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  Today in History: WTC Sept 11On the morning of September 11, 2001, Stanley Praimnath was at work on the 81st floor of ...

Today in History: WTC Sept 11

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Stanley Praimnath was at work on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center’s South Tower when he witnessed an American Airlines jet heading directly toward his building.

In a split-second decision, he prayed and took cover under his desk just as the plane struck the tower above his office level.

The collision tore a hole in the wall behind him and sucked out almost everything in his office, leaving only his desk, which providentially protected him from the ensuing fire and debris.

Trapped amidst the wreckage, Stanley’s pleas for help were heard by Brian Clark, another survivor, who bravely came to his aid.

Together, they navigated the stairs and managed to flee the building mere minutes before it collapsed. Stanley attributes his miraculous survival to divine intervention and sees Brian as a lifelong friend.

Following this life-changing experience, Stanley turned to pastoral work and motivational speaking, maintaining a deep friendship with Brian.

Roy Cleveland Sullivan was an American park ranger in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Between 1942 and 1977, Sulli...

Roy Cleveland Sullivan was an American park ranger in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.

Between 1942 and 1977, Sullivan was claimed to have been struck by lightning on seven occasions, surviving all of them.

For this reason, he gained the nicknames "Human Lightning Conductor" and "Human Lightning Rod".

Sullivan is recognized by Guinness World Records as the person struck by lightning more recorded times than any other human being.

 .  midweekEighteen-year-old Elizabeth Cochrane was living in Pittsburgh when the local newspaper published an article t...


Eighteen-year-old Elizabeth Cochrane was living in Pittsburgh when the local newspaper published an article titled “What Girls are Good For” (having babies and keeping house was the answer, according to the article). The article displeased Elizabeth enough that she wrote an anonymous rebuttal, which in turned so impressed the paper’s editor that he ran an ad, asking the writer to identify herself. When Elizabeth contacted him, he hired her on the spot. It was customary at the time for female reporters to use pen names, so the editor gave her one that he took from a Stephen Foster song. It was the name under which she would become famous—Nellie Bly.

Bly’s passion was investigative reporting, but the paper usually assigned her to more “feminine” subjects—such as theater and fashion. After writing a controversial series of articles exposing the working conditions of female factory workers, and after again being relegated to reporting on society functions and women’s hobbies, at age 21 Bly left for Mexico on a dangerous and unprecedented (for a woman) assignment to report of the conditions of the working-class people there. After her reporting got her in trouble with the local authorities, she fled the country and later published her dispatches into a popular book.

At age 23, having established a reputation as a daring and provocative reporter, Bly was hired by Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and there she began the undercover project that made her famous. In order to investigate the conditions inside New York’s “Women’s Lunatic Asylum,” Bly took on a fake identity, checked into a women’s boarding house, and faked insanity—so convincingly that she soon found herself committed to the asylum. The report she published of her ten days there was a sensation and led to important reforms in the treatment of the mentally ill.

The following year Bly undertook her most sensational assignment yet: a solo trip around the world inspired by Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days. With only two days’ notice, Bly set out on November 14, 1889, carrying a travel bag with her toiletries and a change of underwear, and her purse tied around her neck. Pulitzer’s competitor, the New York Cosmopolitan, immediately sent out one of its reporters—Elizabeth Bisland—to race Bly, traveling in the opposite direction. As Pulitzer had hoped, the stunt was a publicity bonanza, as readers eagerly followed news on Bly’s journey and the paper sponsoring a contest for readers to guess the exact time of Bly’s return (with the correct guess winning an expense-paid trip to Europe).

Seventy-two days later, Bly made her triumphant return (four and half days ahead of Bisland), having circumnavigated the globe, traveling alone almost the entire time. It was the fastest any human had ever made the journey. Nellie Bly was an international celebrity.

At age 31 Bly married industrialist Robert Seaman, a 73-year-old millionaire, leaving behind her journalism career and her pen name. As Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman she helped run the family business. She patented two inventions during her time as an industrialist, but business was not her really in her skillset and under her leadership the company went bankrupt. When World War I broke out, she returned to journalism, becoming one of the first women reporters to work in an active war zone.

Nellie Bly’s remarkable life ended on January 27, 1922, one hundred two years ago today, when she died of pneumonia in New York at age 57.

The photos below are a publicity shot taken before departing on her round-the-world trip and a photo taken a couple of years later, before her marriage.

It's so heartwarming to write about this man. 200 years ago, a Christian Entrepreneur named John Cadbury laid the founda...

It's so heartwarming to write about this man. 200 years ago, a Christian Entrepreneur named John Cadbury laid the foundation for Cadbury Chocolate.

