
InDev Global Development News, Insights and Updates from the Asia Pacific Region

DFAT launches the Office for First Nations International EngagementCommitting $12.6M over 4 yearsThe funding will help d...

DFAT launches the Office for First Nations International Engagement
Committing $12.6M over 4 years

The funding will help develop a pilot First Nations trade and investment advisory group, a First Nations Visitor Economy Partnership, establish support for the use of the intellectual property system to protect Indigenous knowledge, and nurture greater First Nations business participation through Austrade's programs and services.
First Nations People Ambassador, Justin Mohamed, is charged with informing the way Australia engages with the world and ensuring the government delivers its commitment to embed Indigenous perspectives, experiences, and interests into Australia's foreign policy, as well as work with the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

InDev's thoughts: Following the 'No' vote in the voice referendum, it is good to see DFAT continuing to invest in indigenous voices in Foreign Affairs.
From a development perspective, it will be interesting to see how the office continues to engage, building on the indigenous criteria already embedded in programs. Many of the roles the office will play according to DFAT are in people-to-people links, trade and diplomacy. The opportunity to draw on Indigenous knowledge for health, environment and culture offers a unique and powerful approach to impactful programs.

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev ...

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?
Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev Weekly:

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โ–บ Wong returns from Middle East mission - While not in our direct region, the war in Gaza continues to dominate the sector. Penny Wong has just returned from the region, and announcing further funding mostly to Refugee Organisations in Lebanon and Jordan -
โ–บ Authoritarian slide across Asia region - Human Rights Watch has warned of a 'Authoritarian Slide' across asia, from Myanmar to China. And while bad, it did celebrate a few wins in 2023, incluidng LGBT advances across the region. -
โ–บ FinDev Canada's expansion to the Indo-Pacific (Paywall - Devex Pro) - Canada Development Finance Institution has a new strategy and is scaling as it moves into the Indo-Pacific Region. -

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โ–บ PNG's riots are reported to have impacted losses over K1.27 billion -
โ–บ Fiji PM addresses sacking of the Education Minister -

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ก ๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ฌ
โ–บโ–บ Itโ€™s time for humanitarians to tell a more realistic and hopefully story says Elias Sagmeister. The media amplifies the current gloom, mistaking fundraising calls for an accurate assessment of the humanitarian state of the world. Itโ€™s no wonder that public perception aligns: The world is in shambles, the assumption goes, and finding a way forward is more difficult. But the narrative of a world in greater humanitarian need than ever before is misleading and self-defeating. A closer look at global data reveals a more nuanced โ€“ and even a more hopeful โ€“ reality -
โ–บโ–บ Mohamed Ali Diini is demonstrating a new paradigm for international aid โ€“ one that acknowledges and leverages local expertise and agency. The potential implications are important: Whether it is in Somalia or Nepal or Syria, by trusting local organisations to know what their communities need, and equipping them to act on that knowledge, we can achieve more sustainable, effective, and responsive results -
โ–บโ–บ The Humanitarain Funding Gap is getting worse. As the need grows, and NGO's take on even more programs, many outside their humanitarian roles. But Fred Harter argues, change is slow -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 104 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Develop...

Issue 104 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Policy and Advocacy Director at Skala ( DT Global )
โ–บ Climate Justice Strategic Lead at Oxfam Australia
โ–บ Team Leader, Institutional Partnerships at The Fiji Program Support Facility ( Tetra Tech International Development )
โ–บ Australia Program Manager at ygap
โ–บ Review of Theology of Disaster Resilience in a Changing Climate (TDRCC) at Australian Humanitarian Partnership ( Alinea International )
โ–บ Operations and Partnerships Officer at The Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF)
โ–บ Associate Director, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation at Tetra Tech International Development
โ–บ Program Coordinator, Continuous Professional Development Solutions at Australia Awards South Asia and Mongolia ( Palladium: Make It Possible )
โ–บ ANCP Design and Risk Advisor at World Vision Australia

Want to see the list and links: Subscribe to InDev weekly!

