The latest installment of Extra Squeeze is now available! Hunter sits down for a top tier chat about the sultry scifi film Barbarella (1968) with
Rachel @rachel.wainz and Arielle @whoregasmic, co-hostresses of Oral History @oralhistorypod, a podcast about seductresses.
Available to stream on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor, and other podhubs.
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The latest installment of Extra Squeeze is now available. Listen to Hunter wax poetic about film magic, representation, and home town pride.
Available now thru Spotify, Apple, Google, and many other podhubs.
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The Last Bottle of Chateau Mimeux, the newest short audio fiction presentation by The Pulp Cast is Out Now!
Available at your major podcast pod hubs.
#audiofictionlove #edgarallanpoe #nostalgiacore #thepulpcast #adaptations #theconfessional #acaskofamontillado #crimescene #murdermystery #macarbre #horrorstory #hollywoodundead #malibubeach #oldhollywoodfans #goldenagestories #audioclips #episodetrailer #newfiction #radioshow #aboyandhispod
The Last Bottle of Chateau Mimeux, the newest short audio fiction presentation by The Pulp Cast is Out Now!
Available at your major podcast pod hubs.
#audiofictionlove #edgarallanpoe #nostalgiacore #thepulpcast #adaptations #theconfessional #acaskofamontillado #crimescene #murdermystery #macarbre #horrorstory #hollywoodundead #malibubeach #oldhollywoodfans #goldenagestories #audioclips #episodetrailer #newfiction #radioshow #aboyandhispod
The Last Bottle of Chateau Mimeux, the newest short audio fiction presentation by The Pulp Cast is Out Now!
Available at your major podcast pod hubs.
#audiofictionlove #edgarallanpoe #nostalgiacore #thepulpcast #adaptations #theconfessional #acaskofamontillado #crimescene #murdermystery #macarbre #horrorstory #hollywoodundead #malibubeach #oldhollywoodfans #goldenagestories #audioclips #episodetrailer #newfiction #radioshow #aboyandhispod
TRAILER - The Pulp Cast
The Pulp Cast is a fictional audio drama presentation in nostalgic anthology style. 21st Century stories with old school panache. Depressed detectives, dangerous dames, far-out journeys to outer space, and deep into the human mind. Enjoy original teleplays and new adaptations of forgotten gems from the under-appreciated underbelly of the Golden Age, reshaped and brought to life by the Pulp Cast's creators who are joined by an endearing and enthusiastic cast of guest voice actors. Grab your flashlight and pull the sheets up high, as we leap full speed ahead into the past!