John Cadbury's profound sense of social responsibility, inspired by his Christian convictions, formed the bedrock of both his company and his brand.

In 1824, John Cadbury inaugurated the Cadbury grocery store with the vision that selling drinking chocolate could serve as a wholesome alternative to alcohol.

His concern stemmed from the belief that alcoholism contributed to poverty by hindering people's ability to work.

During an era when factories were often dismal and perilous environments, John Cadbury ensured that his factory was a safe and humane workplace.

In 1893, he acquired land surrounding the factory to establish Bournville Village, a community designed for the well-being of the workers.

His intention was to offer a secure and pleasant living space as an alternative to the grimy cities.

Each dwelling in Bournville Village was designed for comfort and included a plot of land for cultivating vegetables.

John Cadbury went above and beyond the norms of his time by providing his employees with competitive wages, medical care, educational opportunities, and pension plans.

He also implemented the innovative 5-1/2-day work week and closure for bank holidays.

Sports facilities within the factory were provided for the employees' recreation.

In 1918, the Cadburys established elected work councils, comprising equal numbers of workers and management.

Two centuries later, Cadbury stands as one of the world's largest businesses, valued at over $25 billion.

John Cadbury epitomizes what Christian Entrepreneurship represents, demonstrating virtues and a culture that resonate with the teachings of Christ.

As Christians in Business, we are called to emulate similar principles exhibited by John Cadbury, ensuring that our businesses serve a Greater Cause beyond mere profit.

So, Dear Christian Entrepreneur, Are you building a business that will withstand the test of time, serving both God's Kingdom and humanity?

Daniel Adeniyi

      In the Roman era, public latrines were not just a place for relief, but also a social hub. The communal nature of ...

In the Roman era, public latrines were not just a place for relief, but also a social hub. The communal nature of these facilities meant that Romans would often engage in conversation while attending to their needs. This unique aspect of Roman culture underscores their advanced societal norms and openness.

The design of these public latrines was quite innovative for its time. They were often attached to public baths, utilizing the bath water to flush away waste. This early form of plumbing showcases the Romans’ ingenuity and understanding of sanitation1. However, it’s worth noting that these public facilities were not universally used across all classes. The upper-class Romans, in particular, preferred private latrines, which were usually tucked into corners of houses and shops.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Roman public latrines was the use of a tool called a xylospongium. This was essentially a sponge attached to a stick, used for personal cleaning after relieving oneself. The xylospongium was dipped in a stream of clean water that ran through the center of the latrine. This communal tool, shared by all, is a testament to the Romans’ practical approach to sanitation.

Origin/History of Ndi Akpakara/Iron Condemn/Toshers/ScavengersBy the mid-19th century the British Empire was the foremos...

Origin/History of Ndi Akpakara/Iron Condemn/Toshers/Scavengers

By the mid-19th century the British Empire was the foremost power in the world. London was the Empire's capital and the largest city on the planet, but the city was poverty-stricken. The living conditions in the slums were dreadful on a scale that most people living in Britain today could only imagine. To scratch a living many resorted to crime and prostitution. One way to make a living was as a "sewer-hunter," also known as a "tosher."

A tosher was someone who scavenged the sewers, especially in Victorian London. They entered the sewers with a hoe or fishing net, or something similar, and searched the foul-smelling sewerage for items they could sell or use, including metal, rope, cutlery, coins and other items that had been washed down the drains. Toshers would wait for low tide before walking the rat-infested sewers for miles searching for scraps, and they apparently made a decent wage. By the mid-19th century it was illegal to enter the sewers without permission and toshers were forced to work in secret, mostly at night. It was a very dangerous job, because a tosher risked catching diseases, becoming injured, or getting lost in the maze that is London's sewer system. There were also millions of rats. According to one man speaking about the rats, “They’ve pulled men down and worried ’em, and picked their bones as clean as a washed plate.” Henry Mayhew, who wrote "London Labour and the London Poor", interviewed a sewer hunter and this is what he was told:

“I’ve often seen as many as a hundred rats at once, and they’re woppers in the sewers … they’d think nothink of tackling a man … Do you recollect hearing on the man as was found in the sewers about twelve year ago? … the rats eat every bit of him, and left nothink but his bones.”

The word tosher was also used for people who scavenged the shoreline and dumps. Mayhew described the toshers' appearance:

"These toshers may be seen, especially on the Surrey side of the Thames, habited in long greasy velveteen coats, furnished with pockets of vast capacity, and their nether limbs encased in dirty canvas trousers, and any old slops of shoes… provide themselves, in addition, with a canvas apron, which they tie round them, and a dark lantern similar to a policeman’s; this they strap before them on the right breast, in such a manner that on removing the shade, the bull’s eye throws the light straight forward when they are in an erect position… but when they stoop, it throws the light directly under them so that they can distinctly see any object at their feet. They carry a bag on their back, and in their left hand a pole about seven or eight feet long, on one end of which there is a large iron hoe."
. .