And somehow, it's less than a week to Christmas! Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, commented, shared or subscri...

And somehow, it's less than a week to Christmas!
Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, commented, shared or subscribed to InDev.

We wish everyone a merry Christmas, and see you in 2024!

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev ...

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?
Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev Weekly:

๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ?
โ–บ Pacific 'not in the room' during final COP announcement - Pacific delegates at COP have reportedly left feeling disappointed in the final agreement of a 'Global Stocktake. In comments that were planned to be made, the Samoa delegation wanted to call out the litnay of loopholes, but the agreement was announced before speaking. -
โ–บ $265m from Australia at the GRF - Austrlaia has pledged $265m at the Global Refugee forum, with the lions share ($235m) to go to Rohingya. The funding was announced during the GRF in Geneva. -
โ–บ DFAT Annual progress reporting - DFAT has released the 2022-23 Development Program Progress Reports. The reports highlight progress and measurement of DFAT programs, with the 22-23 editions being the last to measure against the Covid-19 Development response plans. -

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โ–บ Tourists stuck in Tuvalu due to damage on runway -
โ–บ Indonesia delays enforcement of fisheries policy -

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ก ๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ฌ
โ–บโ–บ A special Issue of the ODI Development Policy Review has been released: Aid in the Pacific. The review includes fantastic papers with voices from the pacific. A must-read for any development worker in the region. -
โ–บโ–บ Partos has released a report on Navigating power inequalities between Northern and Southern NGOs. The report highlights the power disbalance between North and South, and what actions need to be taken. While many areas were highlighted, funding was the primary are of power disbalance. -
โ–บโ–บ The recent World Bank report on migrant workers (drawing on the Pacific labour mobility study) 'produced limited data on complex issues and is no substitute for culturally appropriate social research' says Matt Withers. -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 103 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Develop...

Issue 103 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Principal Consultant at Sustineo P/L
โ–บ Chief of Policy & Advocacy at Australian Council for International Development
โ–บ Communications Specialist at Water for Women (GHD)
โ–บ Financial Inclusion Advisor at World Vision Australia
โ–บ Senior Professional Officer at ICLEI Oceania
โ–บ Chief Executive Officer at International Nepal Fellowship Australia

Last week we shared some statistics from the CID report, one of which was Uganda being the second largest receipt nation...

Last week we shared some statistics from the CID report, one of which was Uganda being the second largest receipt nation, which started a thread on priority countries for CSO's compared to ODA.

While both governments spend heavily in the Pacific and SE Asia regions, for both Australian and NZ public funding, Africa and the Middle East are the main area of interest. Is this reflective of the need? Good marketing from global NGO's with Live Aid and Make Poverty History?

Is this necessarily a bad thing? CSO's and governments should have different priorities. But, the difference is certainly interesting when speaking on areas of strategy and engagement.

Let us know your thoughts below!

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev ...

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?
Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev Weekly:

Don't forget to add your submission to DFAT's new International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy.
Submissions close 15th Dec -

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โ–บ Australia commits $150m to Pacific Climate - The announcement includes $100m for the Pacific Resilience Fund (The largest contribution so far, second is Saudi Arabia 3 weeks ago), and $50M for the Green Climate Fund. However, no announcement (yet) on the loss and damage fund. In a door stop, the minister responsible stated Australia was engaging with the fund still, one area was a minimum contribution to SIDS -
โ–บ South Pacific Defense Ministers - France, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Tonga, with observing delegations from the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom Defense ministers met this week. amoung decisions made there is a regional Pacific Military Acadmy, France committed $5 Billion Euros (!) for french armed forces in the pacific, including infrastructure, and establishment of a "Pacific Intervention Group" to respond to emergencies -
โ–บ Visa-Free Pacific - Fiji's Deputy PM, Biman Prasad, called again for a Visa-Free Pacific, and called for more direct support to pacific governments -
"If programs are being designed for the Blue Pacific in distant capitals in Washington, Beijing, and elsewhere โ€“ stop! These programs will fail at the very start" (you can read the speech here -

