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  • wiki wiki SSFWIKI is a free, non-profit public service announcement wiki against synthesis-based disinformation

Suomen rikoslain luku 20 § 7 "Seksuaalisen kuvan luvaton levittäminen" kieltää sekä oikeiden että synteettisten seksuaal...

Suomen rikoslain luku 20 § 7 "Seksuaalisen kuvan luvaton levittäminen" kieltää sekä oikeiden että synteettisten seksuaalisten kuvien levityksen, mikäli suostumusta ei ole.

Tämä lain suoja visuaalista synteesirikollisuutta vastaan tuli voimaan sunnuntaina 1.1.2023 osana seksuaalirikoslain uudistusta, joka toteutui Marinin hallituksen esityksen pohjalta.

Huomionarvoista on myöskin, että synteettiset lasta esittävät seksuaaliset kuvat kriminalisoitiin jo keskiviikkona 1.6.2011 Vanhasen II hallituksen esityksen pohjalta.

Tutustu synteesirikollisuuden ongelmakenttään ja mahdollisiin vastakeinoihin tarkemmin wikissä.

Suomen seksuaalirikoslaki 2023 löytyy kohdasta Suomen rikoslain luku 20 - Seksuaalirikoksista ja se astui voimaan sunnuntaina 2023-01-01 ja sisältää pitkään kaivattuja parannuksia synteettisellä p**nografialla tehtäviä hyökkäyksiä vastaan.

UK to set up world's first AI safety institute, Sunak says

UK to set up world's first AI safety institute, Sunak says

Britain will set up the world's first artificial intelligence (AI) safety institute, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Thursday before he hosts a gathering next week of representatives of AI companies, political leaders and experts.

A Polish service, PimEyes have crawled the surface web for images with faces in them and made a facial index that identi...

A Polish service, PimEyes have crawled the surface web for images with faces in them and made a facial index that identifies images that look like the same person in them, in advance of the face being searched.

There are some, if not a lot of troubling indicators in this record in the AIAAIC repository of AI incidents and also PimEyes terms of use raises alarms.

I tried PimEyes and and the results included all photos I know I have put on the surface web.

The results do not return profile photos of social media sites, probably because PimEyes would have been violating their terms of use.

This is troubling as is, but if this were applied to the dark web, then this would be just the thing against the zero gram beasts.

PimEyes facial recognition search engine

The YouTube portions of the    wiki mediatheque is now also available into a YouTube playlist for you viewing convenienc...

The YouTube portions of the wiki mediatheque is now also available into a YouTube playlist for you viewing convenience.

Link is to index number three, starting from one

Musique Non StopKraftwerkMusique non stop ( techno-pop)Musique non stop ( techno-pop)Musique non stop ( techno-pop)Musique non stop ( techno-pop)Musique non ...

The Finnish Criminal Code Chapter 20 § 7 "Non-consensual dissemination of a sexual image" criminalized distribution of r...

The Finnish Criminal Code Chapter 20 § 7 "Non-consensual dissemination of a sexual image" criminalized distribution of real and synthetic sexual images without permission of the person(s) depicted, effective Sunday 2023-01-01. 🇫🇮👏

This came to be upon the initiative of the Marin government 2019-2023.

Noteworthy is also that possession and distribution of synthetic sexual pictures depicting children were criminalized in Finland on Wednesday 2011-06-01 upon the initiative of the 2nd Vanhanen government. 🇫🇮👏

Visit the wiki to learn more and to familiarize yourself with the problem field of synthesis crimes and explore the existing and potential counter-measures against it.

Law on sexual offences in Finland 2023 is found in Chapter 20 of the Finnish Criminal Code titled "Seksuaalirikoksista" ("Sexual offences") and came into effect on Sunday 2023-01-01.[1]


Renewed the wiki domain name till Saturday 2033-01-15

UN Security Council will discuss AI threats as well as opportunities today

UN Security Council will discuss AI threats as well as opportunities today

Maintenance of international peace and security - Artificial intelligence: opportunities and risks for international peace and security.

