Ministry with the Mayers

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Ministry with the Mayers The adventures of ministry at Texas A&M


Start of our Leaders Adance for this upcoming school year! Newsletter coming soon! Class of ‘27 AAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY


"Our capacity to love God and love people is only as potent as our consent to receive His love for us."

Grateful for the simple beauty of the Gospel:
We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

Howdy y'all! Been a hot second since we've updated you guys with our trip. GOT A PRAISE REPORT FOR YA! Below is a messag...

Howdy y'all! Been a hot second since we've updated you guys with our trip. GOT A PRAISE REPORT FOR YA! Below is a message from one of the missionaries we were working with in the country of Georgia. Context of this is, we met the girl that she is talking about over there! The kingdom is spreading overeseas!

Hallelujah! New life!

About a month ago, I met “Ana.” I was with a couple of our guests from the States, and we were standing in line at the park. The line was long and Ana was right in front of us, so we struck up a conversation. Ana is Georgian and just graduated high school. She grew up in a traditional Georgian family and was happy to share with us all about Georgian culture - the good, bad, and ugly.

She shared about her conservative Orthodox upbringing - quite typical of Georgians. And we shared about our relationship with God. Our faith brought us together, but it was clear she was disenchanted with the rules of religion. She loved the idea we shared with her of relationship with God being different from religion and rule following.
The next week, I asked her if she wanted to meet to read the Bible together, and she agreed! She came and told me that she had gone home after meeting us at the park and opened her dad’s big family Bible and started reading! She was clearly seeking.

We met again the next week, and we read the story of Nicodemus from John 3. As we talked about being born again to new life in Jesus, I asked her if she wanted to receive this new life, and she said yes! So we prayed together as Ana decided to follow Jesus for herself. I encouraged her to share about her decision and this new life with her family. She lives with her parents, sister, and brother. I also encouraged her that she could gather her family to read the Bible together. She was eager to do so, and we wrote down our 4 questions for her to lead her family in studying the Bible: (1) What does this teach us about God? (2) What does this teach us about people? (3) What truth can I apply to my life? (4) With whom can I share this?

Ana texted me and told me that weekend that she had read the Bible with her mother and sister! Her dad was out of town. This week, we read about baptism, and she realized that when she was baptized as an infant, it wasn’t her choice. She wants to be baptized again!
Please pray for Ana. Pray that she will be rooted deeply in her new relationship with Jesus. Pray that her family will also receive the new life in Jesus that goes beyond ethnicity and religion. May Ana be the spark that starts a movement of true disciples among the Georgian people!

Howdy y’all! Long time no see!Just wanted to update you guys with what’s going on!It’s 4AM and we’ve started our way tow...

Howdy y’all! Long time no see!

Just wanted to update you guys with what’s going on!

It’s 4AM and we’ve started our way towards Georgia and TAJ! Please be in prayer for our team as we embark on this month long trip!

Prayer points:

- that the Lord would lead us to divine appointments with the people we meet and talk to

- the team would hear the voice of God in a new and intimate way

- the workers were serving get a fresh burden for the people they are working with

-The team to have the best time with the Lord and each other

-Safety for everyone both long term workers and short term trips

-One visa that we’re waiting on to be approved into Taj

-for the team to get a burden for the people we’re serving, leading to a greater prayer life

Thank you guys for making this trip possible, we’re going to be updating along the way! Please be in prayer for each of us (Megan and me, Jedi, Hannah, Amanda, Micah)

See you guys in 28 days!

Happy Easter from the Mayer’s!! “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, sa...

Happy Easter from the Mayer’s!!

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.””
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭8‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭

What a glorious day!

This past weekend we took our team on a camping trip to Sam Houston National Forest - it was awesome!! We went fishing, ...

This past weekend we took our team on a camping trip to Sam Houston National Forest - it was awesome!! We went fishing, worshipped by a campfire, and prepared our hearts for the wonderful things that God has in store for Central Asia!

Couldn't have asked for a better group of people!!

Hey y’all!Here’s our newsletter for the last half of the semester! It will be mailed out shortly to yalls addresses. Tha...

