Early warning / vroe tydige waarskuwing !!😀😁😀
We really busy with makin'💸music🎶
the real s**t keep😀takin my focus is that an albums gon' drop ..Namely -Time To Heal❤
This album is gon blow y'all away !!splashin ❤🎶thoughts from rags2riches but stiil rackin it up..it all about daily thins leavin scars deep inside..but music the cure healin it' 😁😀so An Exclisive vibe,Painfull ways and em struggles combined with em postivity ...
s**t gon get real ...talent came crawlin through our veins ...so s**t ain't just a hobby...
💲🎶💿CD's gon drop so be ready with your monry and invest in buidin the young ones foundation...we rare founded..
2 of the songs gon drop on f.book an w.app but get others in album ...😁😀
So lets buid fanbase up from ashes to ashes and dust to dust..❤💿