An illustration depicting a London sewer hunter who eked out a living by hunting sewers for anything he could sell (Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images).

Swt Sash Awa
Maria Ude Nwachi
Becky smiles
Maria Ude Nwachi

Happy New Month from all of us at Africurve A Miracle:On the morning of September 11, 2001, Stanley Praimnath was at wor...

Happy New Month from all of us at Africurve

A Miracle:

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Stanley Praimnath was at work on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center’s South Tower when he witnessed an American Airlines jet heading directly toward his building.

In a split-second decision, he prayed and took cover under his desk just as the plane struck the tower above his office level.

The collision tore a hole in the wall behind him and sucked out almost everything in his office, leaving only his desk, which providentially protected him from the ensuing fire and debris.

Trapped amidst the wreckage, Stanley’s pleas for help were heard by Brian Clark, another survivor, who bravely came to his aid.

Together, they navigated the stairs and managed to flee the building mere minutes before it collapsed. Stanley attributes his miraculous survival to divine intervention and sees Brian as a lifelong friend.

Following this life-changing experience, Stanley turned to pastoral work and motivational speaking, maintaining a deep friendship with Brian.

Maria Ude Nwachi
Maria Ude Nwachi
Swt Sash Awa

     How sweet it is! Unsung Hero: Milton Hershey Milton Snavely Hershey (1857 – 1945) was an American chocolatier, busi...

How sweet it is! Unsung Hero: Milton Hershey

Milton Snavely Hershey (1857 – 1945) was an American chocolatier, businessman, and philanthropist.

Hershey pioneered the manufacture of caramel, using fresh milk. The first Hershey bars were sold in 1900 and proved so popular that he was able to build his own company town of Hershey, Pennsylvania.

When he and his wife, Catherine, realized they could not have children, they founded a school for orphaned boys, accommodating around 2,000 students as of 2016. In WWII the company developed a special non-melting bar for troops serving overseas. The Hershey Company, known as Hershey's, is one of the world's biggest confectionery manufacturers.

Historical Facts 1Roman public latrines looked much like their Greek predecessors: rooms lined with stone or wooden benc...

Historical Facts 1

Roman public latrines looked much like their Greek predecessors: rooms lined with stone or wooden bench seats positioned over a sewer.

A tool called a tersorium was “used to clean the buttocks after defecation.” Imagine a loofah, but made of fresh sea sponge, attached to a wooden rod.


This turn of event is still "wow"

This turn of event is still "wow"

Miss America, 1924, Ruth Malcomson clinched the title at the age of 18 after emerging victorious in the Miss Philadelphi...

Miss America, 1924, Ruth Malcomson clinched the title at the age of 18 after emerging victorious in the Miss Philadelphia competition in 1923. During that era, the beauty pageant was known as "The Atlantic City Pageant," and the winner was bestowed with the title of "The Golden Mermaid."

Following her triumph, Malcomson shared her ten principles of beauty:

1. Wake up early.
2. Enjoy a wholesome breakfast.
3. Engage in regular exercise.
4. Avoid alcohol consumption.
5. Recognize the harmful effects of smoking.
6. Spend time outdoors.
7. Opt for a light lunch.
8. Savor a satisfying dinner.
9. Retire to bed early.
10. Prioritize sufficient sleep.

Her advice wasn't particularly surprising, but it is intriguing to note that she recognized the dangers of smoking at a time when many physicians themselves were avid smokers. A poster from 1930 even depicted a doctor in a white coat endorsing Lucky Strike ci******es, claiming that "20,679 physicians say Luckies are less irritating."

Regarding her hairstyle, intentionally disheveled hair was one of the popular trends during the 1920s. Considering that the pageants took place in Atlantic City near the beach, the combined factors of humidity, wind, and saltwater might have accentuated her naturally curly hair, making it more prominent.

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Video coming outing tomorrow, Friday morning...It's gonna be da bomb...  You gonna enjoy watching it...Like and share......

Video coming outing tomorrow, Friday morning...

It's gonna be da bomb...

You gonna enjoy watching it...

Like and share...


Sadio Mane: "When I left Bambali my hometown, I promised three things. Not to disappoint my parents, become a profession...

Sadio Mane: "When I left Bambali my hometown, I promised three things. Not to disappoint my parents, become a professional football player and return to my village to build a school."