Hey y’all!

Here’s our newsletter for the last half of the semester! It will be mailed out shortly to yalls addresses.

Thank you for all that y’all do! Y’all are the best!

The Mayers


Howdy y'all! Want to give y'all a quick update with what's going on!

We are approaching the halfway mark here in the Spring semester at A&M and the Lord is definitely not slowing down! It honestly feels like howdy week here again with how hungry students are to hear about the Lord!

Spring break is this next week and we have a bunch of mission trips going all over the state and to surrounding states. These will include trips that involve: renovation // helping existing churches, outreach in towns/cities, campus outreach, and staying here at A&M.

Megan and I are taking the week to support raise both for our monthly and overseas budget so please be in prayer in that regard :)

One other thing: we need prayer for a homie we met weeks ago! There's a guy named Corey who we met playing ultimate frisbee on campus. He doesn't love the Lord yet but we are making breakthrough with our relationship. Last night we were able to talk a little bit of how he grew up and we got to minister to his heart about what it means to walk with God! Please pray that his heart will become more and more sensitive to the Holy Spirit as the weeks progress :)


God bless y'all!
-The Mayers

Little picture from service last night :)

Little picture from service last night :)


Hey y’all! First off love you guys! We are in full swing here at TAMU! Students are back and the Lord is moving among them! Sorry about the lack of posts lately! I’m hopping back on to update y’all about everything that is going on!

Also be on the lookout for our newsletters! They will be sent out this week! If you guys have any prayer requests or needs please reach out to us! We love y’all and can’t wait to tell you of what’s all happening here! Be blessed!


Howdy Y'all!
It's been a minute since I last talked to you guys so here's a brief update of what's going on!

Our crew just got back from our Campus Missionary Conference hosted in Phoenix, Arizona! The purpose of this conference was to seek the Holy Spirit and to receive marching orders of what the Lord wants to do here at Texas A&M in the next few years! We were there from Monday through yesterday haha! Super sweet time to relax and get ready for the year to come!

In the next few days there will also be a crew of us trekking up to Durango, CO for our intern retreat (1st years), church in the mountains, as well as our leaders advance. The intern retreat is going to be a three day backpacking trip in the Chicago Basin about thirty minutes north of Durango. Although it won't only be interns, we as a staff team will go with them, to push them physically, mentally, and spiritually during this hike haha. It's gonna be a sweet time! Please keep us in prayer for a few things: us to grow closer to the Lord together, for great conversation, safety for all the hikers during this trip, as well as good weather.

Mountain Valley is going from the Brazos Valley to the mountain tops of the San Juan Mountains! Our church body is going to be together for a short period of time in the mountains, where we can have a 'mountain top experience' with the Lord and with each other!

Our leaders advance is going to be in the same spot where Church in the Mountains will be. We are expecting 225 small group leaders to be up in mountains with us from the 10-13th. Please pray for: the tearing up of fallow ground (ground untilled) in the hearts of each leader, a spirit of repentance to be upon the entire camp, a newfound joy in fighting for lost souls, and for the Lamb to receive the reward of His suffering!

After these few weeks, we are hopping directly into moveins at TAMU and howdy week (welcome week) at the university!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for Megan and me! We cherish all of you in our hearts. We pray that you guys would run towards the Father heart of God and pursue a deeper intimacy with our creator!

Love Y'all!


Digging Trenches

Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till he comes and rains righteousness on you. - Hosea 10:12

Break up your fallow ground… I remember one night a few years ago I was puffed up in my spirit. I was fresh off the boat as a new intern, ready to advance the Kingdom of God where my feet were. So I got on my knees and prayed a bold prayer, “Lord… humble me.” The very next day, I was asked to be a part of a three man team to dig a 2 foot deep by 6 inch wide trench fifty yards to hook up electricity and water to an airstream from a house. As I was digging, the Lord spoke to me, “Son, you asked for me to humble you, I’m giving you an opportunity to be humble!” God was handing me the maddox to plow the fallow ground of my heart! The facts were, the electricity that was going to the airstream would power a coffee roaster that would roast coffee beans that would be bagged, sold, and brewed into a cup of coffee. The hope being whoever is around that cup, will be conversing or pondering about things concerning eternity.