Suomen uudistunut seksuaalirikoslaki astui voimaan vuoden 2023 alusta 🥳🥳🥳Uusi seksuaalirikoslaki huomioi, että kaikki se...

Suomen uudistunut seksuaalirikoslaki astui voimaan vuoden 2023 alusta 🥳🥳🥳

Uusi seksuaalirikoslaki huomioi, että kaikki seksuaaliset kuvat ja kuvatallenteet eivät ole todellisuuspohjaisia, vaan osa niistä on syntetisoitua disinformaatiosaastaa. 🥳🥳🥳

Lue lisää Stoppi Synteettiselle Saastalle! wikin ensimmäisestä suomen kielisestä artikkelista, joka käsittelee tätä uutta lakia joka löytyy rikoslain luvusta 20.

Suomen seksuaalirikoslaki 2023 löytyy kohdasta Suomen rikoslain luku 20 - Seksuaalirikoksista ja se astui voimaan sunnuntaina 2023-01-01 ja sisältää pitkään kaivattuja parannuksia synteettisiä p**nografiahyökkäyksiä vastaan.

Renewed the domain name till Thursday 2032-01-15

Renewed the domain name till Thursday 2032-01-15

Renewed the domain till Thursday 2032-01-15, because this cause, regardless of how highly unpopular, is necessary for the survival of humanity and me too. That even somebody would remember how we were before the synthetic human-like fakes showed up would be highly desirable.

"When the people who are in power want to use again, create an image, to justify something that’s bad, they use the pres...

"When the people who are in power want to use again, create an image, to justify something that’s bad, they use the press. And they’ll use the press to create a humanitarian image, for a devil, or a devil image for a humanitarian. They will take a person who’s a victim of the crime, and make it appear he’s the criminal and they’ll take the criminal and make it appear that he’s the victim of the crime."

Malcolm X's speech at the Oxford Union debate (December 3, 1964) as quoted in Saladin Ambar "Malcolm X at Oxford Union: Racial Politics in a Global Era" (p. 171), 2013.

/ Malcolm X /
"When the people who are in power want to use again, create an image, to justify something that’s bad, they use the press. And they’ll use the press to create a humanitarian image, for a devil, or a devil image for a humanitarian. They will take a person who’s a victim of the crime, and make it appear he’s the criminal and they’ll take the criminal and make it appear that he’s the victim of the crime."
Malcolm X's speech at the Oxford Union debate (December 3, 1964) as quoted in Saladin Ambar "Malcolm X at Oxford Union: Racial Politics in a Global Era" (p. 171), 2013.

Brilliant new science from the University of Florida against the human-like voice-thieving systems in 2022! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻The ...

Brilliant new science from the University of Florida against the human-like voice-thieving systems in 2022! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

The digital sound-alikes / audio "deepfakes" / audio "deep fakes" / voice-thieving synthesis systems are known to have been used for crimes since March 2019. (link)


Thank you to the University of Florida and their Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research (FICS) and very warm thank you to the respective scientists Logan Blue, Kevin Warren, Hadi Abdullah, Cassidy Gibson, Luis Vargas, Jessica O’Dell, Kevin Butler and Professor Patrick Traynor for this ground-breaking science against the voice-thieving systems. May ☮️ be with you.

They published their work in a scientific paper titled

"Who Are You (I Really Wanna Know)? Detecting Audio DeepFakes Through Vocal Tract Reconstruction"

and presented to peers at the USENIX Security Symposium in August 2022. (link)

The University of Florida researchers' work was funded by the Office of Naval Research.


This looks like an awesome start on future automated armor for us humans against the voice-thieving systems!

These methods based on extremely innovative application of existing scientific knowledge and realizing to ask the right questions and the system the University of Florida researchers made to spot the fake synthesized voices and how this system was designed, implemented, tested and found highly effective against the voice-thieving machines of today gives us hope in humanity's struggle to stay humanity despite of the menaces of the synthetic human-like fakes.