So far, he has:
Built a hospital,
Built a Stadium
Built a school,
Gives each family €70 monthly,
Provides 4G internet,
Gives laptops to students.

Ruth Malcomson, an 18-year-old from Philadelphia, won the Miss America title in 1924 after winning the Miss Philadelphia...

Ruth Malcomson, an 18-year-old from Philadelphia, won the Miss America title in 1924 after winning the Miss Philadelphia contest in 1923. During that time, the beauty pageant was known as "The Atlantic City Pageant," and the winner was referred to as "The Golden Mermaid."

The very first Miss Universe Pageantry held in 1952...

The very first Miss Universe Pageantry held in 1952...

Wow! Moses Bliss is taken or has taken... Ghana 🇬🇭 (jollof) don win us for this one...No loudness, no pump, and pageantr...


Moses Bliss is taken or has taken...

Ghana 🇬🇭 (jollof) don win us for this one...

No loudness, no pump, and pageantry...

Simplicity at its best...

Congrats to you..

Africurve : celebrating the present and future beauty of Africa.

Swt Sash Awa
Maria Ude Nwachi

Today, I saw a woman frying plantain chips, and before she grated the plantain into the hot oil, she melted about 5 of t...

Today, I saw a woman frying plantain chips, and before she grated the plantain into the hot oil, she melted about 5 of the white polythene what we call 'olonka rubber' into the oil. Out of shock, I asked why she had to melt that into the oil. She told me that it is done to harden the chips so it doesn't break. Oh my God!!!!! I couldn't believe my ears. She then went on to ask me if I have ever wondered why the ones they sell in traffic are always firm and hardly breaks. People, this is deadly. Hmmm not sure where I should report this to.


Stop Jungle JusticeHe was found with a big plasma TV. Community members were called and he was accused of being a TV thi...

Stop Jungle Justice

He was found with a big plasma TV. Community members were called and he was accused of being a TV thief. They tied him with ropes and started to beat him with different objects. As they were waiting for people who went to fetch petrol and a tyre to burn him. The owner of the plasma arrived.

He told the crowd that he threw the plasma TV away because it was damaged by electricity and he couldn't fix it. The guy who was caught with it is a scrap metal collector who found it at the dumping site. If the owner didn't come and explain, he would have been burned to death.

Shun Jungle Justice


The only female ref in the game. Let's watch together...

The only female ref in the game.
Let's watch together...

Let's go...Happy Sunday

Let's go...

Happy Sunday

A resident of Kerala, was sleeping in snake pajamas with one leg outside the blanket. Anyway, her husband thought it was...

A resident of Kerala, was sleeping in snake pajamas with one leg outside the blanket.

Anyway, her husband thought it was a snake and ended up breaking her leg.

Well, the husband did this to save his wife, but later, it was revealed that the one he thought was a snake, and subsequently harmed, was actually his wife's leg.

It appeared snake-like due to her wearing snake-patterned pajamas.

Was the husband at fault?

MR & MRS AFRICURVE 2024 (REGISTER NOW)🌟 Exciting News from AFRICURVE LIMITED! 🌟Get ready to strut your stuff and unleash...


🌟 Exciting News from AFRICURVE LIMITED! 🌟

Get ready to strut your stuff and unleash your inner star! 🌟 AFRICURVE LIMITED is thrilled to announce our upcoming event on February 9, 2024. It's an opportunity for existing and aspiring models to shine and take their step towards the spotlight.

Registration Feee: N5,000
Register online:

Or pay by transfer here & message 09166299828:
Africurve Limited,
2042987015, First Bank.

Or at our Head Office:
68 Ogui Road, Enugu State (Opposite Ogui Police Station, Enugu)

[If you register, drop screenshot - MUN]

✨ Event Highlights:
Professional Runway Training
Expert Tips from Industry Insiders
Exclusive Photoshoot Sessions
Networking with Renowned Fashion Professionals
📝 Registration Details:
Secure your spot now!
Registration is ongoing, and all you need to do is click on the following link to sign up:

Don't miss out on this chance to kickstart your modeling journey with AFRICURVE LIMITED, a modeling and promotional agency. We can't wait to see you strutting down the runway and making waves in the fashion world!

📅 Save the Date: February 9, 2024.

Foe sponsorship call: 09166299828

Page: Africurve on all SM

🌟 Exciting News from AFRICURVE LIMITED! 🌟📅 Save the Date: February 9, 2024.Venue: UNEC MAIN HALL, ENUGU.Get ready to str...

🌟 Exciting News from AFRICURVE LIMITED! 🌟

📅 Save the Date: February 9, 2024.