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โ–บ More than 1,200 Rohingya have fled to Indoneisa since November -
โ–บ Tonga's Meteorological Service expects up to 3 cyclones this year, one severe -

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โ–บโ–บ Following the security agreements drive, Xue Gong explores the Mekong region as a test of Chinas development model. Her thoughts, development often requires closer security -
โ–บโ–บ Edward Aspinall writes why Indonesias upcoming election shows signs of a weakening democracy. Jokowi's son is a running mate for one of the candidates, and Jokowi, who holds considerable sway, has backed these leaders, outside of his party. Is dynasty more improtant than party? -
โ–บโ–บ Australia needs to step up its Education engagement in the Pacific writes Anna Kent. Rather than scholarship to SE Asia expanding to the Pacific, more is needed that builds connections and partnerships tailor made for the pacific -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 102 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Develop...

Issue 102 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Climate Change and Environmental Protection Lead at Caritas Australia -
โ–บ Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Coordinator โ€“ Disability at the Pacific Labour Facility (Palladium: Make It Possible) -
โ–บ Head of Financial Planning & Analysis at The Fred Hollows Foundation -
โ–บ Senior Health Adviser (Global Health Funds) at Specialist Health Service (Abt Associates - Australia) -
โ–บ Head of Inclusion Advisory Group at CBM Australia -
โ–บ Policy and Advocacy Coordinator โ€“ Accountable Mining Programme at Transparency International Australia -
โ–บ Relationship Manager at ADRA Australia -

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev ...

Whats happening this week in Global Development for the Asia Pacific?
Check out the latest updates and insights in InDev Weekly:

โ–บ โ–บ The InDev Summer Reading List is here! -

Don't forget to add your submission to DFAT's new International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy.
Submissions close 15th Dec -

๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ?
โ–บ Aus can't support rapid phase out of fossil fuels becasue it's grappling with the "Complex" issues - "It's not โ€ฆ that we're saying, 'No that's it, end of story, end of conversation. But these are complex, difficult issues around the urgent phase out of fossil fuels, and in particular, fossil fuel supply."
Pacific Island countries have been pressing Australia to sign up to the "Port Vila call" for a Just and Equitable Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific. -
โ–บ Pacific Tourism wins Sustainable Development Award - The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) groundbreaking initiative, the Pacific Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework (PSTPF) 2030, won in the โ€œPromote PARTNERSHIPS for development in the Commonwealthโ€ category at the Commonwealth Secretary-Generalโ€™s Innovation for Sustainable Development Awards 2023. -
โ–บ Open Letter on 'abject humiliation' at development conferences - Almost 1,400 signatories from the global south have added their names to an open letter to funders calling out the โ€œabject humiliationโ€ many of them have faced and calling for five changes in how these events are run. -
(Reminds us of a recent discussion on Linkedin on diversity at the Australasian Aid Conference -

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โ–บ PNG PM Cuts delegation to COP from 56 to 29 after leak -
โ–บ The Pacific Games come to a close -

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โ–บโ–บ Ian Satchwell shares Austrlaia should make better use of is leadership in minerals to connect and invest in Southeast Asia -
โ–บโ–บ Terence Wood shares insights into the thinking of new minister for Foreign Affairs in NZ. While there is precendant in the person, the govenremnt Peters is a part of is new, and the devil will be in the details -
โ–บโ–บ Australia can 'set the rhythm' of financing in the pacific, as it replaces China as the leading source of loans in the region ( But, Alexandre Dayant and Riley Duke also share that China's approach has shifted from big, brash loans, to 'Small but Beautiful' financing -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 101 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Develop...