Office of Naval Research funding was a natural source of funding for this innovation, as it is clear that protecting the US Navy and US Marines audio communications networks against any voice-forging adversaries is of high importance.

People who were aware of the voice-thieving-machines problem had been waiting for something and this is more than at least I expected. 🥳 🥳 🥳

Cheers American taxpayers and DoD for funding this breakthrough science!

Please get this technology against the fake voices to humans to protect the humans and humanity! 🫵🏻

~ Juho Kunsola


Please keep funding the struggle to defend against the appearance-thieving synthesis criminals too e.g. the existing research programs:
👍🏻 Media Forensics (MediFor since 2016) (link)
👍🏻 Semanatic Forensics (SemaFor, since 2019) (link)
And please consider purveying, as a public good, a good AI to police 24/365 what visual forgeries the evil AIs spit out. This could be achieved through e.g.

👍🏻 Reviving Mr. Lionel Hagege's existing system FacePinPoint-dot-com (link), which is currently closed due to lack of financial support 🤜🏻🤛🏻
👍🏻 I discovered the same principle, as Mr. Hagege had already implemented, on my own on Friday 2019-07-12, and called it APW_AI. The description of APW_AI is basically identical with FacePinPoint's "How it works", but I thought of it specifically against the synthetic digital look-alikes. I had been searching for solutions to these problems that come from the synthetic human-like fakes since 2003.


Credits for the republished article:

Post-grad student Logan Blue and Professor Patrick Traynor wrote this article for the laymen titled "Deepfake audio has a tell – researchers use fluid dynamics to spot artificial imposter voices" and licensed it permanently under Creative Commons-Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC-BY-ND) on Tuesday 2022-09-22 at TheConversation-dot-com. (link)

Juho Kunsola in Finland 🇫🇮 for Stop Synthetic Filth! wiki gratefully republished the article on the Stop Synthetic Filth! wordpress from original, under the clauses of CC-BY-ND and titled it "Amazing method and results from University of Florida scientists in 2022 against the menaces of digital sound-alikes / audio deepfakes"

To detect audio deepfakes the researchers at the University of Florida have developed a technique that measures the acoustic and fluid dynamic differences between voice samples created organically by human speakers and those generated synthetically by computers.

Brilliant new science from the University of Florida against the human-like voice-thieving systems in 2022! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻The ...

Brilliant new science from the University of Florida against the human-like voice-thieving systems in 2022! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

The digital sound-alikes / audio "deepfakes" / audio "deep fakes" / voice-thieving synthesis systems are known to have been used for crimes since March 2019. (Link to wiki on that 220,000€ fraud case in the comments)


Thank you to the University of Florida and their Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research (FICS) and very warm thank you to the respective scientists Logan Blue, Kevin Warren, Hadi Abdullah, Cassidy Gibson, Luis Vargas, Jessica O’Dell, Kevin Butler and Professor Patrick Traynor for this ground-breaking science against the voice-thieving systems. May ☮️ be with you.

They published their work in a scientific paper titled

"Who Are You (I Really Wanna Know)? Detecting Audio DeepFakes Through Vocal Tract Reconstruction"

and presented to peers at the USENIX Security Symposium in August 2022. (link)

The University of Florida researchers' work was funded by the Office of Naval Research.


This looks like an awesome start on future automated armor for us humans against the voice-thieving systems!

These methods based on extremely innovative application of existing scientific knowledge and realizing to ask the right questions and the system the University of Florida researchers made to spot the fake synthesized voices and how this system was designed, implemented, tested and found highly effective against the voice-thieving machines of today gives us hope in humanity's struggle to stay humanity despite of the menaces of the synthetic human-like fakes.

Office of Naval Research funding was a natural source of funding for this innovation, as it is clear that protecting the US Navy and US Marines audio communications networks against any voice-forging adversaries is of high importance.