Get ready to strut your stuff and unleash your inner star! 🌟 AFRICURVE LIMITED is thrilled to announce our upcoming event on February 9, 2024. It's an opportunity for existing and aspiring models to shine and take their steps towards the spotlight.

✨ Event Highlights:

Professional Runway Training
Expert Tips from Industry Insiders
Exclusive Photoshoot Sessions
Networking with Renowned Fashion Professionals
📝 Registration Details:
Secure your spot now!
Registration is ongoing, and all you need to do is click on the following link to sign up:

Don't miss out on this chance to kickstart your modeling journey with AFRICURVE LIMITED, a modeling and promotional agency. We can't wait to see you strutting down the runway and making waves in the fashion world!

Christmas Inspirations 🎁 So the children are going Christmas gift shopping today and I feel so proud of some of my misch...

Christmas Inspirations 🎁

So the children are going Christmas gift shopping today and I feel so proud of some of my mischief!

So as a family tradition we give each other Christmas gifts. I have always made a budget for that. Each year I distribute money to them to shop. Some gifts are compulsory, they must gift their grandparents, parents and each other. Anyone else they wish to buy for is their business.

The venture used to cost me so much! They bring out their savings and then I augment. Sometimes they would whine so much about not having much money, I would foot the whole gifts bill. Many years after sharing the money, I will be having chest pain. Chai!

This year, I got a bright idea, as if I knew how things would go. I started borrowing from them! Small thing, I would ask for their money.

We just did the math yesterday and I'm owing them each a huge amount of money. That's how the negotiations began. How much can they get? How much of it can they spend? What will they use for gifts? Tithe nko?

People like my Lebanese merchant daughter that has the largest portfolio wanted to bring Isuochi sense into the matter, but God pass devil!

Chai!!!! Na technical knockout! Ahinze has been giving me bombastic side eye! Ogbasakwanu m. Who God don bless, no man can curse!

They are heading to the market today with their big big money.

The testimony is that my shishi no dey am!

Make una celebrate with me oh!

2023 Christmas is smelling great already!

How your side dey abeg?

Make sure to protect your joy oh, no matter what.

With lots of love from your friendly neighbourhood pharmerbaker.


Sash Awa
Swt Sash Awa
Agozie Zilo
Afri Curve

INCREDIBLE Philip Warren, an 87-year-old man, spent 70 years of his life creating incredible miniature warships made fro...

Philip Warren, an 87-year-old man, spent 70 years of his life creating incredible miniature warships made from matchsticks and their wooden boxes.


Let's please stop the wars.
Give peace a chance...
Peace is better...

  The city where it all started 042 obodo ihe na emeEnugu.... The city where Abacha is preferred to Fried rice and chick...

The city where it all started 042 obodo ihe na eme

Enugu.... The city where Abacha is preferred to Fried rice and chicken

Enugu......That town where beer is sold at pump price (don't come and argue it)

Enugu..... Where you're identified either with the school you went to OR the hood you grew up in.

Enugu..... The only town in Nigeria where Gbagba bus 🚌 still exist

Enugu.... The only place you toast a girl with just okpa and coke👌

Enugu.... Where Education overpowers illiteracy

Enugu.... The abode of higher institutions

Enugu..... An environment where the rich and the poor dwell in unity

Enugu..... the Most peaceful city in Nigeria

Enugu.....A city where everything is affordable, both for the rich, average and the poor

Enugu..... The only State where chicks no dey fake love

Enugu.... The city with the cheapest transport fare

Enugu..... The only place in Nigeria where guys dey declare owu before toasting girls

Enugu .... The home of fio fio and Achicha.

You're either onye Enugu or Onye mgbu 😂

I rep O42 ✌🏾 rep more from afia-nine ogui nike obiagu

Courtesy of Enugu State Media


Sash Awa
Afri Curve

Amokwe Community TV

Coal City News

What an amazing discovery! Scientists have discovered that ants, after collecting the grains and seeds that they need fo...

What an amazing discovery!

Scientists have discovered that ants, after collecting the grains and seeds that they need for winter break those seeds down into halves before storing them in their nests because breaking them in half keeps them from germinating even through rain and the most perfect germinating conditions. But scientists were stunned when they discovered that coriander seeds stored in the ant nest were broken down into 4 pieces instead of 2 pieces. After lab research, scientists discovered that a coriander seed will still germinate after being divided into two, but it won’t germinate after it’s divided into four parts. So how do these tiny tiny creatures know all this? Humans know very little, there's a lot to learn from other creatures.

Sash Awa
Blessing Chukwuma
Blessing Chukwuma
Agozie Zilo



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