#wesanderson ‘s WINDOWS!🪟What’s your favorite Wes Anderson film?
🔃 instagram.com/filmoment
The power of #Amélie’s symmetry. 💫
🔃 instagram.com/filmoment
Did you know there is a short film #Whiplash? Initially the director Damien Chazelle couldn't get funding to shoot a feature film, so he made a short film and submitted it into the Sundance Film Festival in 2013. The short film ended up winning the Short Film Jury Award, and he got funding soon after. The rest is history.
One of the best movies of the past decade, do you agree?
🔃 instagram.com/goosebumpscinema
Everything is Connected ❤️🎥[ Cinematic Parallels , Part 1]
🎧: No Surprises - Radiohead
🔃 instagram.com/cinema.infinite
In film, this type of shot is known as an ARC shot. Your subject is usually still, while the camera circles around them. 👁♻
This shot is often used to centralize an audience's focus, heighten tension in a scene, or to create a dizzying effect.
How filmmakers choose to move the camera can have a powerful effect on the audience. Thoughts on this type of shot? 💭🎥
🔃 instagram.com/thefilmzone
"Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?"⠀#Joker
🔃 instagram.com/screenplayed
The Dutch Angle: 🎥📐⠀
A Dutch angle shot is a camera shot with a tilt on the camera’s roll axis. The point of this tilted perspective is to make viewers feel uneasy. Using a Dutch angle shot signals that something is wrong, unsettled, or disorientating.⠀
There are lots of valid reasons to use it. In general filmmakers use it to evoke tension or a psychological meltdown of a character. It is also a great way to communicate impending doom.⠀
Which filmmaker do you think uses this in the most efficient way?⠀
🔃 instagram.com/cinema.encyclopedia
#TomHanks signed onto this film (#ForrestGump) after an hour and a half of reading the script, but agreed to take the role only on the condition that the film was historically accurate. #TomHanks was not paid for this film. Instead, he took percentage points which ultimately netted him in the region of $40 million. 💰⠀
🔃 instagram.com/cinephile.club
“Big Fish” (2003) by Tim Burton.
The finished screenplay found its way to Tim Burton not long after his own father had died, striking an emotionally resonant note with him.
🔃 instagram.com/cinema_perspective
How anime influenced Hollywood film. ⠀
🔃 instagram.com/thefilmzone/