Phew! What a relief right!?
Motherhood can be a battle in just raising these babies..... forget about trying to be perfect.
I praise God that I can turn to Jesus and fall to his feet when my kids are acting wild, being straight up disobedient AND throwing a tantrum everywhich way. Sometimes it's just overwhelming. And in those frustrating times my children will often see me on my knees praying.... because I know the old me who loves to come out when overwhelmed or overstimulated- and so to not give into that old person, I just pray.... and when they see me praying, sometimes they kneel besides me as well. -
I don't hide anything from my babies because they will one day be adults living on their own, dealing with their own life that causes them to be overwhelmed and overstimulated.... and I need to show them how to properly deal with that. I'm showing them I am not perfect I can't do this alone, this is NOT easy , but Jesus is perfect and he CAN amd WILL get me through it. I just have to trust him.