Issue 101 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Network Coordinator at the Research for Development Impact Network -
โ–บ Senior Social Protection Specialist at Development Pathways Ltd -
โ–บ Project Officer (World Scabies Program) at Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) -
โ–บ Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer at Pacific Community-SPC -
โ–บ Program Director, Nauru-Australia Economic Governance Program at DT Global -
โ–บ Business Development Lead at Save the Children Australia -
โ–บ Program Officer (International Engagement Team) at the Australian Human Rights Commission -

DFAT released their consolidated Australia Awards facility last week, a contract flagged as around $250m worth. The cont...

DFAT released their consolidated Australia Awards facility last week, a contract flagged as around $250m worth. The contract brings together the Australia Awards programs to 'find harmonisation and increase engagement', among other things.
The trend of 9-figure contracts slowed during covid, but is picking up again now. Are $100 million+ contracts staying the norm? As the average value grows (except for covid years) is the trend of 'mega contracts' coming to Aus (like USAID and their issues)? Could this lead to further consolidation of contractors? Or is this just the reality of stretched government departments?

InDev Weekly - Issue 101!A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sectorโ–บ โ–บ  The InD...

InDev Weekly - Issue 101!
A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ โ–บ The InDev Summer Reading List is here! -

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง UK releases new Development White Paper:
๐˜–๐˜ถ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ: ๐˜ข ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ธ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ-๐˜—๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ค, ๐˜ฃ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ค ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜œ๐˜’ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜‹๐˜ฆ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต.

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โ–บ Supporting Democracy in our region - ACFID have welcomed an Australian parlimentary committee report on democracy in the indopacific. It includes recommendations for a CSO fund (sounds familiar), a minimum percentage of ODA to Civil society and pacific media support activities, amoungst other recommendations.
โ–บMax benefit from Loss and Damage fund - Australias climate minister has said Australiaโ€™s objective is to ensure the new fund โ€œdelivered practical outcomes and maximum impact for the Pacific, and other countries who are particularly vulnerable to climate impactsโ€
โ–บ European Centre for Humanitarian Research and Innovation - The EU Parliament has adopted a a report on how to build an innovative humanitarian aid strategy, with a spotlight on current and forgotten crises. The report includes calls for the EU to increase aid budgets, while another recommendation caught our eye: "to establish a European Centre ... bringing together experts from academia and practitioners to foster innovation in the humanitarian sector, notably on access to new sources of finance"

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โ–บ Saudi Arabia has led pledges for the Pacific Resilience Fund
โ–บ The Pacific Games have kicked of in the Solomon Islands

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ก ๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ฌ
โ–บโ–บ Academics from Massey University shared research on seasonal workers, and pacific nations' concerns on the brain drain that is occuring. Their solution, only unskilled seasonal workers.
โ–บโ–บ After Kevin Brown's provocative message on excessive aid branding went viral, it seemed big aid brands needed the wake-up call. He's now written six implications of this overboard branding and what agenceis need to change. (Paywall - Devex)
โ–บโ–บ Resistance Humanitarianism, emerging out of Myanmar, could give advantages to localised humanitarian work, but only if aid orgs rethink their approach, and ego, says Adelina Kamal in the Humanitarian Leader.

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

We're trying out a new format for InDev Weekly this week, and would love you thoughts!Drop us a message, reply to the ne...

We're trying out a new format for InDev Weekly this week, and would love you thoughts!

Drop us a message, reply to the newsletter, or add your comments here.

Haven't signed up for InDev? It's not too late:

Issue 100 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Develop...

Issue 100 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ International Womenโ€™s Development Agency are recruiting for a Chief Executive Officer -
โ–บ World Vision Australia has an opening for a Country Impact Officer -
โ–บ WaterAid Australia is looking for a Regional Business Development Manager -
โ–บ MSI-Asia Pacific is seeking an External Relations & Advocacy Director -
โ–บ Australian Himalayan Foundation has an opening for a Head of Fundraising -
โ–บ The Australian Electoral Commission are recruiting for a Senior Engagement Officer, International Engagement -

InDev Weekly - Issue 100!A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sectorโ–บ โ–บ  The InD...