When we look into what fallow ground actually is, it is literally ground that has not been tilled or plowed. Ground that has potential but has had no work to conquer it. That is a part of what God intended when He created Adam. First, that Adam would have fellowship with Him, and then go from the garden to conquer the land (see Gen 1:28). This is also the dream that God has for our lives. First, to be reconciled back to Him by the blood of Christ. After that, by abiding in His presence, He teaches and instructs us how to live as His sons and daughters. While we are in that posture, The Holy Spirit will lead us to grounds in our heart that are fallow and need to be broken up through repentance. These grounds being areas of our heart that are not fully yielded to Him.

When we look at this scripture, we see that God commands us to break up the fallow ground ourselves. He won’t personally break it up. This is not because He doesn’t want to, but because He wants us to take responsibility for ourselves when being led by the Holy Spirit. Try to imagine the dreams God has for your life! The picture is if we want something beautiful to happen, we must first break up our own fallow ground in order for a seed of righteousness from the Lord to be sown. When we do this, the Bible is clear that, “We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.1”

2 Corinthians 3:18


The Higher Path

“But if your servant says to you, “I do not want to leave you,” because he loves you and your family and is well off with you, 17 then take an awl and push it through his earlobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life.” -Deuteronomy 15:16-17

As the text above states, there’s a choice to the servant, once his debts are forgiven, to either go free and live his own life or to forsake everything to live with his master. Can you imagine? A servant serving his years under a master, dreaming of the day his debts will be forgiven and he’ll be off free, only to be won over by the heart of the master to live with him forever! Oh what a splendid picture of how a man will forsake all to pursue life with his master!

A wonderful similarity can be drawn to this and the walk that encompasses every born-again believer. There is an undisclosed point in every believer's life where the Holy Spirit calls them to a deeper intimacy with the Godhead and, once again, a choice is given. Just like their initial salvation, there is a continual choice to go down the narrow of the narrow path. To truly understand this means the believer is to aspire after every facet of God’s character through holiness as he can. There’s a wonderful verse in Psalm 29 where David declares: “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.1” That’s it, worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. What a wonderful state! To desire the entirety of God’s holiness, as much as we can contain. In a later Psalm it states: “He makes His ministers a flame of fire.2” When this deeper invitation of intimacy comes, just know, God purifies through His holy fire. This will burn away the remnant of the world and the flesh, but will also refine the character that He has given you.

“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…3” Once again, the believer has a choice to make. To either dive into the depths of His holiness, to explore the infinite ways of God’s beautiful character, or to reject the invitation and choose the lower order of the Christian walk. Wesley states that, “He still goes on, in what may be called a good way, serving God in a degree, and finds mercy in the close of life, through the blood of the covenant.4” Unfortunately this is all too true. Some are just content to be a part of the audience and not the army. They are willing to serve, but not to the extent that they have been invited to do. If the invitation is rejected, there will be loss to the Lord, by the means of what could have been. So I ask you: if you were to allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, what path will He say you’re truly on?

1: Psalms 29:2
2: Psalms 104:4
3: Hebrews 3:8
4: Coals of Fire By G.D. Watson page 43

Simpson drill field is my favorite place on campus! This is where I met Josh 6 years ago, have had wonderful conversatio...

Simpson drill field is my favorite place on campus! This is where I met Josh 6 years ago, have had wonderful conversations with students, and where more are going to surrender their lives to Christ!

Will you guys pray with me, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to be here at this place, and for their to be a miraculous increase in the harvest!

Right now is a time of Jubilee, a time to grow deeper with God. To grow in his rich mercy and knowledge of who He is! I do believe this upcoming year is going to be world changing, I can’t put my finger on the reason why, but I do believe it will be.

Love you guys!

“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:14-19

Hey y’all! Here’s my newsletter for this semester! Stayed tuned for more! Y’all the best 🤠

Hey y’all! Here’s my newsletter for this semester! Stayed tuned for more! Y’all the best 🤠

Hey team! Here are the rest of the photos from the spring break trip to Durango! Love you guys!