People who were aware of the voice-thieving-machines problem had been waiting for something and this is more than at least I expected. 🥳 🥳 🥳

Cheers American taxpayers and DoD for funding this breakthrough science!

Please get this technology against the fake voices to humans to protect the humans and humanity! 🫵🏻

~ Juho Kunsola


Please keep funding the struggle to defend against the appearance-thieving synthesis criminals too e.g. the existing research programs:

👍🏻 Media Forensics (MediFor since 2016) (link)
👍🏻 Semanatic Forensics (SemaFor, since 2019) (link)

And please consider purveying, as a public good, a good AI to police 24/365 what visual forgeries the evil AIs spit out. This could be achieved through e.g.

👍🏻 Reviving Mr. Lionel Hagege's existing system FacePinPoint-dot-com (link), which is currently closed due to lack of financial support 🤜🏻🤛🏻
👍🏻 I discovered the same principle, as Mr. Hagege had already implemented, on my own on Friday 2019-07-12, and called it APW_AI. The description of APW_AI is basically identical with FacePinPoint's "How it works", but I thought of it specifically against the synthetic digital look-alikes. I had been searching for solutions to these problems that come from the synthetic human-like fakes since 2003.

Credits for the republished article:

Logan Blue and Patrick Traynor wrote this article for the laymen titled "Deepfake audio has a tell – researchers use fluid dynamics to spot artificial imposter voices" and licensed it permanently under Creative Commons-Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC-BY-ND) on Tuesday 2022-09-22 at TheConversation-dot-com. (link)

Juho Kunsola in Finland 🇫🇮 for wiki, gratefully republished the article on the Stop Synthetic Filth! wordpress from original, under the clauses of CC-BY-ND and titled it "Amazing method and results from University of Florida scientists in 2022 against the menaces of digital sound-alikes / audio deepfakes"


Why the Internet Watch Foundation exists, what it what set up to do, and how it does it.

Enrolled to an interesting webinar on Wednesday, 2022-10-19 at 6pm - 7pm CEST

Enrolled to an interesting webinar on Wednesday, 2022-10-19 at 6pm - 7pm CEST

Your response would be greatly appreciated.

IWF reporting portal will help you get  -contraband off the net, just in case you run across any

IWF reporting portal will help you get -contraband off the net, just in case you run across any

Anonymously report images & videos of child sexual abuse you may accidentally see online. Also called incorrect terms 'child p**n' & 'kiddie p**n'.

Hey people, be cybersecure out there. Any biometrical data that may be used to reconstruct synthetic fakes that look or ...

Hey people, be cybersecure out there.

Any biometrical data that may be used to reconstruct synthetic fakes that look or sound like anyone is a real threat vector these days, so no unnecessary pics, audio or videos to the surface internet.

Surely President Biden is talking another kind of cybersec, but the Amercan government really do know how bad it is out there with these human-like fake technologies.

During Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we highlight the importance of safeguarding our Nation’s critical infrastructure from malicious cyber activity and protecting citizens and businesses from ransomware and other attacks.  We also raise awareness about the simple steps Americans can take to secu...

They both were kind of right in their fiction.

They both were kind of right in their fiction.

George Orwell’s 1984 Eerily Predicted What Our Society Would Be Like Today, 72 Years Ago

"If you see me, cry" wrote someone on a stone with a chisel and a hammer in 1616 and now we can see it again.EDIT: In th...

"If you see me, cry" wrote someone on a stone with a chisel and a hammer in 1616 and now we can see it again.

EDIT: In the original thread someone is saying that this is a scam from early 1900's by some pub owner and now that I think about it, the letters submerged in flowing water for 406 years in fact would not look like that.

Hunger Stone : The recent droughts in Europe once again made visible the "Hunger Stones" in some Czech and German rivers. These stones were used to mark desperately low river levels that would forecast famines.
This one, in the Elbe river, is from 1616 and says: "If you see me, cry"

Some insight from a man of science and also of fiction, because fiction can tell stories before factual side agrees on t...