InDev Weekly - Issue 100!
A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ โ–บ The InDev Summer Reading List is here! -

โ–บ As the Pacific Games prepare to kick off in Solomon Islands, for Australia, China and the US, there are other games going on -
โ–บ Climate Whiplash: extreme fluctuations between drought and flooding are devastating millions of lives -
โ–บ UK government plans radical shake-up of foreign aid for climate change disasters -

From the region:
โ–บ Bougainville Seeks U.S. Support Amid Strategic Rivalry in the Pacific -
โ–บ Xi hopes Fiji will continue 'firm' support for China -

โ–บโ–บ Stop thinking of foreign aid as a tool for global influence -
โ–บโ–บ Pacific Aid Map: Big data gaps are skewing the story about women -
โ–บโ–บ Australian development cooperation: Urgent and important, but โ€œnot a priorityโ€ -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

The InDev Summer Reading List is here!To go with our 100th Issue of InDev, we are so excited to release the InDev readin...

The InDev Summer Reading List is here!
To go with our 100th Issue of InDev, we are so excited to release the InDev reading list.

If you're looking for something to read over the summer, we have compiled the essential reading list for Global Development, Social Justice, and Impact. These books challenge thinking, share stories of determination, and help us understand how our world and our sector work.

Check them out below:
Redundant Charities by Weh Yeoh
The Defiant Optimist by Durreen Shahnaz
White Saviorism in International Development edited by Themrise Khan, Dickson Kanakulya, and Maรฏka Sondarjee, PhD.
Reframing Aid by Keren Winterford, Deborah Rhodes and Chris Dureau
Dear Development Practitioner edited by Simon Milligan and Lee Wilson
Donโ€™t Lead Alone by Cleveland Justis, Daniel Student
How Migration Really Works by Hein de Haas
The Consul by Ian Kemish
An Unlikely Prisoner by Sean Turnell
The Queen is Dead by Stan Grant

Check out the Reading list here:

Today we send out the 100th issue of InDev Weekly!We are so thankful to everyone who has been part of this journey!Heres...

Today we send out the 100th issue of InDev Weekly!

We are so thankful to everyone who has been part of this journey!

Heres to 100 more sharing news, insights and opportunities in Asia Pacific for the Global development community.
We are excited for these next stages as we seek, not just to share information, but to build knowledge, awareness and collaboration across the sector.

Issue 99 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Developm...

Issue 99 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Catalpa International are recruiting for a Communications Lead -
โ–บ International Needs Australia has an opening for a Chief Executive Officer -
โ–บ DT Global is looking for a Operations Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure -
โ–บ Global Voices is seeking Board Members -
โ–บ Abt Associates - Australia have an opening for a GEDSI Program Manager, Bougainville Partnership -
โ–บ GHD are recruiting for a Sports Partnerships Specialist, Team Up, PNG -

InDev Weekly - Issue 99!A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sectorโ–บ โ–บ  We are b...

InDev Weekly - Issue 99!
A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ โ–บ We are building an InDev Summer Reading List! Add your book recommendations here (Closing on Thursday) -

โ–บ Forum outcomes cover environment, security and gender -
โ–บ Australian women and children in Syrian refugee camp lose legal bid to return home -
โ–บ 7 Ways to Use Large Language Models in International Development -

From the region:
โ–บ Nauru walkout stuns Pacific summit before landmark deal -
โ–บ US 'ready now' to deliver climate funding for the Pacific - ambassador to UN -

โ–บโ–บ Australia has long viewed the Pacific as a place of threats that must be contained. Itโ€™s time for this mindset to change -
โ–บโ–บ Equipping Australia for development impact -
โ–บโ–บ How Wall Street Co-opted Impact Investingโ€”And What to Do about It -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 98 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Developm...

