In Astrology, the 12th house has historically been associated with "the house of hidden enemies." However, many people misunderstand this interpretation and take it too literally.
The 12th house is not about other people who might deceive us, but rather it represents our deepest fears, secrets, and hidden desires. Embracing this energy can lead to a significant spiritual awakening and psychological transformation.
Those with strong 12th house placements may show a keen interest in spirituality but also feel disconnected from the world. By tapping into this energy and exploring its depths, individuals can attain personal growth and transformation.
The 12th house acts like a double-edged sword, as the venom that ails us is also the antidote that heals us. Ultimately, integrating the energy of the 12th house can help individuals become more whole and authentic.
Now, let's dig a little deeper...shall we?
-Exploring the Profound Significance of the 12th House
Imagine yourself in a dimly lit room. With you and a mirror as the only occupants. As you gaze into the mirror at your own reflection, feelings of "uneasiness" creep up the base of your spine. You are alone... and the silence begins to strengthen in vibration causing the sounds of your own beating heart to fill the void.
Every hair on the back of your neck erects into standing formation, tuning into your senses for survival, trying to feel out the intruding vo**ur that must be causing this looming sense of dread.
You turn around... you scale the walls.. every corner, nook, and cranny …
Nothing, No one, but you, that damned foggy mirror and the liminal spaces betwixt the fear itself.
In a desperate attempt to have control amidst the confusion , a white hot rage surges from your underbelly.
Without hesitation, you take the mirror that seems to mock your very existence and smash it into a thousand, fragmented pieces.....
After the overwhelming realization that you were the only one that was hiding from you, the shards of broken, jagged edged reflections are a reminder that you are the only one that has to deal with the consequences of your own actions.
Surrendering to the sense of grief for the only other "being" in the room, you begin to pick up the pieces of you that are worth mending back together...
Welcome to the 12th house of hidden inner truths, my friend.
When writing out that metaphor, I was reminded of the old fun house mirrors at the county fairs.
How they used to bring symptoms of vertigo, feelings of entrapment, and misleading my cognitive ability to see a "way out". If I would stop, close my eyes, breathe and then begin to find the exit .. it wouldn't take long for me to see the light from the exit door, bringing emotions of liberating vigor and accomplishment to my 8 year old self.
This is how I would describe, metaphorically, the way to approach shadow work, healing and integration.
If you take the time to see the illusion …delusions cease to hinder your insight, leading you to find the most beneficial way towards your light.
The 12th house has no other forms of materialization within it, the unconscious mind on the microcosmic scale
Whatever manifests within this house, is only a subconscious projection of our fears, regrets, and our shadow's hidden agenda in order to get your full attention, somehow.
Kind of sheds a whole new light on the saying, "What you are seeking, is seeking you" , doesn't it?
You must do the inner work in order to tap into its Juicy Jupiter infused manifestations of “phenomenal cosmic power!”
-Understanding Subconscious Projection: How Our Unconscious Mind Affects Our Daily Life
The concept of subconscious projection suggests that our unconscious thoughts and feelings can influence our actions and perceptions. Our past experiences, emotions, and beliefs can shape our subconscious, which can then impact our conscious thoughts and behaviors. It's important to recognize this phenomenon because it can affect our decision-making, problem-solving, and interpersonal relationships.
By understanding subconscious projection, we can identify and address any biases or patterns that may be affecting our behavior, allowing us to make more informed choices.
-Closing Statement-
I feel it is important to note that avoidance to these inner infatuations of our self image ..rather than a serious dedication to our self growth and understanding that we are not who we think we are.. will inevitably manifest external encounters with those triggering behaviors that will force us into either accepting the call to rise up out of the ashes of our past or to fall into submission to the suffering that continues to control our lives.
While I am not a fan of those who victim shame.. There comes a time where we have to stop looking for shadows in others and see the patterns we allow to unfold in our lives.
One must acknowledge that the unhealed trauma, unacknowledged desires, and repressed emotions, The shadow self, contributes to our subconscious projection. Even if we did not cause our own deepest wounds, it is our responsibility to work towards healing them.
While this may feel unfair, it's important to remember that life itself is neither fair nor unfair – it simply exists. By taking accountability for our own healing, we can move towards a more intentional and fulfilling life.
Happy Healing…..
Anna VonBehren