Some insight from a man of science and also of fiction, because fiction can tell stories before factual side agrees on the issues too, or the fiction turns into reality.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

Isaac Asimov's Book of Science and Nature Quotations (1988), edited with Jason A. Shulman, p. 281

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
— Isaac Asimov

People please, have some critique regarding what you trust from the Internet and if unsure about what was real and what ...

People please, have some critique regarding what you trust from the Internet and if unsure about what was real and what wasn't real, try to ask a suitable human or humans.

Juho is worried that AI is a complicated game for humans, but humans are a simple game for AI.

July 30th is the Day against Trafficking in Persons, so I decided to comment to the Interpol (sic.) in LinkedIn about ch...

July 30th is the Day against Trafficking in Persons, so I decided to comment to the Interpol (sic.) in LinkedIn about changes to the laws being needed all over the place.

This may sound weird approach at first, why do you mention to the law enforcement about the laws being stone-age and not being up-to-the-task-at-hand and evil and good tech not being stone-age?

There is this thing that being an elite celeb party elite regular inside celeb does protect them (pro-politicians) and their loved ones from these, at least to some extent, so they do not need to care and they do not seem to care. Interpol must know, politicians rather stay away from unpopular causes, such as the protection of humankind against synthesis disinformation terror weapons.

One key point on banging the gong is that these officials can't enforce against bad things if the bad thing is not illegal in jurisdiction X.

Politicians don't care, protectors of humans, free'ers of slaves, helpers of human trafficking victims, voices for the voiceless and fraud case busters, we care.

"You can tweet a hot shot politician, but you cannot make even its staff to even glance at it" to paraphrase the old saying.

It is going to be a long day and night twitterin' and some needs linkedinin' needs to be done also, because these days are very fruitful time to be active on socme.

Donated the 2nd time to the government of Ukraine via their fundraising site this time for medical a...

Donated the 2nd time to the government of Ukraine via their fundraising site this time for medical aid.

Last time they sent the results email, like they promised, and I noticed they were interested in purchasing armored ambulances and those things didn't cost more than a very very fancy car and I am so down with pitching in a few coins for armored ambulances and medkits and everything Ukraine's Ministry of Health needs.

The site and the payment process worked flawlessly, though they have made some arrangements as this time I received an email from Ukraine House DC Foundation thanking for the donation, which did not happen last time.

$0.84 credit card processing costs for $15 transaction is on the steep side, but just recently celebrated having gotten banned by Russia's banning agency so yes, I will pay for the $0.84 processing cost and not grumble more about the cost if the systems are up.

The good news is that Ukraine's has made it to (one of the) privileged "merchants" list(s), as the usual additional security measure the Finns will know about, was not there this time.

I halved the donation from last time so I can donate twice and share the link twice. ~ Juho Kunsola, founder of the out of sheer necessity wiching you will donate too.


Going to participate in that is held virtually June 6-11 and tickets can be acquired free of charge if one does not want to support the event monetarily.

It is Bono's 62nd birthday. Happy birthday  I hope U2 gets into the   (again), writing new   with the guys (again) and a...

It is Bono's 62nd birthday. Happy birthday

I hope U2 gets into the (again), writing new with the guys (again) and also possibly Mr. Lionel Hagege's (we really need it) that would the and potential of the naked digital look-alike attacks, but only if if purveyed as a public good.

Please service.

The most classical example of a public good is a lighthouse, as clearly nobody can be excluded from enjoying the service of an operational light house. If I recall correctly that is the definition of a public good, inability to exclude anyone from freely benefiting from the public good.

Here is a link to Mr. Hagege's invention's service description that would work wonders to disarm the appearance thieving beasts. I figured the same outline of only on Friday 2019-07-12, but Mr. Hagege had already implemented and operated the service by that time. Unfortunately the service was closed due to lack of funding and the company was dissolved. Fortunately I have been in contact with Mr. Hagege and he owns the IP fully himself, so it did not e.g. go to debtors of the bankruptcy.



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