Issue 98 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Impact Private Sector Partnerships (Palladium: Make It Possible) are recruiting for a Senior Program Officer, Pacific and Renewable Energy -
โ–บ Impact Pathways has an opening for a Business Development Coordinator -
โ–บ Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility - PRIF (ADB) is looking for a Team Leader -
โ–บ World Vision Australia is seeking a Continuous Improvement Program Manager -
โ–บ DT Global have an opening for a Manager โ€“ Strategic Talent Engagement -
โ–บ Islamic Relief Australia are recruiting for a Director of Fundraising and Community Relations -
โ–บ World Vision Australia is looking for a Programme Strategy & Operations Lead (FMNR Scale Up) -

InDev Weekly - Issue 98!A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sectorโ–บ โ–บ  The InDe...

InDev Weekly - Issue 98!
A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ โ–บ The InDev 2023 Survey: We need your help! Help InDev grow by filling out this anonymous survey -

โ–บ China abandons 'loud and brash' for 'small and beautiful' in Pacific investment, according to Lowy Institute -
โ–บ Launch of Fijiโ€™s first-ever Sovereign Blue Bond -
โ–บ Pacific Islands the worldโ€™s most aid-reliant region, report finds -

From the region:
โ–บ 'Proud': What hosting Forum means to Cook Islanders -
โ–บ Don't 'suck up' all the oxygen at Pacific Islands Forum, Mark Brown warns superpowers -

โ–บโ–บ How are global powers engaging with the Pacific? And who is most effective? These 5 maps provide a glimpse -
โ–บโ–บ DFATโ€™s new disability equity and rights strategy: An opportunity to shift the dial. -
โ–บโ–บ Six things INGOs must do to fund local partners fairly -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 97 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Developm...

Issue 97 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ WWF Pacific has an opening for a PNG Country Director -
โ–บ Griffith International Development Unit is looking for a Project Coordinator - Tender Specialist -
โ–บ Fred Hollows Foundation is seeking a Head of Development Effectiveness -
โ–บ DT Global have an opening for a Program Manager (Corporate) - Fiji -

InDev Weekly - Issue 97!A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sectorโ–บ โ–บ  The InDe...

InDev Weekly - Issue 97!
A quick summary of Asia Pacific news and analysis for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ โ–บ The InDev 2023 Survey: We need your help! Help InDev grow by filling out this anonymous survey -

โ–บ Google to run internet cables to Pacific islands in Australia-U.S. deal -
โ–บ Cyclone Lola: Pregnant woman among up to three people killed in Vanuatu -
โ–บ Exclusive: UK to turn to buying disaster insurance in new aid strategy -

From the region:
โ–บ FijiFirst criticizes Fijiโ€™s vote against UN resolution -
โ–บ Samoa Parliament agrees to clarify wording on women's seats quota -

โ–บโ–บ Yesterdayโ€™s crisis: Australia cuts aid to Rohingya refugees -
โ–บโ–บ Zero-Problem Philanthropy -
โ–บโ–บ On the front foot: envisioning a model for anticipatory action in the pacific -

Thereโ€™s plenty more in InDev Weekly, sign up now!

Issue 96 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global DevelopmentAsia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Developm...

Issue 96 - InDev Weekly Jobs in Asia-Pacific Global Development
Asia-Pacific career opportunities for the Global Development Sector

โ–บ Global Development at UQ are recruiting for a International Project Coordinator -
โ–บ Human Rights Watch has an opening for a China Director -
โ–บ KTF - Kokoda Track Foundation is looking for a Project Coordinator-Health -
โ–บ CBM Australia is seeking a Program Coordinator -
โ–บ Plan International Australia have an opening for a Prospect Researcher -
โ–บ ADRA Australia is seeking a National Programs Project Facilitator -

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InDevโ€™s goal is to help enhance the International Development ecosystem in our region, and one of the key steps in supporting and growing an ecosystem that creates impact is to understand who is involved. In Global Development, many of us are familiar with the areas that we connect with most, but may miss the massive impact, career opportunities or learnings that can come from across the whole ecosystem.

In our first step to helping build the ecosystem, we are so excited to release Version 1 of the InDev Australian Development Sector Map.

To learn more about the map, access it in higher detail, and help us improve it by adding more organisations, visit



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