TIME TO TAKE YOUR POWER BACK, Stepmom!

See the link below!

I’m sooooooooo stinkin’ excited!!! I’m putting the finishing touches on something extraordinarily powerful, just for you...

I’m sooooooooo stinkin’ excited!!!

I’m putting the finishing touches on something extraordinarily powerful, just for you !!

One of the biggest pain points for stepmoms is feeling powerless and having no authority in their own homes.

Enough of that!! I’ll be releasing more details soon so you can not only get your power back, but you’ll reclaim your joy, too!

The best part??!!
It’s a “just because” 🎁!

Just because I love ❤️ you and I don’t want to see you hurting anymore by giving away something you have every right to keep.

If you already know you want the free gift, put a 🎁 in the comments and I’ll be sure to tag you when it’s ready!


Anybody else a fan of alliteration??!! This episode is for you!If you adamantly abhor alliteration, listen in for 3 ways...

Anybody else a fan of alliteration??!! This episode is for you!
If you adamantly abhor alliteration, listen in for 3 ways to STOP GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER, Stepmom!

Ready to take back your power and reclaim your joy in your relationships and at home?  Listen in to today's episode to learn the 3 part framework for taking back your power, and reclaiming dominion in your home, aligned with God's Word.Ready?...

Need a framework for beginning anew with prayer?🙏I've got you, sis.  Sign up for the free prayer challenge.  You'll inve...

Need a framework for beginning anew with prayer?🙏

I've got you, sis.

Sign up for the free prayer challenge. You'll invest 30 days to pray over, for, and with your blended family.

No experience required!

I'll guide you every step of the way.

Simply sign up and day 1 pops right in your inbox!

I'll email you every day to guide you on this holy journey.

Start anytime! The day you sign up is the day you begin!



What if I told you your most precious and powerful tool could propel you out of the pit you find yourself in?

Do you think there might be one solution?

Well, the truth is YES and NO.

Lest we get caught up in what I lovingly call the "clobber book" of James where the brother of Jesus reminds us to pray purposefully, without being wishy washy, let me say this:

You're gonna have to listen into the episode to learn exactly what I mean because I am not vacillating between the two.


You'll be smarter and better equipped after the listen. 🎤😇

You're invited, Stepmom!This Tuesday evening, August 29, women are gathering for our community's inaugural meet & greet!...

You're invited, Stepmom!

This Tuesday evening, August 29, women are gathering for our community's inaugural meet & greet!

Would you like to join us?

Come, lift up your voice and be lifted up as well!

Here's how:

Join us inside the FB group


Register to join the community

Because no Stepmom needs to do this alone.

Join us and experience a community of believers committed to God's transformative love, power, and faithfulness.

A new haircut-EMPOWERING!!!

A new haircut-EMPOWERING!!!


Wondering how to declutter your mind and emotions?
I had the distinct privilege of sharing tips to do just that on my good friend Emily Gildersleeve McDermott's incredibly empowering podcast.
... And I got the bonus of feeling convicted to go declutter a closet...which led to decluttering a storage area...which led to decluttering a linen closet...

Reminds me of the book, If You Give a Moose a Muffin! Pass me a glass of milk please! 🤣😍😜IFKYK

Every single thing we do starts with a message to ourselves - a thought.When you focus on all those things that are maki...

Every single thing we do starts with a message to ourselves - a thought.

When you focus on all those things that are making you miserable, the expression:

"Misery loves company" is true.

Company like....


Ready to focus on GOOD MESSAGES?

Cool - put me in your earbuds!




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