Hey team!

Here are the rest of the photos from the spring break trip to Durango! Love you guys!

Howdy y’all! Well, we’re driving back from CO right now and lemme tell y’all.... The Lord moved!Over the span of time we...

Howdy y’all! Well, we’re driving back from CO right now and lemme tell y’all.... The Lord moved!

Over the span of time we were in Durango, we helped out Durango Cowboy Church with Pastor Formby and his congregation. Were super grateful for both his and the church’s hospitality. They hosted 10 rowdy Aggies 🤠.

As far as what happened at Ft. Lewis... The whole campus knew who we were by the middle of day two on campus, out of the 3 days we were at Ft. Lewis!

Our prayer going into the trip was that we would find the remnant of the campus, kinda like back in the prophet Daniel’s day, when him and his friends were captive in Babylon, and encourage them to keep fighting for the highest good for God and his kingdom at FT. Lewis.

Another prayer of ours was answered as well! There was a student who gave her life to Christ during our large group service on Wednesday. She was brought up in a Native American background, where animism is very common, and has never heard from any gods she was serving. However, Christ spoke to her and gave her a new heart! Thank you Lord!!!

As far as the team goes, all of us have never had as much fun on a Spring break trip as this one! Love and laughter really do plow hard hearts. This was the main conviction we were using on the trip and as a result, students were walking up to us and wanting to stay around!

The Lord gave me some verses for Ft. Lewis and for Durango in general as we were there in Jeremiah 32:34-41, relating to the high places which God wants to tear down.

There is so much more God wants to do in Durango, please pray with me for:

- Pastor Formby and his church, for leaders, specifically a youth pastor

- Ft. Lewis: the remnant there would desire a deeper relationship with God, and for hard soil to be plowed

-Durango: for the high places to be torn down in the name of Jesus

Y’all are the best! Pictures will be posted later! 🤠🤠

Howdy y’all! Well it’s spring break here at Texas A&M and we have teams going all over Texas and the country to make Chr...

Howdy y’all! Well it’s spring break here at Texas A&M and we have teams going all over Texas and the country to make Christ known!

Be in prayer for us! Myself, Megan, and Chris have the privilege of going with a team of 8 students on an epic trip to Durango.

Pray for safe travels, soft hearts, and good soil, as we’re going to be meeting local students at Ft. Lewis College.

Also pray for strongholds to come crumbling down as we’re here for this upcoming week. We truly believe there will be transformed hearts while we’re here!!

Love you guys!

Merry Christmas! From yours at the Agape House 🎄🎄🎉🥳

Merry Christmas! From yours at the Agape House 🎄🎄🎉🥳


Happy Thanksgiving y'all! Enjoy the holiday with your families and friends! Praying for y'all :)


There is no more blessed training in prayer then that that comes through being compelled to ask again and again and again even through a long period of years before one obtains that which he seeks from God. Many people call it submission to the will of God when God does not grant them their requests at the first or second asking, and they say,

"Well, perhaps it is not God's will."

As a rule this is not submission, but spiritual laziness.

We do not call it submission to the will of God when we give up after one or two efforts to obtain things by action; we call it lack of strength of character. When the strong man of action starts out to accomplish a thing, if he does not accomplish it the first or second or one-hundredth time, he keeps hammering away until he does accomplish it; and the strong man of prayer when he starts to pray for a thing keeps on praying until he prays it through, and obtains what he seeks.

We should be careful about what we ask from God, but when we do begin to pray for a thing we should never give up praying for it until we get it, or until God makes it very clear and very definite to us that it is not HIs will to give it.

- R.A. Torrey

Howdy y'all! Here's my newsletter from September! October is on deck hahah! Love y'all!

Howdy y'all! Here's my newsletter from September! October is on deck hahah! Love y'all!


Hey y’all!
I’ll be dropping a video later today to update y’all on some exiting things that have been going on here! Can’t wait to catch up with y’all!

At long last here it is y'all! See you guys this week!

At long last here it is y'all! See you guys this week!




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