#trentsevernwaterway #Lock45 #ontariocanada #georgianbaylife #portsevern #countrysidelife #boatinglife #cottageliving #summer2023
Canada Goose at the Lake #canadagoose #nature #lakelife #ontariocanada #summertime #summer2023 #cottagelife #countryliving #summer #jeny’scottagelife #filipino #georgianbay #portsevern
Fireworks on my birthday #fireworks #birthdaysurprise #jeny’scottagelife #CottageLife #willowbaytrailerpark #ontariocanada #filipino #lakelife #countryliving
Along Bayshore Drive, Midland, Ontario, Canada #bayshoredr #Midland #ontario #canada #georgianbaylife #muskokalifestyle #pontiac #sunnyday #ofwlife #countryliving
Driving from King St to Bayshore Dr, Midland, Ontario, Canada #Midland #driving #cottagelife #ontario #canada #georgianbaylife #midlandbay #ofwlife #muskokalifestyle #sunnyday #pontiac
A Sunny Day in Midland #midland #cottagelife #georgianbaylife #sunnyday #Ontario #canada #ofwlife
To Midland, Ontario, Canada
Afternoon boating on the lake #boatinglife #muskokalifestyle #ontario #canada #ofwlifereels #lock42 #boating #cottagelife
The Severn River, Trent-Severn Waterways. Between Lock 43 and Lock 42 #lock42 #trentsevern #cottagesonthewater #swiftrapids #lock43 #ofwlifereels #ontario #canada #muskokalife #muskokalifestyle
Cottages along the Severn River. Between Sparrow Lake and Lock 42 #lock42 #sparrowlake #Lauderdale #swiftrapids #boatinglife #cottagelife #muskokalife #trentsevernwaterway #lock43 #ontario #canada #ofwlifereels
Driving ATV on a dirt road… #atvdriving #atv #countryliving #cottagelife #dirtroad #nature #ontario #Canada #ofw